Gordon Shumway
I'm black..those guys lied to you to get into your pants.
noI'm black..those guys lied to you to get into your pants.
*sees Serena*Beyonce just dropped a classic and I haven't even heard it
*waves* Morning.G'mornin all.
*Hugs* Welcome back fam.YO!!
Hey guys. Been a few days without not knowing of all of you, hope you're all OK and thanks for caring about me. Been a rough week but i'm glad is over.
There are no sane people here
Damm. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all that bullshit. Hope things pick up for you Dai.Not at all. Just a quickie.
A friend of mine got a gig to sell some business grade MFP equipment (something like this http://i.imgur.com/Vahv5xe.jpg ). Then turns out that his customers wanted for all of them to be networked but have none of the equipment nor infraestructure or people to do the job, so he calls me to be the one to do that job.... buy cable and fixtures, equipment, then assemble and config everything.
I mean, it was good money what i made but damn if it wasn't tiring. I'm accustomed to that kind of jobs tho' and i wish i had more like those. They bring good money, specially now that i need every penny i can make.
But then, something else happened that really made me want to kick puppies.
My car went FUBAR for some electrical bullshit... no one could tell me exactly what was wrong with it and almost spent what i made triying to fix it. In the end i decided to call the local junkyard to sold it as parts since mecanically it was in form.
So now i'm with less money and no car, a lot of bills to pay and a business dwindling and trying to stay afloat, but hey
All in all, I'm still alive and breathing to struggle another day, and is just material stuff anyway ;-)
Thanks for your concerns =)
And thanks BCT to let me rant here.
(Looks at Slayven's avatar) omg Slayven why
Mark Jackson told Houston to put some respeck on that name. Expect your office workers to ask you, 'what's that all about?'
BTW, Houston is shit tier.
(Looks at Slayven's avatar) omg Slayven why
lolIf that's Slay, he looks exactly how I imagined.
(Looks at Slayven's avatar) omg Slayven why
For the butt hurt marvelites and nolan fans
Bernie Sanders said on Saturday during a taping of Meet the Press that he lost some of the past primary contests to Hillary Clinton because "poor people don't vote." I mean, that's just a fact. That's a sad reality of American society," Sanders said when asked why Clinton had beaten him in 16 of the 17 states so far with the highest levels of income inequality. He said that one weakness of his voter turnout operation was getting lower-income people to the polls.
It always strikes me as strange when someone who needs to scream into his phone because of how loud his tv is, while never looking into said camera that he's holding in his hands to record himself screaming, can call any living person a retard..that's some special stuff right there. 😐
41 years fucking old..how the fuck, son? Even YOU don't ride your boy that hard..and you're a youngin!This dude has made 90 videos in the past 4 weeks alone all dedicated to either BvS, how awesome the DCEU is, or much Civil War sucks. Like there's some serious dedication here.
It always strikes me as strange when someone who needs to scream into his phone because of how loud his tv is, while never looking into said camera that he's holding in his hands to record himself screaming, can call any living person a retard..that's some special stuff right there. 😐
LOL NO!It's the weird little laughs that get me., you seen the videos where he is obviously at work and hiding he is making a video?
The giggles tell me he's completely insane. Dude laughs at himself like it's a fucking tick.
So, Dame Dash's baby mama is Jay's sidechick.
Honestly, I've stopped paying attention to Bernie Sanders at this point. He's what I like to call, "Accidentally Racist."
Like the boss who gloats about how he and his family volunteers at soup kitchens on MLK Day, but when it comes time to give his black employee the promotion he's earned, never does because "eh...I'm just not sure he's ready for the responsibility."
This man has shit on the South and black voters too much at this point to be given a pass.
Bout to ZZZZZZ up now tho so g'night
The way that he holds his TMZ coffee mug like it's the first time he used a cup with a handle says all you need to know lol..that's the best part of his videos. I hope he sticks to that weird quirk. Dude looks crosseyed as fuck in half the videos haha.
When you put it that way... DamnI saw those images of Lil Kim that are tending on Twitter right now. It takes some powerful self hate to turn yourself from a pretty black woman into an ugly white one.
He was going down anyway and the support pushed Hillary left. He's doing fuck shit now, threatening to go to the convention, begging for supers but that's desperation. Many have wondered if his revolution was all about himself and he's not helping to counter that.Starting to regret voting for Bernie. Whatever, he's lost the primary anyways.
Nikkas need to get a life b
Yea, perfect way to summon up my problem with him.
That and his more hardcore stans are made up of the worst types of liberal folks within the election cycle.
This whole election has been shitty tbh
Just like always.I don't mind Obama speaking in a balanced manner on the BLM issue... but I feel like certain folks are going to use his words to try to silence BLM protesters.
Lil Kim, y'all...
Lil Kim, y'all...
Who is this Argentinean woman? Is she important?
Yo what the fuck.