Sounds like an amazing person
so without the baseline consoles won't there PC always be outdated?
Pretty much in a very specific way, yeah. But that is all software. The only line that traditionally held it in check was that console sales of games were more reliable. As in piracy wasn't eating it alive like PC gaming has been. As long as your concepts and iterations were somewhat fresh, you could market your way into being profitable. So a thriving console audience gave publishers platforms to bank on and grow. The PC minimum spec hasn't been that hard to reach because there is a "git gud" mentality towards those that just haven't kept up, and outdated tech gets cheap pretty quikly. The problem comes in when the Cryteks of the world develop for the absolute elite systems and tech yet to hit the market. And more often than not, there are games developed with specific cards in mind to build around and support first, if not outright.
Card manufacturers hold more sway over the market than distribution platforms when it comes to PC. But if you want to
sell to the highest percentage of users, you focus your attempts on console and build up from that. That is changing though.
I heard a distant 'Yaaaaassss' cuz Roy saw this.
Nothing but respect for that.