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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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couldn't get into life is strange. the script annoyed me and the game had too much uncanny valley for me to keep going past episode 1.

any award that game got was stolen from Tales from the Borderlands.
Before Furyous made me realizing checking this thread while driving is a bad idea, I wanted to comment on this.

Wait I'm confused, you need a music program to do what exactly? Just to make your own tunes for your game?

As for programming, you can ignore C++. It's good but there's other options. Unity uses both Javascript and C# which are significantly easier than C++. Unreal uses a flavor of C++ which, from my experience, is slightly easier than C++ but all I did was screw around with XCOM 2's source code.

Dollar signs and brackets... You only use dollar signs in specific kinds of languages like PHP. Brackets are there to isolate code blocks for whatever kind of logic you're working with (if statements, for loops, while loops, do-while, regular ol functions and methods, etc).

As far as programming being boring, I feel you on that. I don't see it as fun but I don't see it as boring. I see it as a means to an end, which is all it is. I don't know if an artist enjoys the physical movement of moving a pencil over the idea of pouring their idea out onto a canvas, or if a writer enjoys the actual pressing of keys on a keyboard when writing a chapter in MS Word.

I think, once you get used to programming that way, it becomes easier to deal with. I used to wonder why I thought programming wasn't making me happy, but then I realized I was happy I could actually make things.

Again, programming is just a means to an end.

Yes I want to make music for my game and for others.


Man, I'll be glad when the primaries are over and people stop pretending like they care about black people -_-

Yeah. I think a lot of younger voters who haven't been through this before are in for a surprise, though. I remember the pain the first time I realized that Dems only pandered to us in the primaries, then took our votes for granted in the general... shit was aggravating.
Malyse, is this worth watching?
I beat Life Is Strange about a month ago and left it feeling pretty high on it. The writing is absolutely groan inducing a lot of the time. It is the game equivalent to:


Girl I dig asked me why there's no black Santa Claus' being hired during Christmas season.

The question stunned me. So many ways to answer. We had a good laugh about how fucked up and prejudice it is, but it's a good question.
Girl I dig asked me why there's no black Santa Claus' being hired during Christmas season.

The question stunned me. So many ways to answer. We had a good laugh about how fucked up and prejudice it is, but it's a good question.

We had a Blanta Claus in my hometown but yeah, very rare


Junior Member
Goddamn lol. I've been called Vegeta but never Dracula. My widows peak is pretty huge so lining it up is something only a few can do without making me look like I'm going bald, which is ironic since I think folks who have widows peaks can't go bald naturally IIRC.

The last person who could do it died so the way I see it, why try to hide the fact I have a widows peak? Not that I can do anything about it anyway.

No Eddie Muenster? I used to get called it all the time.


Dang, here I was thinking Life Is Strange had decent writing for game standards. Lots of cringe and groan thrown in there, but I felt the characters were pretty strong nonetheless. Voice acting was crazy inconsistent though, good god, the delivery on some of these lines makes the middling dialogue look even worse.
It's either "these niggers are too stupid to vote" or "good, the niggers fell in line"

Tiring tbh

The cheering of Sanders getting 30% was hilarious because it wasn't yay he's connecting it was yay he got enough to win.

Lol The Guardian btw called losing the Black vote by 70% as Sanders weakening Clinton's dominance of it.


Nice. See what I get for trying to commiserate? Why you self hating on a fellow Peaker?

hahaha you could've asked how i even knew who eddie munster was.

TBH i actually never gotten made fun of because of my widow's peak. i used to get it lined up but i haven't found a barber since my old one who could do it right, so i figured to not worry about it.

folks be going way too far back and makes me look like im balding.
Dang, here I was thinking Life Is Strange had decent writing for game standards. Lots of cringe and groan thrown in there, but I felt the characters were pretty strong nonetheless. Voice acting was crazy inconsistent though, good god, the delivery on some of these lines makes the middling dialogue look even worse.
Overall, I thought it was effective in what it set out to do. Cringy dialogue moments aside, I felt the emotional gut-punches nearly every episode and I grew to like or even hate some of the characters.
As someone in tech who's had to fight to get someone with dreads hired because people were spooked at how 'unprofessional' his hair was, I know exactly what you mean.

Whenever I let my hair start to grow out, I get people casually asking me when I'm going to get a haircut (I can't even tell you how much this shit makes my soul burn). The sight of a 1/2 inch micro afro offends them, it seems.

And the "funny" thing is is that they have no problem hiring slovenly long hair, unkept beard white dudes, because you see them in every engineering department. Yet somehow well kept dreads are what's "unprofessional"

Dude, it makes me see red. I hate it so much. It's like there's this cookie-cutter stencil black men gotta fill in in order to get these jobs, and when you got some fairer-skinned dude roll in with his tech skills and horribly fitting clothes and ugly beard, he gets it because that's apparently acceptable over a black dude doing something with his hair that's not cutting it short.

I hate it. It's like black dudes can't do shit different. Everyone has to have the same goddamn haircut to do any fucking thing. Everyone has to talk the goddamn same. It makes me sick.

This is kinda pouring out of the scope of jobs, but I feel black men aren't granted the space to claim individuality in looks, expression, attitude, etc by anyone - white people, other black people, whatever people.

I hate it dude. I seriously hate it.

bit late on this, I've had dreads for over 13 years you wont beleive the number of times I've heard "oh hey nice dreads.....you ever gonna cut em?" my response over the years "sure when they reach my neck" "sure once they reach my collarbone..." my hair is just below my chest these days and I give zero fucks, I have it retwisted once a month and i look neater than the bearded white dudes


I beat Life Is Strange about a month ago and left it feeling pretty high on it. The writing is absolutely groan inducing a lot of the time. It is the game equivalent to:
Totally dawg it's hella wack.

Dang, here I was thinking Life Is Strange had decent writing for game standards. Lots of cringe and groan thrown in there, but I felt the characters were pretty strong nonetheless. Voice acting was crazy inconsistent though, good god, the delivery on some of these lines makes the middling dialogue look even worse.
I mean their characters from 90s high school movies not atrocious but nothing I could point at and say "this is a well developed character with dimension" the only person with an arc is Max and it's a well worn arc.

One thing I will say is the game is a lot more honest than Telltale's offerings , it's not trying to sell you on massive world changing choices, but it gives you tons of interesting little choices
Malyse, is this worth watching?

Not to but in on Malyse but I was pleasantly surprised by that short. It, Get A Horse, Paperman, and Feast were totally worth the collection.

Need some second opinions: I just got out of the hospital from a sickle cell crisis and this woman (another patient) asked for a ride home. My first mistake was even entertaining her request for the ride since I was still sobering up from pain meds. I usually drive home myself but hated to risk another person in my car during the time. Won't be doing it again.. (This is the second time I've done this before with another patient heading home from the ER like me). Basically, energy drained, I agree since she looks desperate and at 4 AM, the roads are free enough to film a Fast and the Furious race. It's a 10-15 minute drive in the rain and the woman, even though she wants to go home and I know she knows I'm blitzed on morphine, doesn't really have any strength or patience on her own to stay up. We get there safe though, I drive her to what I think was her apartment or one of someone she knows and I also think she says goodbye before getting out. I watch to make sure she gets in. She comes back while and waiting and asks for a trip to the other side of her parking lot to "check her car". I don't know if she's locked out at this point or if she was just checking to make sure she locked the door. She exits without a word or thank you again so I assume she's coming back. I wait like 25 minutes (mind you again: it's raining outside and I'm idling to make sure I stay warm especially after visiting the hospital for an illness exacerbated by the cold). She doesn't show so I assume again that she just made it into her place right? Because I straight up left after that time. Even if she was planning on coming back in 30 minutes, that's kind of unreasonable to expect of someone you just met who's dropping you off right? She's not paying me, nor am I a chauffeur. Icing is that once we're at the apt she asks for 2 bucks and I give her what I have which is 5. Was I wrong or right to leave? Probably just the drugs making me overthink.


hahaha you could've asked how i even knew who eddie munster was.

TBH i actually never gotten made fun of because of my widow's peak. i used to get it lined up but i haven't found a barber since my old one who could do it right, so i figured to not worry about it.

folks be going way too far back and makes me look like im balding.

Let them genes express themselves.
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