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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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I honestly don't know why people think Punisher Max is great, like Slavers is really good but Kitchen Irish on the whole is pretty bad and so is the Mother Russia arc,
Though to be fair I need to finish clearing the second half of the series.


And One Piece is still going stronk

I admit I'm curious as to where it's at now after dropping it post the Arrancar stuff though

real they just revealed Iceboy's bankai
is not to make him strong, but to keep him young. His bankai matured and he is a grownass man now

Ali Shaheed Muhammad and Adrian Younge are doing the score for Luke Cage. Man, so few people are going to be able to relate to this show.
I am going to read reviews, cause I think it will be the lowest rated Marvel netflix show, if they go full black
real they just revealed Iceboy's bankai
is not to make him strong, but to keep him young. His bankai matured and he is a grownass man now

Lol I guess all the people who've shipped him and that female lieutenant(?) he has are feeling vindicated and getting their pens ready for all new levels of fan fiction


Going through some random older threads, and I swear if someone took a survey of gaffers, the results would basically be;

Everyone is 7ft tall, has a 10+ inch dick, makes 6-7 figures, and is a bastion of morality, ethics and virtue.


Going through some random older threads, and I swear if someone took a survey of gaffers, the results would basically be;

Everyone is 7ft tall, has a 10+ inch dick, makes 6-7 figures, and is a bastion of morality, ethics and virtue.
That's why we're the best babby!


They shipped because he was young looking tho. That community won't care about this.

As a lapsed reader, how is current Bleach as an Ichigo delivery system?



We haven't seen ichigo in months literally. Dude has all these new powerups 2 years ago and hasn't even stunt on anybody yet


Unequivocally one of the worst posts I've ever seen on GAF.

And that's the tea.

This is a great post and it's good that you made it, but I think you read Angelus' post wrong, or at least I don't believe you guys are saying different things ("implication" is the key word being missed I think).
A friend put me on this book called dataclysm. It talks about these issues in the information age and correlates them to big data. Data like Google trends of searching the N word in November 2008. There is a mob mentality on the internet. For example that PR woman who said on twitter "on my way to south africa, hope I don't get AIDS,just kidding I'm white", and was fired before she landed only to meet a mob of angry people at the airport who chastised her for this really shitty joke that she claims was supposed to be a dig at her own privilege(I think that's a reach, but that's besides the point). Point being, this isn't a "woke" thing. The internet magnifies our emotions. In this case people are in some way right to criticize Erykah, it's up to her to choose her words carefully and others to contextualize that, because on the surface she's wrong.

I honestly think she said what she meant. The reason why I'm not as bothered because unlike most people that go that "Men naturally sexually inclined" route she never ever took the responsibility away from men and still kept the onus on men to respect women at all times, something she's always been about. I think most people are upset they just read "women are responsible too" and left from there which is probably where internet mob mentality jumped in and just stuck to that. That's the part I found the most trouble with myself but I looked at the entire post with nuance it didn't bother me or disappointed me to that extent.

@Cindi You and Angelus are saying the same things lol
I really want to see what the King of Beast to do, I bet his has the Mythical Chimera Zoan fruit

Someone already had the Dragon Fruit right?

This article is a good piece of perspective, Angelus. Please read.


New bookmark. Also you and Angelus aren't foes, Cindi. He was saying society (disgustingly of course) reinforces the idea that it's completely normal and expected for men to be sexually violent to women who show any "uncouth" amount of skin with 'boys will be boys' & 'women should be proper' excuses and was criticizing fellow men who are fine chiding women for dressing "a certain way" without realizing that by that suggestion they are indirectly implying that they as men are always seconds away from raping someone because they have no self control (aka 'you know how boys are', 'what was she thinking wearing that skirt' bs).
We're saying the same thing? I had to cut a guy friend loose just the other day because he came out with that stupid "yes, all men are rapists /s" talk, unprovoked, on Facebook, in a random status. If there's anything that pisses me off it's similar MRA nonsense.

I don't know if Angelus is being sincere or joking when I read it. So I took it as sincere because it's a viewpoint I see a lot and dammit, I'm not taking any shit today.
Yo whats with all these dam prom proposals with white folks doing the most racist shit and not getting checked for it? Like why these kids posting pictures and being proud of this shit? Like do these kids parents not say shit about racism to these young kids? Wtf are these kids so desperate for white attention that they take it no matter what form it comes in? I don't get it I wish a nigga would try some of this shit with my child cause I'm choking them and they parents.


We're saying the same thing? I had to cut a guy friend loose just the other day because he came out with that stupid "yes, all men are rapists /s" talk, unprovoked, on Facebook, in a random status. If there's anything that pisses me off it's similar MRA nonsense.

I don't know if Angelus is being sincere or joking when I read it. So I took it as sincere because it's a viewpoint I see a lot and dammit, I'm not taking any shit today.
Yeah, you guys are on the same side. I had to look back at what you were responding to. I think most in here espouse tenets of intersectional feminism.
We're saying the same thing? I had to cut a guy friend loose just the other day because he came out with that stupid "yes, all men are rapists /s" talk, unprovoked, on Facebook, in a random status. If there's anything that pisses me off it's similar MRA nonsense.

I don't know if Angelus is being sincere or joking when I read it. So I took it as sincere because it's a viewpoint I see a lot and dammit, I'm not taking any shit today.

His comment was less "All men are rapists? BCT, are we going to stand for this?!" and more "I'm highlighting the absurdity of the situation and just how full of holes the narrative becomes when you try blaming women exclusively."
We're saying the same thing? I had to cut a guy friend loose just the other day because he came out with that stupid "yes, all men are rapists /s" talk, unprovoked, on Facebook, in a random status. If there's anything that pisses me off it's similar MRA nonsense.

I don't know if Angelus is being sincere or joking when I read it. So I took it as sincere because it's a viewpoint I see a lot and dammit, I'm not taking any shit today.

If you mean the "Wait a minute, are you saying all dudes are rapists?" Type response, then no that's not what Angelus was getting at at all.

Rather, he's addressing when some men say, "Well what do you expect a dude to do when he sees a woman dressed like that?" Which the men who say don't realize that not only did they place all the blame on the woman, they've also essentially implied that as a man they are somehow biologically incapable of controlling their desires and thus are blameless in responding to an attractive woman with sexual violence because "that's just how men are"


Going through some random older threads, and I swear if someone took a survey of gaffers, the results would basically be;

Everyone is 7ft tall, has a 10+ inch dick, makes 6-7 figures, and is a bastion of morality, ethics and virtue.

are you saying that it isn't true? :(


The hardest thing to explain to certain online people is the short/light clothes is not an advertisement concept.

Also that people that think women don't get hollered at all the time because "i've never seen it happen".. because people wait until they're alone. When we went to see Obama recently, my mom and friend were with us. Nobody said anything. They went back to the car to get their tickets they got, and got hollered at 4 times in ~5 blocks of walking because they weren't with us dudes anymore. Same friend had someone stop his car, turn it around, and follow her for two blocks while she tried to just go for a damn walk catcalling her. She can't even go for a neighborhood walk. That's something I take for granted being able to do with no threat assessment calculation bullshit.

And she hates asking people to walk with her because 1) she wants to be able to walk by herself and 2) feels like a burden on her friends to ask us to walk with her.
If you mean the "Wait a minute, are you saying all dudes are rapists?" Type response, then no that's not what Angelus was getting at at all.

Rather, he's addressing when some men say, "Well what do you expect a dude to do when he sees a woman dressed like that?" Which the men who say don't realize that not only did they place all the blame on the woman, they've also essentially implied that as a man they are somehow biologically incapable of controlling their desires and thus are blameless in responding to an attractive woman with sexual violence because "that's just how men are"

No. We [former friend and I] didn't talk at all.

He posted a link to the story about the new women only Uber and said with sincerity, "if you have a penis, you're probably a rapist! True Story."

It's a mindset I see a lot where they deduce perspectives to their most reductionist parts, like a women only Uber to make women feel a lot safer, into this weird idea about how apparently this casts all men as rapists.

So I read Angelus' point as the same type of rhetoric.
Final Fantasy IX is now on Steam! I am ready for this shit.

No fixed load times or battle speed.

They had one job.


I'm still buying it though. FF9 deserves this.
Society does not do this at all.

The reality is that women are blamed for our manner of dress all the time. The conversation, from most men and women, says that women should be covered up because we are obviously bringing the danger to ourselves just because we wear short shorts or wear a loose shirt. Men talk about this shit all the time. "Why does she wear a shirt like that and then get mad when I stare at her tits? She begging for it." Do men NOT say this? The truth of the matter is that men always think how we dress is about them, and not about us.

She may be dressed in that top or dress because it gives her confidence. Maybe she just likes it? The thing about this line of discussion is that it's endless. Let's take makeup. Men think we only wear makeup because of some odd idea to attract men. "Women, you don't need to wear makeup to get a man. You're beautiful just the way you ARE!" or something else equally ridiculous. Nowhere in the discussion is the fact that most women wear makeup because we like makeup. It boosts confidence, it makes you feel pretty, it can be artistic and a form of self expression. Never mind the fact that most men who say "I like you without makeup" are so fucking clueless they don't realize she's still wearing makeup. But I bet you most men would raise a fit if women didn't go around wearing makeup due to their non realistic expectation of female beauty. "You look tired." Is common on non make up days.

Since we have established that men and the bulk of society are keen on policing women's manner of dress, surely you must realize that the duality that things that freem women, tend to also subjugate us. Makeup gives women self expression; men think we wear it only for them. I wear a pair cute shorts because I like how the material feels against my skin and they're comfortable; men think I'm begging to get to my ass slapped. Why the fuck you think I'm learning Jiu Jitsu?

Women aren't saying all men are rapists and if those that do shouldn't be taken seriously anyways. But the conversation must be said that society generally blames the woman and that, in the event of a rape, generally it's our fault and we deserved it because we wear tight jeans despite the fact that most cuts of women's jeans are pretty fucking right to begin with.

Let's be honest. Historically, most forms of controlling women to show less body is usually a form of body control to instill piety or ownership. Women's manner of dress has always been policed. For an example, Black women in Lousiana in the 1700's wore elaborate hairstyles which caught the attention of white men. They outlawed showing of hair, and Lousisiana black women were forced to wear bandannas. Of course, these bandannas were brightly colored and pretty which only drew more attention to us. The fact that you have somehow steered this discussion into an idea that you think society says all men are rapists says a lot about your (lack of) maturity and you need some growing up to do. You need perspective.

Because I have girlfriends who were being cat called by fully grown men at eleven years old because they had naturally big butts and were going through puberty.

I know girls who, even though they want to show off their body sometimes, don't because they don't want to "look like a slut" resulting in exceedingly low confidence and self esteem.

I know girls who wear short shorts during the summer and men think they are absolutely begging for dick because of it. Never mind that's hot as fuck.

Policing women's manner of dress and yet somehow shifting the blame on us when a man is not able to control himself is a pretty common thing and turning this issue into "you saying ALL men are rapists?!?!" in some very not cute way of trying to make the issue entirely about men speaks for your very shallow lack of perspective and consideration for others view points.

Unequivocally one of the worst posts I've ever seen on GAF.

And that's the tea.

Might want to reread my post.

Absolve - set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

My post says that men are seen as uncontrollable rape machines, and I can't cosign on such nonsense because we are completley capable of control. But they use the "men can't help but rape" as a way to absolve men of any responsibility. IE. Because they can't help it, they're not responsible, so ladies just cover up. So yes, society does do this ALL the time.

Hence Badu's statement is nonsense because she's basically cosigning on such fuckery and damning women at the same time.
No. We [former friend and I] didn't talk at all.

He posted a link to the story about the new women only Uber and said with sincerity, "if you have a penis, you're probably a rapist! True Story."

It's a mindset I see a lot where they deduce perspectives to their most reductionist parts, like a women only Uber to make women feel a lot safer, into this weird idea about how apparently this casts all men as rapists.

So I read Angelus' point as the same type of rhetoric.

Yeah this is sick and pathetic shit that men with zero empathy regard for seeing things from a different perspective say. Not at all what Angelus was getting at.

Don't delete the post though! It was masterful despite all the Angelus stuff.
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