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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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Yeah I'm okay with the cold, I just like warming up as an option, which for a significant part of my childhood I didn't have other than huddling with your siblings.
I think that's my issue. It was always so fucking hot. D.C. winter was like the greatest fucking thing. I'd walk the snowy streets while everyone else is hiding in their homes. Blocks that always had people hanging out were straight empty once it would hit 50-60°..with snow? Shit..streets were mine lol. Shorts and a t-shirt for me. 2 pairs of everything for my girl..

If I rode 80+ miles, sure..those days I'd fill up the tub with scorching hot water. Then I'd take a cold shower after..
Woke up this morning, checked my school email and found that I got approved finally. Cool shit.

Where you're from - Born in Indiana, raised in Georgia

Where you live - Georgia

What is your age? - 24

Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Black and a bit of Native American

Do you know your roots - Mother's side

Favorite musical genre - Rock (Grunge in particular), Rap, Electronica, Industrial, basically whatever sounds good to me.

Your profession/major/career interest - Student in Television Production

Your religious affiliation - Agnostic

Hobbies - Reading, writing, gaming...that's it I guess. Pretty plain.

KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Never had Bojangles or Churches. As for the other two, it depends on my mood. Either way, honey is going on the biscuits. I also put sugar in my grits.

Favorite Disney Movie? Currently, I'd say Zootopia. Oliver and Company and Aladdin are up there as well.

Live action movie? Live action disney? Eh...I guess Muppet Treasure Island? Any of the Muppet films really. Maybe Sky High.


Because I can't vote for Obama again and I'm not voting for a party dedicated to fucking over non white males at every turn or the "I have black friends" old guy that's never had a chance of winning. Hilary will just follow Obama, which is good enough.

Makes sense to me. I voted against Hillary due to her being a Clinton due to dynasties and I'm wary about a Clinton one. Also due to Bernie being more left than her, along with hitting on the ludicrous costs of education whereas I feel Hillary, from what I've read and heard at least, was kind of lacking in outside of making community college free. While that's good, I don't think that's good enough. I could be terribly misinformed though.

Woke up this morning, checked my school email and found that I got approved finally. Cool shit.

Where you're from - Born in Indiana, raised in Georgia

Where you live - Georgia

What is your age? - 24

Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Black and a bit of Native American

Do you know your roots - Mother's side

Favorite musical genre - Rock (Grunge in particular), Rap, Electronica, Industrial, basically whatever sounds good to me.

Your profession/major/career interest - Student in Television Production

Your religious affiliation - Agnostic
Hobbies - Reading, writing, gaming...that's it I guess. Pretty plain.

Cool man, nice to meet y-

KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Never had Bojangles or Churches. As for the other two, it depends on my mood. Either way, honey is going on the biscuits. I also put sugar in my grits.

Favorite Disney Movie? Currently, I'd say Zootopia. Oliver and Company and Aladdin are up there as well.

Live action movie? Live action disney? Eh...I guess Muppet Treasure Island? Any of the Muppet films really. Maybe Sky High.

What the fuck


I'd make a thread asking why someone would vote for Hillary, but I feel I'd get a bunch of people who are only interested in reading their own posts. I'd simply want to be enlightened but I feel I'd get caught between folks who have axes to grind.

I feel I'm to pick between an out of touch jewish dude and a white lady who may as well be a gender-swapped Frank Underwood.

So I ask: if you did or are going to vote for Hillary, why?

I'm going to skip on presidential; I considered her out of spite to some people I know, but I'll go with my traditional skip it.
Makes sense to me. I voted against Hillary due to her being a Clinton due to dynasties and I'm wary about a Clinton one. Also due to Bernie being more left than her, along with hitting on the ludicrous costs of education whereas I feel Hillary, from what I've read and heard at least, was kind of lacking in outside of making community college free. While that's good, I don't think that's good enough. I could be terribly misinformed though.

California was meant to have free community colleges, cheap state schools and a slightly less cheap UCs. Then tax cuts ruined it all.

I believe all community colleges should be free and all state schools should be free to affordable. Affordable being under 7k a year. Private schools can do as they please. The for profit schools should be shut down
Woke up this morning, checked my school email and found that I got approved finally. Cool shit.

Where you're from - Born in Indiana, raised in Georgia

Where you live - Georgia

What is your age? - 24

Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Black and a bit of Native American

Do you know your roots - Mother's side

Favorite musical genre - Rock (Grunge in particular), Rap, Electronica, Industrial, basically whatever sounds good to me.

Your profession/major/career interest - Student in Television Production

Your religious affiliation - Agnostic

Hobbies - Reading, writing, gaming...that's it I guess. Pretty plain.

KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Never had Bojangles or Churches. As for the other two, it depends on my mood. Either way, honey is going on the biscuits. I also put sugar in my grits.

Favorite Disney Movie? Currently, I'd say Zootopia. Oliver and Company and Aladdin are up there as well.

Live action movie? Live action disney? Eh...I guess Muppet Treasure Island? Any of the Muppet films really. Maybe Sky High.

Welcome and you better get out of that shit!


living with comm/media studies degree is hilariously (sadly) difficult if you try to stay within your field

i doubled up in information science and communication studies with a focus on media studies.

i basically made videogames in college without telling a single usurious soul


Laura Matsuda in the upcoming SF YT series from the team who did Assassin's Fist


Natascha Hopkins


All y'all should go see Zootopia. Real talk.

‘Zootopia’ Review: The Best Family Film about Racism You’ll Ever See

Family films preaching the values of tolerance are nothing new. It’s a good message, it’s easy to impart, and it’s important that young viewers understand and assimilate those values. Where Disney Animation’s excellent new film Zootopia sets itself apart is by attacking prejudice head-on. Rather than preaching or putting on kid gloves, Zootopia attempts to examine the “why” of prejudice rather than the surface elements. Through it’s clever, endearing characters, hilarious jokes, and honest sentiment, Zootopia comes away as a film that’s not only a joy to watch, but also one with a message that couldn’t feel more relevant right now.

What ‘Zootopia’ has to say about the police, race relations, and diversity

I went into a screening of Zootopia expecting to see a relatively short movie about anthropomorphized animals trying to live out their dreams in a big city. Five minutes into the film, and after a few laughs, though, it became clear that beneath its clever puns Zootopia‘s actually a sharp-witted commentary on modern race relations.

‘Zootopia’: A Disney Movie Tackling Inequality and Racism

Disney has created an animated movie depicting a surface-level post-racial utopia with a dark underbelly.
On a tertiary level, the city of Zootopia looks like one where all animals coexist peacefully. But what we see as the movie goes on is a society that would rather believe it has no inter-species problems to solve, rather than taking a hard look in the mirror. The central conflict revolves around a fear of predators, a small minority of the population that prey believe are genetically predisposed to harm them.
It’s a heavy racial narrative for what amounts to a kids’ movie, but one that’s all too relevant given the real-world context of its story.


A classic L.A.-style detective story, a la “The Big Lebowski” or “Inherent Vice,” yielding an adult-friendly whodunit with a chipper “you can do it!” message for the cubs. … The deeper they go, the more “Zootopia” comes to resemble such vintage noirs as “Chinatown” and “L.A. Confidential,” from its increasingly shadowy look to Michael Giacchino’s jazzy lounge-music score.


... Zootropolis is a decent family movie that is easy enough to enjoy. What really, really makes the film interesting though is its focus on politics. Trying to tip toe around too many spoilers, the film has a pretty clear political focus, and that’s one of societal prejudice, most specifically that of race. The film isn’t lightly hinting at this either, it bravely runs headlong into the issue by making it the entire premise of the central narrative.

Zootopia is legit.


I want to propose the addition of three new questions to the icebreaker.

  • Marvel or DC? Favorite superhero?
  • Anime or nah?
  • What's your favorite Disney movie?


bitch I'm taking calls.
I feel I'm to pick between an out of touch jewish dude and a white lady who may as well be a gender-swapped Frank Underwood.

So I ask: if you did or are going to vote for Hillary, why?
That's a pretty apt description.

I'm voting for Hillary for the same reason Kreed already explained.


Junior Member
Good God these campaign ads. I just got a glimpse at the kind of shit they're running in the south. Maybe I just haven't been to the south during campaign season since the late 90's (or maybe ever) and didn't remember.

See, my part-time job involves listening to audio recordings sent to me from another state. Sometimes I can hear the TV in the background. Today I was wondering why the recording appeared to be unusually long. Then towards the end of it you can hear some kind of Ted Cruz ad come on with some western soundtrack and a guy saying "Ted Cruz... is my man." There were gunshots in the commercial and everything. It sounded like a pickup truck commercial. And you can tell the person who sends me the recordings stopped to watch the add. This isn't even Texas. And I just remembered I gotta go down there in the summer.

D i Z

Imma go walk off this wait for UPS to arrive. Might as well burn this energy and get some post rain fresh air.
living with comm/media studies degree is hilariously (sadly) difficult if you try to stay within your field

i doubled up in information science and communication studies with a focus on media studies.

i basically made videogames in college without telling a single usurious soul
Shit it's hard even if you're just looking for a job in general. I was without one for almost a year. I was too qualified to flip burgers, but underqualified for anything in my major. I recently went back to my old job and that even took a while because my phone got cut off when they called me and then didn't listen when I told them to call the other number. I got it back now, but I can't make it out of here with this shit. With these hours I be getting and my last experience there I'm pretty sure this first check will only be about $48 and the rest I'll be lucky to make $80+.

The thing is I took the damn major after being counseled in my school because I wanted to change my major to something else, but was unsure. I had been asking game studios for years what kind of degrees they're looking for in a designer or writer and no one ever game me a straight answer. I feel like I should've did a science like my brother, but I barely passed any science class I had and failed on two occasions.

Since 2009 I've been working on games. Made a couple quiz games and right now working on a visual novel, but shit that shit is boring as hell and the smallest amount of programming I struggle with. People on here pointed me to some without it, but I must don't have a comprehension of programming because the scripting in Twine and Ren'py still feel like it to me and I can't even understand all of that.

I tried quest design for someone here on this forum, but that negro is full of shit. I spent a lot of time writing about eight quests and that man disappears on multiple occasions and act like it ain't shit when I confront him about his lack of communication. Back in October/September I think was the last time I talked to him. Said he was moving and was going to hit me up next week and never did. That was his third time doing that shit, so I stopped.

After that I've been focusing on this visual novel. I had went back to my old school and posted ads to get a group together to work on a game, but that shit didn't work. People didn't respond after my initial email. I want to get into music, because I tried it a little bit before and it's more fun and I know studios need composers more than they do writers, but my attempts to get a music program have only given me a virus. I tried again the other day and I think I got something because I started hearing ads through something called Web Helper and now there are desktop.ini icons on my desktop. I would like to work with somebody on a game again, but I'm afraid of shit like that happening again.


Can't, I'm already neck deep. No turning back now.

you got an arduous road ahead of you.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Over Under tale?
Yay puns!

People accused HoC of being based on the Clintons (even though it was based on a UK series)
Haw haw. And yeah it's funny to see the self-incriminating outrage when the fact is it was already all established in the British version.


Unconfirmed Member
Woke up this morning, checked my school email and found that I got approved finally. Cool shit.

Where you're from - Born in Indiana, raised in Georgia

Where you live - Georgia

What is your age? - 24

Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Black and a bit of Native American

Do you know your roots - Mother's side

Favorite musical genre - Rock (Grunge in particular), Rap, Electronica, Industrial, basically whatever sounds good to me.

Your profession/major/career interest - Student in Television Production

Your religious affiliation - Agnostic

Hobbies - Reading, writing, gaming...that's it I guess. Pretty plain.

KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Never had Bojangles or Churches. As for the other two, it depends on my mood. Either way, honey is going on the biscuits. I also put sugar in my grits.

Favorite Disney Movie? Currently, I'd say Zootopia. Oliver and Company and Aladdin are up there as well.

Live action movie? Live action disney? Eh...I guess Muppet Treasure Island? Any of the Muppet films really. Maybe Sky High.

Good man.


When I get that, I'm at the point where I ready to say Kingdom Hearts. I don't know why, But i feel like that's an answer.

I feel like it should count. Hell, 358/2 days was a fine movie.


I feel I'm to pick between an out of touch jewish dude and a white lady who may as well be a gender-swapped Frank Underwood.

So I ask: if you did or are going to vote for Hillary, why?
I've never thought about it that way but.... Absolutely right lol

I like Frank but I love Claire.

Both together unstoppable.

I'd vote for Hillary. She has the most experience of all the candidates. I feel she kinda already knows what's going on in the backround. Foreign policy as well as domestic. Either way as long as Trump doesn't win and presses the you're fire button and creates WW3. That man can't hold his tongue and only spews out garbage from his mouth.


I tell people I don't like anime so I don't have to listen to their weeb talk.

Same. I also don't like talking with ppl about videos games for similar reasons.

I'm lowkey all the time about it offline. You can have interests but don't let your interests be all that you're about.

When I get that, I'm at the point where I ready to say Kingdom Hearts. I don't know why, But i feel like that's an answer.

Funny. In another forum we're having a "discussion" about if KH ould make a good money. I'm on the for side.

Good man.

I'd vote for Hillary. She has the most experience of all the candidates. I feel she kinda already knows what's going on in the backround. Foreign policy as well as domestic. Either way as long as Trump doesn't win and presses the you're fire button and creates WW3. That man can't hold his tongue and only spews out garbage from his mouth.

Not to defend Sanders, but he was in Congress before Bill Clinton was president.


Dunno why this got double posted so yeah
1. Marvel Phoenix
2. Anime
3. Nightmare before Christmas is special for me.


Dunno why this got double posted so yeah
1. Marvel Phoenix
2. Anime
3. Nightmare before Christmas is special for me.
I was gonna tell you that you were stuck in a loop.

When did putting sugar in grits become a crime? It's not like someone claimed cream of wheat was superior or something

Why would you fuck up perfectly good grit like that? Next you'll want to put salt in your cereal.


Malyse Not to defend Sanders said:
Not to offend Sanders but Congress ehh.
Not to defend Clinton, but first lady, Senate, secretary of state. And she's delt with Bill.

She has the upper hand IMO
I was gonna tell you that you were stuck in a loop.

Why would you fuck up perfectly good grit like that? Next you'll want to put salt in your cereal.

Not the same. Some go for the butter and sugar for the sweet and savory type of effect. Salt in cereal just doesn't make sense.


Not to offend Sanders but Congress ehh.
Not to defend Clinton, but first lady, Senate, secretary of state. And she's delt with Bill.

She has the upper hand IMO

Look, I'm just trying to ward out a berniebro infestation. Politics doesn't need to be part of the cycle.

Salt in cereal just doesn't make sense.

Neither does sugar in grits.😏
I tried talking to people about games and Anime. Big mistake. Ends up turning into a dick measuring contest. I don't swing that way.

On another note I can't wait for the Riding Bean Bluray. I love AnimEigo.

I own every NisiOisiN anime. I can't afford to buy anything else.
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