I hope netflix does a season 3.
I needs static
depends if netflix want to pay Milestone or not, DC no longer have those rights. So could be no Rocket, Icon, or Static
well like I said, we are all entitled to our opinions, but all that setup and justification and exposition and circumstance just to sell that story is bending over backwards. Just to set up the unlikely situation of an American city full of people being struck off and as you say 'declared a 3rd world country'.
And suddenly Superman is not only helpless, but a dick, because the only thing that can save Gotham is the invisible hand of the free market and public opinion.
All these freak unlikely setups just so dark and gritty superhero can have a darker and grittier city to suffer just like him, so both of them can go to the edge and all that blah blah. I mean, I loved the stories, but no, politics and circumstances and technicalities are not going to give us a no-man's land. Not without the hand of God aka writers and editor directives.
Anyway, sort of unrelated, but the okcupid thread reminded me. Maybe this is a light skinned black guy thing, or a black guy in a big city using online dating thing, but I've noticed I get a strange amount of attention from asian girls. Not a ton, but waay more than statistics would have me believe I should be. On okc I don't message them more often, and on tinder I pretty much swipe everyone and sort out the matches.
And then, of the ones I do connect with, I find that their exes were black. I don't know if I'm just their "type" or something, maybe I'm just overthinking things. Probably. I mean, attention from hot girls is awesome regardless of their race, but still...
Well yeah the series boiled his powers down to "weak Superman" and he got obsolete fast. They made my man background romance character.
Edit: Shit where is my Hitman series. Give me that instead of Preacher.
As much as I didn't necessarily like No Man's Land, gotta side with Adder. Mostly because his argument is a lot like my own for Avengers/NewAvengers, Time Runs Out, and Secret Wars.
I knew someone rocking cyborg wasn't shit
Hahaha, and thus the war begins.
If it makes ya feel better, I would be arguing it a very different way.
what's a good MMO?
ThisDon't really have enough experience to know what constitutes a good MMO, but Final Fantasy XIV is pretty cool.
and thisFor story oriented stuff, The Secret World.
For gameplay? The hell should I know, most MMO gameplay sucks.
and this, plus Vindicutus and Phantasy Star Online 2. First one is buy plus sub, next two are buy to play, last two are free to play.Combat system wise...Black Desert Online is the truth. It's really hard to go back to that WoW/FFXIV style of combat.
Morning everyone!
what's a good MMO?
How you feeling this morning?
Batman spoiler.
I'm aware. I still laughed hard. Real hard. Instant turnaround from dude just from that..geezuz. Enjoyed his character right up to that moment.I actually had no problem with that.Her name is Martha in the comics too and if there's absolutely anything that would stop a bloodthirsty Batman it's parent death. We make jokes about Batman being the "my parents are deeeaaaad!" guy all the time but there really is something there.
I'm glad.Had a long talk with the right personFeeling good about myself.
I actually had no problem with that.Her name is Martha in the comics too and if there's absolutely anything that would stop a bloodthirsty Batman it's parent death. We make jokes about Batman being the "my parents are deeeaaaad!" guy all the time but there really is something there.
I'm aware. I still laughed hard. Real hard. Instant turnaround from dude just from that..geezuz. Enjoyed his character right up to that moment.
There's a theory going around thatthis Batman actually killed Joker after he killed Robin and that's why he's so bloodthirsty.
What really pissed me off was Lois and her little side mission.
Were they actually trying to frame Superman for that desert village massacre by implying that he SHOT people with those special bullets? And her endgame resulted in essentially nothing but her getting kidnapped. Then she throws this extremely powerful spear into a pond because that's the safest place clearly, only to have to retrieve it again and almost dying while doing so, forcing Superman to go get it, and even though he survived breathing in Kryptonite gas several times and having the spear that close to his face he's basically almost dead when he resurfaces.
What the hell was Lex going to do after Doomsday killed Superman? It's not like Doomsday obeyed him or anything. The first thing he tries to do is kill him. Doomsday was about to destroy everything and Lex didn't have Kryptonite anymore.
There's a theory going around thatthis Batman actually killed Joker after he killed Robin and that's why he's so bloodthirsty.
What really pissed me off was Lois and her little side mission.
Were they actually trying to frame Superman for that desert village massacre by implying that he SHOT people with those special bullets? And her endgame resulted in essentially nothing but her getting kidnapped. Then she throws this extremely powerful spear into a pond because that's the safest place clearly, only to have to retrieve it again and almost dying while doing so, forcing Superman to go get it, and even though he survived breathing in Kryptonite gas several times and having the spear that close to his face he's basically almost dead when he resurfaces.
What the hell was Lex going to do after Doomsday killed Superman? It's not like Doomsday obeyed him or anything. The first thing he tries to do is kill him. Doomsday was about to destroy everything and Lex didn't have Kryptonite anymore.
If the Joker killed Robin in this bizarre universe, how the FUCK is he still alive when this Batman is killing goons left and right? lol.
Lois was one of the most frustrating characters in history. If people hate that one chick from DD, they must want to set Lois ablaze! The Superman shooting people shit made my jaw drop. Who wrote this nonsense? The spear scene was fine..until, for NO REASON, she says "Nope. Better get it back!" which was just another damsel in distress mechanic. Come on.
If the Joker killed Robin in this bizarre universe, how the FUCK is he still alive when this Batman is killing goons left and right? lol.
Lois was one of the most frustrating characters in history. If people hate that one chick from DD, they must want to set Lois ablaze! The Superman shooting people shit made my jaw drop. Who wrote this nonsense? The spear scene was fine..until, for NO REASON, she says "Nope. Better get it back!" which was just another damsel in distress mechanic. Come on.
Lex? Whatever. Everything about that character was booty juice..
It's not that bizarre.It's what happened to Jason Todd, more or less.
I'm not a fan of Karen so yeah that's an accurate statement.
Also, why did they feel the need to attempt to set upInjustice and Legacy and Flash's time travel shenanigans in a damn dream sequence?
Edit: Damn you faulty spoiler tags. I mean that part was in the trailer so it's technically not a spoiler but still.
Like I said before. Lots of good ideas. Poor delivery. Poor editing. Lots of the story,, should have just been cut/put on YouTube..including that hilarious email to Diana with an Aquaman who looks like he's holding his breath, and that horribly cheesedick Cyborg acting
But It's tagged? And I'm speaking to folks in here that aren't there? Don't click, Slick..All these black bars in here, like struggle rappers trying to spit a hot 16.
Take it to the spoiler thread or something.
lol..Honestly? Yeah. That would have been better. The way they did it looked thrown together quickly..You know what would have been great? The friend from Ant-Man instead.
"I got a guy who swims, a guy who flies, and a guy dressed like a bat."
I thought that people were just exaggerating how bad the Aquaman scene is but I just saw the clip someone recorded and it's hilariously bad.Like I said before. Lots of good ideas. Poor delivery. Poor editing. Lots of the story,, should have just been cut/put on YouTube..including that hilarious email to Diana with an Aquaman who looks like he's holding his breath, and that horribly cheesedick Cyborg acting
Yooo lol..it got audible giggles in the theater.I thought that people were just exaggerating how bad the Aquaman scene is but I just saw the clip someone recorded and it's hilariously bad.
Yooo lol..it got audible giggles in the theater.
But It's tagged? And I'm speaking to folks in here that aren't there? Don't click, Slick..
You're confusing me for harSon lol..Don't you catch an attitude with me Alf! I will start dropping Al B. Sure gifs in here again
LMAO that's awesome!On top of that, a group of teenagers abused the power of America and caused the theater to clap at random moments. It took half an hour for the rest of the theater to realize that they were being played.
The entire concept of the scene is bad especially in the middle of the movie.
The Scene would have made more sense ifthere had been any previous indication that Lexcorp had been looking into Meta Humans eariler in the story. Let's say if the wheelchair dude had been Metallo instead of just a bomber. You could have still seeded in Doomsday for a future movie had roughly the same ending just with big Bioorganic robot instead of Doomsday.
All these black bars in here, like struggle rappers trying to spit a hot 16.
Take it to the spoiler thread or something.
There's a theory going around thatthis Batman actually killed Joker after he killed Robin and that's why he's so bloodthirsty.
What really pissed me off was Lois and her little side mission.
Were they actually trying to frame Superman for that desert village massacre by implying that he SHOT people with those special bullets? And her endgame resulted in essentially nothing but her getting kidnapped. Then she throws this extremely powerful spear into a pond because that's the safest place clearly, only to have to retrieve it again and almost dying while doing so, forcing Superman to go get it, and even though he survived breathing in Kryptonite gas several times and having the spear that close to his face he's basically almost dead when he resurfaces.
What the hell was Lex going to do after Doomsday killed Superman? It's not like Doomsday obeyed him or anything. The first thing he tries to do is kill him. Doomsday was about to destroy everything and Lex didn't have Kryptonite anymore.
which makes no sense.One of the more persistent theories is the Joker we're getting is Jason Todd
Like I said before. Lots of good ideas. Poor delivery. Poor editing. Lots of the story,, should have just been cut/put on YouTube..including that hilarious email to Diana with an Aquaman who looks like he's holding his breath, and that horribly cheesedick Cyborg acting
It's weird because that Aquaman Scene could have been so good. After the eyes opened in the shadow the trident should have flown at camera one, and then camera two should have gotten the sonic boom. The Linger on Momoa made it look goofy. Funnily enough the women I was with liked that cameo the most, but that's mainly because of the beefcake.
I actually really liked the Cyborg cameo. It was fucked in the Frankenstein sort of way and the Motherbox was sweet looking. I'm wondering how Victor got to the state he is in that clip.
Man, I need to finish The Batman. I also need to finish Young Justice, but I never went back after what they did to the Joker. I did really like Robin's laugh to scare criminals in that, even if he stole it from the Shadow.
Well the place IS literally cursed and has at least 3 secret societies/cults based in it.
I will never get over Mongol sonning Connor in YJ.
DCMU Lex is based off Ellen Page
That's pretty in-line with his origin. I also thought casting Miles Dyson repairing his son via machines was a nice touch.
Could not possibly roll my eyes harder at your nonsense, akira. What the fuck does capitalism have to do with anything? Why the fuck are you now complaining about the very conceit of the story when your original complaint was about the behavior of characters IN the story.
I know why. It's because you ran your mouth without actually remembering what happened in the actual story so you could hop on the "I'm a cool comic fan and hate Batman like Slay does" train but when someone comes along who puts some time and effort into his LitCrit you don't have a relevant word to say. So you start bitching about some shit that has nothing to do with anything and complaining about the verisimilitude of a comic book plotline instead of what was actually being discussed, the validity, or lack thereof, of the actions of the characters within.
I have all the time in the world to spend going back and forth on literary analysis or philosophical debate. I like doing it. Be it about comic books, novels, or more academically respected works. I find it stimulating and enlightening. What I don't have time for is the intellectually dishonest ramblings of a poster who doesn't want to bother reading or responding to any actual debate presented to them. Only to post drawn out screeds against a straw man invented in their heads. Because this isn't the first time you've pulled this shit with me, akira.
TL;DR - Go somewhere and sit down. The adults are talking.
Kratos is black is my favorite argument to have. Drives some people nuts for whatever reason, even when they aren't fans of the character lol..So Lex really is The Last Of Us.
Okay...seeing the pic of Telly Savalas does make me believe the "Lex isn't black" theory. But I'm still holding onto the "BTAS Two Face is black" theory. I don't care if his VA is Bull from Night Court.