How did you like Amalur? I remember loving it.
Really good, but terribly balanced. Was playing on Hard and still had to go find a mod to make things harder by the end of the game, just so it would stay entertaining. It kind of worked but not really.
There are a couple problems:
1. The level scaling - You can't explore too much because a zone locks at whatever level you enter it. Also, the level caps for the zones are too low for all the experience points they give you, so if you're not careful you'll out-level all the content and end up facing boring grey enemies and getting no good drops.
2. Since you're almost always over-leveled, you don't necessarily have to engage too deeply with the (actually really good) combat. Even if you limit your XP, by the time you get to level 30 or 35, you're basically too powerful for the combat encounters to be threatening for the rest of the game, outside of the occasional damage spike you receive if you end up getting worked by a bunch of spells at once.
Outside of that, it's really enjoyable. There aren't really any set classes, except for the ones defined by what you put your points into. If you put a lot of points into Finesse, you can unlock Finesse "classes" that are basically just bonuses that synergize well with your skills. You can do the same with Might or Sorcery, or any combination of the three.
Fun game.