Angelus Errare
Slay seeing all these black women probably triggered him.
Another piece of advice is, unless you're doing something really elaborate with your hair like an updo, just do it yourself.
A lot of "natural" hair salons are rip offs and will charge you 50-75 for a regular ass twist out.
Another thing is a lot of salons have girls there who have no idea what they're doing and are too hard on the hair, stretch it without moisture, and even damage it.
If you're Black American, I suggest not going to an African salon (usually Nigerian or Ghanaian). Not only will they talk about you in their language, but African's are known for being hard as fuck on the hair and it. will. hurt.
Look for alternatives, like a girlfriend who is good with natural hair, or a salon you really, really trust.
hey if the bayleef regiment works, it works.Adding on to Cindi's great posts...A FEW YEARS AGO Y'ALL MADE FUN OF ME FOR MY GREEN HAIR. But my avocado+banana+olive oil+coconut water concoction keeps my shit soft and healthy.
Commit to a good moisture treatment. You don't have to get all natural-kitchen-cabinet like me, but neither does it have to be very expensive. And keeping your hair nice and enriched with moisture with make twist-outs/wash and go's a lot easier, and look a lot better.
I usually just end up cutting mine. I have the super nappy kind and can't be arsed.
I decided instead not to see it and instead spend more time working on my craft. As for Final Fantasy IX, it was my first and I love it. Just about any game in the series is fine to start out with. The wonderful thing about the series is that it's so diverse, so there's something for everyone. IX was my introduction and it pulled me because of the presentation, story, characters, exploration, and music. The combat was secondary for me, but it is decent and functions properly. X was next for me and coming into a 3D world with voice acting for the first time was a real experience. I found the combat to be a bit more enjoyable and thought it was neat how you could switch out party members at any time and the conveniences of an auto-Scan in Sensor and the turn slot helped the battle system shine. I didn't like the story as much as IX's but it entertained me.RT 90% so shouldn't be trash
Haven't finished an FF game. FF9 a good start? Interested in the new PC one. Got 5,6,7 and tactics too.
First off, never call your dreadlocks "unprofessional".
Second, my mom tells me this. She would often bad mouth my hair, though she said she's jealous sometimes because she tells me I have "good hair." I've found it very demeaning and unsupportive at times, and to hear my own mother talk about my hair like this has been really hurtful, and tells me a lot about how she views her own. She hot combs her hair. I try to suck it up but it's such a shame seeing the damaging effects white supremacy has instilled on my mama.
As for your question, about any style would do.
A traditional go to for a lot of natural women is a Wash And Go. It's popular because it's easy to do and not time extensive while still looking wonderful.
I have been trying to do shit myself, but I have something in my mind that makes me think I'm always doing something wrong because when It hurts a bit when I try to brush and comb it out. It does whenever a stylist does it, but I guess I'm more conscience and critical when I'm doing it to myself. I need to overcome that. The salons I got to charge me about $35-40, but yeah the African and Jamaican ones start with $50.Another piece of advice is, unless you're doing something really elaborate with your hair like an updo, just do it yourself.
A lot of "natural" hair salons are rip offs and will charge you 50-75 for a regular ass twist out.
Another thing is a lot of salons have girls there who have no idea what they're doing and are too hard on the hair, stretch it without moisture, and even damage it.
If you're Black American, I suggest not going to an African salon (usually Nigerian or Ghanaian). Not only will they talk about you in their language, but African's are known for being hard as fuck on the hair and it. will. hurt.
Look for alternatives, like a girlfriend who is good with natural hair, or a salon you really, really trust.
A lot of natural women just do them shits ourselves. Most salons still don't cater to natural hairstyles, and the ones that do either fuck your hair up, are ran by African's, or are outrageously expensive. With youtube tutorials and practice, you won't need to go to the salon.
What hair you got Blasian Persuasion? It's also good to learn your hair porosity.
Hair types:
Depending on your hair type you may need specific care. Do you have a regimen?
My hair is a mix of 3C and 4A. My needs are different from someone with 4C. A lot of black people say "butters are best for hair" or whatever, but it's so monolithic and so false. When I put butters in my hair, it just sits in my hair and weighs it down. My hair works best with oils.
Adding on to Cindi's great posts...A FEW YEARS AGO Y'ALL MADE FUN OF ME FOR MY GREEN HAIR. But my avocado+banana+olive oil+coconut water concoction keeps my shit soft and healthy.
Commit to a good moisture treatment. You don't have to get all natural-kitchen-cabinet like me, but neither does it have to be very expensive. And keeping your hair nice and enriched with moisture with make twist-outs/wash and go's a lot easier, and look a lot better.
My hair would end up like that but I'm too impatient. I've grown my hair out a handful of times and at around the 9 month mark, I get tired of it and just cut it all off.![]()
RT 90% so shouldn't be trash
Haven't finished an FF game. FF9 a good start? Interested in the new PC one. Got 5,6,7 and tactics too.
I'm without a doubt a 4C chick.
Type 4c hair is composed of strands that will almost never clump without the use of styling techniques. Type 4c hair can range from fine, thin, soft to coarse with densely packed strands. Some say Type 4c coils look identical to 4b except that the curls are tightly kinked with less definition. Tighter coily hair can shrink more than 75%.
Quick Tips
Use a creamy humectant as a leave-in to maximize protection from the elements
A curl defining custard or gelee can stretch the coil safely for twist-outs and braid-outs
Cover your hair at night with a silk or satin cap to protect your hair and prevent breakage
Use a detangling co-wash with slippery elm or marshmallow root
4C hair is beautiful and easy to care for as long as you know how to properly clean, moisturize, and maintain it. The best advice you can get on maintaining 4c hair is from women who have plenty of experience with it. Although everyones hair is unique, watching others' trials can reduce the stress of finding what works for you. So we reached out to community favorites, 4c vloggers Lulu, Kriss, Jessica, and Jenn to share their hair care dos and donts that have been successes and failures of their regimens.
Pure Estrogen (LuLu)
Follow the directions on your products. The idea of deep conditioning overnight sounds great, but it really doesn't do much for your hair.
Work your product into your hair to make it easier to detangle and give it extra stretch before styling.
Don't wash hair that hasn't been detangled. Semi-stretched knotted hair is bad enough as it is. Try removing the knots from perfectly shrunken kinks.
Don't comb dry or soaking wet hair. Lightly moisturize or spritz to make it pliable. Fingerdetangle each time that you can get away with it.
NaturalMe4C (Kriss)
Use moisturizing products. 4C hair is usually very dry naturally, so using anything harsh wont be beneficial when it comes to retaining moisture.
Cleanse your scalp thoroughly. 4C hair is known for having lots of shrinkage. As soon as water hits the tightly coiled strands, up it goes! Be sure your products/fingers are reaching your scalp to properly cleanse away dirt and product buildup. A good tool to try is the Vanity Planet Scalp Massaging Shampoo Brush. It works great on wash days.
Dont pile your coils on top of your head and rub products on your hair. This can cause excessive tangling, single strand knots, and frizz. Not to mention, it can be a nightmare to detangle and style later!
Use a product that has lots of slip. Whether you fingerdetangle or you like to use hair tools, slip will not only save time, but it will allow most knots and tangles to unravel easily without excess strain. A great inexpensive detangler is Silkience Silky-Smooth Conditioner.
Dont rip through knots and tangles! If you feel a knot with your fingers/hair tool, stop and use your fingers to gently remove strands from the knot. Doing so will prevent unnecessary breakage. You may find that the root of the entire knot was only a couple strands.
Dont overuse styling products. This can lead to crunchy, greasy, weighed down, stiff, and or frizzy hair. Most of the time, a little product goes a long way.
essica Pettway
Wash your hair often! Water is a kinky girl's best friend.
Don't think negatively about your texture. Embrace it and your hair will love you for it.
Trim your hair regularly. Trimmed ends make styling easier.
Don't use lathering shampoos too often. These type of shampoos dry kinky hair out and can result in breakage.
Deep condition every week. If you want healthy hair, don't skip this step.
Don't limit your styling because of your texture. Explore as many options as possible and have fun with your kinks.
Wash your hair with conditioners or creamy shampoos. This will give your hair the added moisture and slip needed for kinky textures.
Explore a stylish cut and shaping. This will give your kinks a whole new life.
Jenn J.
Minimal manipulation is key for my hair to thrive. I am very gentle with my strands so I make sure to wash my hair in twists and finger detangle over 90% of the time. This has made a tremendous change in my ends. In addition, deep conditioning is an absolute must. 4C hair craves moisture, but don't expect to achieve maximum moisture retention overnight. Moisture is a journey. You have to be consistent to achieve moisturized hair so I deep condition every week.
Avoid drying products such as hard gels and daily styling. Typically, I will do a style that I know can last at least a week such as twists and updos.
The avocado seems a bit much, though. TBH, but it's true that doing what works for you is the best.
Leave my damn avocado alone. lol
I cosign the Shea Moisture. Great stuff. Best stuff that you can find at a drug store that I've used.
I've been on my "Older Huey Freeman" again lately:
Actually, this is just my hair after being under a beenie all day and before Ive had a chance to hop in the shower and wash it. But the fun thing about keeping my moisture game up is that even when I don't style my hair, it does these nice shapes that I like.
I drank every day this week. Should probably take a break today.
9 is already great, but will seem absolutely godlike in comparison to the absolutely boring 6.
Florida is the greatest state in the union.
To be fair, your hair was green, bruh.Adding on to Cindi's great posts...A FEW YEARS AGO Y'ALL MADE FUN OF ME FOR MY GREEN HAIR. But my avocado+banana+olive oil+coconut water concoction keeps my shit soft and healthy.
You know your hair better than I, but curlynikki and naturallycurly always brings good suggestions for hair care via hair type.
*continues to push products *
Let's just say my blasian self ain't gonna be worrying about where I can get a decent hair product. My scalp thanks me getting a job here.
I like my liver being intact.
I can't decide what joke I want to make here.
Oh, but thanks for the justification for not giving you money. 😉
Thanks for the links. I'll definitely read them. To reiterate I hate how we are expected to keep our hair a specific way just because white people may have a problem with it and that was what white I was trying to explain to my family, but my aunt replied with the "but white people are the ones in charge and going to hire you". I'm not down to conforming with their standards steeped in racism. I know the men face it as well and I feel it's probably even stricter on their part and I'm in support with them as well.
How much is your Raw African Black Soap?
Do you have any Neutrogena SPF 15 facial moisturizer on cheap?
plzYou don't want me to look sad like this dog do you? Do I have to bat my eyes?
The entire series except the first few eps when it wasn't as refined should be listened toLast few eps of The Dollop podcast should be required listening.
The new Spider-Man sure has a lot of black people starring in it. It's almost like Marvel is trying to make it look like they're actually in New York City and not the white oasis that exists in every other movie/tv show set there.
The new Spider-Man sure has a lot of black people starring in it. It's almost like Marvel is trying to make it look like they're actually in New York City and not the white oasis that exists in every other movie/tv show set there.
Thanks for the advice
9 is already great, but will seem absolutely godlike in comparison to the absolutely boring 6.
They just cast two black women and the ethnically ambiguous guy from Dope for what are supposed to be prominent roles.hopefully they have some brown people that aren't cabbies or bodega owners.
We have to fight now. 6 is the fucking best.
No matter what he tells you, the shopping ain't that high.
I usually just end up cutting mine. I have the super nappy kind and can't be arsed.
6 is boring, but at least it ain't 4
I need a stylist. I always got the super low cut or a mini fade, but I wish I could have a head full of hair.........
4 is the pinnacle of the series tho. Best secrets, best overworld, best moon.
Leave my damn avocado alone. lol
I cosign the Shea Moisture. Great stuff. Best stuff that you can find at a drug store that I've used.
I've been on my "Older Huey Freeman" again lately:
Actually, this is just my hair after being under a beenie all day and before Ive had a chance to hop in the shower and wash it. But the fun thing about keeping my moisture game up is that even when I don't style my hair, it does these nice shapes that I like.
4 is the pinnacle of the series tho. Best secrets, best overworld, best moon.
GGs, booty..wherever you are ��
Barbershop? Is that what's happening?
GGs, booty..wherever you are 😢
Here is that movie Will Smith is in as satan. Called Winter's Tale
Bashing 4 AND 6?? This madness needs to end!