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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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Still trying to figure out how
Lex knew who Bats and Supes were. I get that he thinks meta humans are dangerous, and his "meta human theory" at the beginning was reason enough to assume he's been keeping tabs.

Never realized before this that Clark's mom and Bruce's mom had the same name. They ever point that out in the comics?
It's just nerd trivia basically, I don't believe it's ever really come up.
People always forget that he's covered in ashes as well.
Exactly. That, and if you look at the earlier games, his wife and daughter are quite dark themselves. They still argue. I'm just like..


D i Z

This last page looks like a redacted report on Southland gang violence complete with implications towards heavy police misconduct & misplaced drug money.

The Adder

word? cool.

for the record I'm a Batman fan, probably buy all of the books Batman is in. I was just having fun, but if you feel some kind of way, I'll just have to remember not to discuss comics with you in the future. But since I'm curious and you do like pulling up old shit, why don't you bring up the last time I "pulled this shit" and we will handle it right there.

but we're not done. I can't complain about how they wrote bruce, and also how the set up the entire premise? Why can't I? Its valid criticism. Because you object?

What does capitalism have to do with anything? The invisible hand metaphor, sir. Do I have to explain the negative connotations and satirical points that follow along with it? I can. if you really need me to. Did I really forget anything when all I have to do if my memory is unclear is hit up comic wikias and google?

Oh I did it all so I could be like Slayven. You ever come at me wrong like this again, you better do it in PM.

Because the only person you've embarrassed is yourself.

Why can't you complain about how they set up the premise as a rebuttal to me? Because it's god damned irrelevant. The argument was never "No Man's Land is a great story" it was that Bruce didn't want Clark flying in to try and fix everything and whether that was the right call on his part or just Bruce being an asshole. You want to talk about how good of poor the premise was to force that situation? Cool. Do that. We can have that discussion. Don't do it as a rebuttal to a completely unrelated point.

And clearly you didn't remember or bother to search the wiki since you were comparing Gotham to Katrina and talking about evacuations when that wasn't an option once the boarders were closed. If you really wanted a real life comparison and you actually remembered the storyline you have the Haiti earthquake sitting right there (which still wouldn't be accurate, mind, since American relief workers weren't forbidden to enter Haiti). So don't try to front like you did.

As for capitalism, see my first paragraph. What the he'll does it have to do with what was being discussed? Where did the invisible hand of the free market enter into Bruce Wayne'a decision making when he told Clark to not try and fix Gotham. Explain it to me, if you can. Explain it like I'm 5.

No, you didn't bother to try to argue a single point in my rebuttal to you. Took the time to directly respond to your post and argue my point with you, despite my better judgement from previous experience, and instead of showing me the same courtesy you sum up my post as "too much" and go off on an unrelated, irrelevant tangent and now you want to get heated that I called you on that bullshit.

That's why I'm accusing you of intellectual dishonesty and bandwagon jumping. And if I got the latter part wrong, then I apologize to you, because that was rude of me. But the former? Maybe you do it unintentionally, but from my perspective it is absolutely true.


yeah you rude as shit and I don't really get anything out of the exchange.

if you decide to never respond to anything I post ever again, that's ok.

pegged you wrong though.


Ya know what, I'm growing on
the Aquaman scene. If they didn't show him holding his breath and held too long on him it would've been fine. Having Miles/Papa Pope be Silas Stone was nice. That Motherbox had me happy once I learned what it was. If they had some villians such as Killer Croc or anyone in Suicide Squad that would'be been a nice tie-in.

The Adder

yeah you rude as shit and I don't really get anything out of the exchange.

if you decide to never respond to anything I post ever again, that's ok.

pegged you wrong though.

Don't jump out to get attention with that "I wouldn't want to live in your city SuperSophist" shit and then call me rude. I've got no sympathy.
So out of the two pay to plays...

Guild Wars 2 or Black Desert?

If you prefer to have a large amount of combat centric content to do at level cap.. go Guild Wars 2. World Bosses, Dungeons, Living Storyline, Server vs. Server World PvP (instanced), Arena PvP, and Seasonal Events.

Black Desert if you prefer more of a Sandbox feel and want more freedom to pursue your interests Owning Property, Fishing, Breeding Animals, Making and Sailing ships, Creating and Running Trade Routes, Talking to NPC's and having that actually matter to your Character Advancement. The "end game" is GvG PvP and there is Open Guild PvP but it isn't the greatest as it's extremely taxing. GW2 suffers a bit of that too though in their Server v Server instance.

The Secret World.

Great quests and atmosphere, shitty everything else. Combat sucks. Gearing sucks. Dungeons and Raids are straight meh.


Don't jump out to get attention with that "I wouldn't want to live in your city SuperSophist" shit and then call me rude. I've got no sympathy.


well I wasn't accusing you of "using fallacious arguments in order to deceive". and the sophism I'm referring to is the original use of those philosophers who were strict in their convention and principle and its affect towards society and human behavior. they fell out of vogue, and sophistry became a "bad" word.

but you can keep your sympathy, attention, and everything else.


So video games, huh?

What you playing recently, BCT?

I'm finally making a concerted effort to beat the Valkyria Chronicles trilogy. Playing the first makes me really want a prequel detailing what the fuck happened in the Calamity.

The Adder

So video games, huh?

What you playing recently, BCT?

I'm finally making a concerted effort to beat the Valkyria Chronicles trilogy. Playing the first makes me really want a prequel detailing what the fuck happened in the Calamity.

X-Com 2. But my sniper has Serial and an Auto-Loader, rendering most missions trivial.


So video games, huh?

What you playing recently, BCT?

I'm finally making a concerted effort to beat the Valkyria Chronicles trilogy. Playing the first makes me really want a prequel detailing what the fuck happened in the Calamity.
WoW and DOTA. Might pick up Stardew Valley.


So out of the two pay to plays...

Guild Wars 2 or Black Desert?

Guild Wars 2 is Free to Play now. Though you will have to purchase the expansion if you want that.

So video games, huh?

What you playing recently, BCT?

I'm finally making a concerted effort to beat the Valkyria Chronicles trilogy. Playing the first makes me really want a prequel detailing what the fuck happened in the Calamity.

Just got back into Guild Wars 2. Have also been sucked in by Hearthstone and Warframe.

I need to play a regular-ass single player game at some point.


So video games, huh?

What you playing recently, BCT?

I'm finally making a concerted effort to beat the Valkyria Chronicles trilogy. Playing the first makes me really want a prequel detailing what the fuck happened in the Calamity.
I've been in a funk the last few years, where i haven't really had the motivation to play anything, but i still keep buying games regardless. (cause i'm that gaf cliche)

But saying that, i'm in the closed beta of Overwatch, and have been playing that in drips and drabs.
So video games, huh?

What you playing recently, BCT?

I'm finally making a concerted effort to beat the Valkyria Chronicles trilogy. Playing the first makes me really want a prequel detailing what the fuck happened in the Calamity.

Finally going after my last achievement in Transformers Devastation which means I have to beat all the chapters on Hard or higher with an SS rank.


I've been jamming Shadowrun Dragonfall, Gemini Rue, and Salt and Sanctuary recently.
You good people. Shadowfall is my next stop after Valkyria. Well, actually I'm going to finish Namco X Capcom first, cause I want to finish Project X Zone 2 and I recently got to the point that it's being heavily implied that the villain of this game is connected to the villain of that game. And while I'm at it, I plan to take on the other three games in the series: Namco Super Wars, Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier, and Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier EXCEED. Then Shadowfall.


I sure play a hell of a lot of strategy games for a person who doesn't like them. I'm also way better at fighting games than I have any business being, considering my general apathy to the genre. I wish my skills matched my tastes, but I mostly like trash that anyone can beat given enough time.
Just got done replaying Arkham City NG+. Wish more games embraced NG+ in general, but whatever. Gonna replay Red Dead Redemption prolly later today.

And since I still got Batmayne on the brain, Slay what's up with Hugo Strange? What caliber of villain is he? Does he have powers or anything? I ask because I was cracking up the way he got headbutted in the climax and he didn't do shit.
Sup y'all.

Damn, you haven't been here in a minute lol
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