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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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If we're posting creepy shit at least post quality creepy shit.

Nicholas Cage created by hundreds of eye's and cat faces isn't quality enough?



Junior Member
'I drink and I'm so sloppy, so much that I don't take a shower before work. Boss notices. And I don't see it as a sign to clean up. I get nervous. What to do, gaf?'

'How about taking a shower before going to work, every time?'

And he's worried because the boss got hr involved.


So help me out BCT.

I really want to travel, I'm in my last semester and I have yet to go very far.
The most west I have been is Pittsburgh, I see peers talk about travels but I'm reminded that every time I wanted to I didn't have the money or the time or the health. But I'm really desperate to get out and do something because I feel like I'm wasting my youth. I just wanna go anywhere really.

Does anyone know a good place to get plane tickets? I would like to go west coast, Cali or Seattle. I have months to plan but not much in capital so I'd like to find the best option. If any of you fly a lot and know any secrets I don't know of please let me know.
Come to DC. We'll show you around.
playing tabletop simulator. got a Eldritch Horror game going.

cthulu ain't got shit on my rifle
I really want a game that will let me get the experience of playing a tabletop game that isn't aiming for parody. There's are some hella esoteric TTG that I know Iwouldn't be able to find people to play :\
Awesome model. Now that is what we're talking about. Trap Queen fo sho. And that site has so much talent. I love visiting these websites. Polycount is one I recommend too.
<span class="EmojiInput mj21" title="Face With Open Mouth And Cold Sweat ::cold_sweat::"></span> most of the polycount posts are people showing off art from their artstation though
doesn't count when someone gets got in a drive-by
I'm counting it in lieu of an actually relevant poster getting got. Accept the sacrifice, bruh.


I kinda love this a lot

No interest in the game, but love that art.
The fact that she looks like something I would design might have something to do with it.
'I drink and I'm so sloppy, so much that I don't take a shower before work. Boss notices. And I don't see it as a sign to clean up. I get nervous. What to do, gaf?'

'How about taking a shower before going to work, every time?'

And he's worried because the boss got hr involved.

Don't you know this is GAF's bane?



How can you leave the house funking up the joint? Have some basic pride, you don't have to be GQ but at least put some soap on the rag and wash your ass.


How can you leave the house funking up the joint? Have some basic pride, you don't have to be GQ but at least put some soap on the rag and wash your ass.

The weird thing about PAX is you know everyone's hotel room has a shower included in the room fee

but they're still like "no" and you have to brave the funkcloud each day


Junior Member
Dude said, 'I have cologne in my desk.' You don't need cologne, you need a shower. How you even get a job without understanding presentation?

If you look at privilege long enough, you get pissed off. He's someone's boss and can't be asked to take a shower after a long night of drinking.

'You stink so much we had to get HR' is something.


Dude said, 'I have cologne in my desk.' You don't need cologne, you need a shower. How you even get a job without understanding presentation?

If you look at privilege long enough, you get pissed off. He's someone's boss and can't be asked to take a shower after a long night of drinking.

That just makes it worse.

At my last job a couple got in trouble for being stank, they went to the store on their lunch break and brought febreze and sprayed each other down


Seriously if you stink it's better to just stay stinking than throw axe or cologne on top of it, it just makes it worse


Look, sometimes shit gets out of hand and you got to do some stuff you don't like. Showers and clean clothes take time.


Yeah had a co-worker who was sent home early during register training due to his oder which had to embarssing. Dude layer said it's because he bikes to work (he wears a think hoodie in the summer) which isn't exuse when one of the mangers pointed out I skateboard to work everyday and never stank.


Do people not like showers? I don't pay a water bill so I basically can take a 45 minute shower pretty easily.

Worst thing I've done in a job was go into a work meeting still high from the previous night.


That's some nasty stuff.
I had a lady that worked for me as a cashier and I hated picking up cash from her drop box. She stunk so bad that every time she sat people would retreat from the vecinity. I told my boss I would talk to the lady. I would buy her soap as a present. I was told I couldn't do that because it could be considered harassment it was a "delicate" subject. I bugged out and ask what about everyone else she was "harassing" our senses!


I won't lie. I hate showers. Take one maybe once every other week.
I wash up every day though and wear deodorant.


knew someone that stunk so bad their smell would linger in room they were in for at least an hour after they left it

when your stink actually sticks to a room you FUCKING STINK

edit: they knew they stank too, they just absolutely refused to ever bathe


Not safe for your brain.

knew someone that stunk so bad their smell would linger in room they were in for at least an hour after they left it

when your stink actually sticks to a room you FUCKING STINK

edit: they knew they stank too, they just absolutely refused to ever bathe

There was a girl who stank at work. First opportunity to scale back, guess who lost her job? Shame too cause she was cute as all fuck with dem hazel eyes.
man ya'll giving me flashbacks, had one dude back in university stink up a large auditorium, I was sitting there thinking its 9 AM and everybody just showered how the fuck did this ninja build up enough stank to kill an auditorium :(


I had a couple of coworkers who were from countries where you don't wear deodorant (they were fine in the mornings but once they walked around/worked up a sweat I wasn't going no where near them). I was tempted to go to HR about it but it didn't feel right, plus I wasn't working with them regularly vs running into them in the lunch room and running the hell out when they were in there.
Had a project manager that just fucking stank. Combination of what she cooked and odor. Shit was rough.

My office was too kind to her, so nobody said anything until she was later proven to be incompetent too.

Before anyone could really go in, one of her friends took her aside and talked to her about it.

But by then she was already on the outs because her superiors didn't like her for the above reasons too.
never had a cold shower in my life, i just........dont understand how yall do it

After the initial shock of the cold water, you just kinda get used to it. It's a bit like jumping in a pool or washing your hands with cold water. It can actually be pretty nice in the summer time.

I've stopped doing cold showers though. It fucks up the whole relaxation element for me.


I hate cold water. Nothing like a hot shower or bath. It can be 90° and I'll still shower with hot water. Afterwards the cold air cools your skin better.
Shoot I've had to heat up water on the stove just get hot water.


Love cold showers. Never had hot water as a kid, so I just got used to it. Hot water was a thing I'd do only when I wasn't alone..

Did you live somewhere that experienced winter, like real, everything is frozen, ice skating on a lake, school got cancelled because the buses can't get to side streets kind of winter?
Did you live somewhere that experienced winter, like real, everything is frozen, ice skating on a lake, school got cancelled because the buses can't get to side streets kind of winter?
Nope. Again, Miami. Still took plenty of cold showers when we moved to D.C. and rode bike every morning @5 a.m., even in the snow in 12° weather. My water bottle would freeze minutes into my rides. I just like the cold..



Junior Member
Years of having to take cold ones in fall/winter because your family doesn't have a working water heater...or electricity.
Yeah, that might put me off. I was about to call you Bilal. But I don't have the genes to tolerate cold showers. Don't even like cold pools less than 70 degrees.

We all different. As long as soapy water touches all your skin, like my granny used to say, 'you can wash up at the sink.'


I'd make a thread asking why someone would vote for Hillary, but I feel I'd get a bunch of people who are only interested in reading their own posts. I'd simply want to be enlightened but I feel I'd get caught between folks who have axes to grind.

I feel I'm to pick between an out of touch jewish dude and a white lady who may as well be a gender-swapped Frank Underwood.

So I ask: if you did or are going to vote for Hillary, why?


Nope. Again, Miami. Still took plenty of cold showers when we moved to D.C. and rode bike every morning @5 a.m., even in the snow in 12° weather. My water bottle would freeze minutes into my rides. I just like the cold..


Yeah I'm okay with the cold, I just like warming up as an option, which for a significant part of my childhood I didn't have other than huddling with my siblings.


I'd make a thread asking why someone would vote for Hillary, but I feel I'd get a bunch of people who are only interested in reading their own posts. I'd simply want to be enlightened but I feel I'd get caught between folks who have axes to grind.

I feel I'm to pick between an out of touch jewish dude and a white lady who may as well be a gender-swapped Frank Underwood.

So I ask: if you did or are going to vote for Hillary, why?

Because I can't vote for Obama again and I'm not voting for a party dedicated to fucking over non white males at every turn or the "I have black friends" old guy that's never had a chance of winning. Hilary will just follow Obama, which is good enough.
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