You would eat everything other than watermelon huh?I haven't seem the video but from what i've heard it's total vapid nonsense, It's made for white people to nod nod their heads at.
But come on y'all watermelon is overrated. It's nothing next to the superior Honeydew.
I don't agree with him at all but I can see and understand his personal interpretation of it. In the end, it's really no different than people thinking Piccolo is black. Under represented and maligned groups are going to do their own personal interpretation of pop culture. This is why gay dudes thought Ice Man was gay for the longest. It was really only evidence to show that there's nothing wrong with enjoying anime and being black. It's a fairly normal thing to the point where even celebrities openly talk about enjoying it.
Naw breh cantaloupeI haven't seem the video but from what i've heard it's total vapid nonsense, It's made for white people to nod nod their heads at.
But come on y'all watermelon is overrated. It's nothing next to the superior Honeydew.
The Force Awakens/Boondocks crossover, by Mr. Drawmatic
I'm already trying to figure out how Huey fit all that hair under the helmet. And now BB-8 looks like he has Ruckus eyes, dammit.
Nah, the films and S.A.C. are good, only Arise is meh, if that.And folks stay asking for live action version of that meh tier anime. They going to get it
That's a really cool cover.The Force Awakens/Boondocks crossover, by Mr. Drawmatic
I'm already trying to figure out how Huey fit all that hair under the helmet. And now BB-8 looks like he has Ruckus eyes, dammit.
LmaoThe Force Awakens/Boondocks crossover, by Mr. Drawmatic
I'm already trying to figure out how Huey fit all that hair under the helmet. And now BB-8 looks like he has Ruckus eyes, dammit.
And now BB-8 looks like he has Ruckus eyes, dammit.
I'm curious why people consider piccolo black. Cause I've never correlate between the two.
Nah, the films and S.A.C. are good, only Arise is meh, if that.
Butwhy.gifI'm watching the Rish Hour TV show
the table no-sold the powerbomb?
"one more time! one more time! one more time!"
I do want to clarify though, that i meant that Arise is barely meh. (i really don't like it)this
Tell us all the spoils, when you can."LET THEM TRY."
More later..��
Damn, Hei put the hurt on 'emFlips the blonde one in the air with one hand and she breaks through a table but goes easy on ScarJo when he could use both hands and upper body
Should have ended this way
Damn, Hei put the hurt on 'em
I do want to clarify though, that i meant that Arise is barely meh. (i really don't like it)
Civil War my niggas.
I'm in fucking awe of the Black Panther, Spider-man combo.
My boy who loves Batman says his favourite new Superhero is T'challa.
More later..😁
BeatIMOpost credit scene
BeatIMOpost credit scene
BP had so many lines where I was like, lets fucking go!!!!
CW brehs. Loved it
Wait, YOU SAW THE MOVIE?Civil War my niggas.
I'm in fucking awe of the Black Panther, Spider-man combo.
My boy who loves Batman says his favourite new Superhero is T'challa.
Fuck outta here bBeatIMOpost credit scene
BP had so many lines where I was like, lets fucking go!!!!
CW brehs. Loved it
More later..😁
Y'all need to stop
Did they show the Necropolis?
we do see anoDora Milaje
T'challa's every move and action has a regal air to it. He's constantly in conrtol even when he seemingly has the disadvantage.
The whole movie does what Batman V Superman sets out to do in a more subtle and adult fashion.
How is my all time favorite friendly neighborly Spider-Man in the film? Spidey is the heart and soul of Civil War. It doesn't work without him and given how CW turned out...
Either way, it can't be worse than the comics.
Spideys not the heart and soul of civil war. He was a pawn that was used up and thrown in the trash. Civil war has no heart
Who do you work for?
Spideys not the heart and soul of civil war. He was a pawn that was used up and thrown in the trash. Tony Stark has no heart
Watch the movie and then comeback go this comment.
and if the watcher had multi-versal memory, he'd be making shaq faces at Stark and Mary-Jane, considering the fuckery that happened during and just before Civil War.
How. Is. Spider-Man?
Don't tell me he's bad.