Gordon Shumway
Gaah there's a party tonight, part of me wants to go...
Then listen to that part..!
Gaah there's a party tonight, part of me wants to go...
Gaah there's a party tonight, part of me wants to go...
Nasty hygiene GAF made me love doing chores and appreaciate cleaning shitIf the entire world were completely honest Liar Liar style for 24 hours, I think hygiene GAF would be on suicide watch (among others). It's amazing that people don't understand just how polite society is: you can stink to high heavens and the vast majority of people won't say a damn thing. Doesn't make you not stink.
*usual comments*
Oh god, I can smell the vape from here.That young people thread in OT is killing me. One of the dudes in the original article said - unironically - that he "still" supported the causes, but their "pro-censorship tendencies, fixation with intersectionality, and constant uproar over seemingly trivial and innocuous matters like cultural appropriation and microaggressions went against [his] civil-libertarian sensibilities. I wonder how many subreddits he got chewed through before he got his story straight on that one.
Nasty hygiene GAF made me love doing chores and appreaciate cleaning shit
Just imagine what their living spaces look like when they refuse to clean their own bodies?
That young people thread in OT is killing me. One of the dudes in the original article said - unironically - that he "still" supported the causes, but their "pro-censorship tendencies, fixation with intersectionality, and constant uproar over seemingly trivial and innocuous matters like cultural appropriation and microaggressions went against [his] civil-libertarian sensibilities. I wonder how many subreddits he got chewed through before he got his story straight on that one.
Electronics do require some upkeep or atleast some dusting 😷Probably immaculate. Why would they want to sully the things that brings them happiness?
Go! What else you gonna do on a tuesday night?Gaah there's a party tonight, part of me wants to go...
Electronics do require some upkeep or atleast some dusting 😷
Gaah there's a party tonight, part of me wants to go...
Cat hair seems like it might fuck up your PCThe inside of my computer is covered in cat hair and dust.
I did in fact find her. Her name is Tomi, she's Nigerian, and her last url was bijunn.tumblr.com. WAS. Because she left tumblr three years ago. She was also wi--nk and ghastlybleu-lips, for rather obvious reasons.
EDIT: She also had the URL pityplease.
Yeah, it look a hot mess.What is that girl thinking with that lipstick?
Yeah, it looks someone completely different.That's the same girl? Looks like someone else. I only ask because I saw about 6 other pictures of her face and it's just not matching up. Also, article said she was from the Sudan..I dunno. Or am I missing a joke? I'm probably missing I joke. ��
That's the difference between a webcam and an actual camera. And the difference between lighting properly and fucking it up.
Cat hair? I know who ain't bringing a dish at the cook-out.The inside of my computer is covered in cat hair and dust.
Go! What else you gonna do on a tuesday night?
Why not just talk to a girl on the phone all night?
😆😆Why not just talk to a girl on the phone all night?
Why not just talk to a girl on the phone all night?
Savage....Why not just talk to a girl on the phone all night?
Why not just talk to a girl on the phone all night?
I truly believe he fell into the trap of getting high off his own supplySanders pulling that bullshit I was afraid off. Dude is in it to get one last ride before he dies and doesn't give a fuck.
I am SUPER shocked Atlus is doing this to Europehttp://gematsu.com/2016/04/nis-america-will-no-longer-publish-atlus-games-europe
Got a present for you Europe.It's an L.
I truly believe he fell into the trap of getting high off his own supply
Got a present for you Europe.It's an L.
Why not just talk to a girl on the phone all night?
Watch as they region lockI read it, tried to be upset but the truth is I just don't care.
Alright, you!That's foul. Ain't nothing wrong with trying to kiss her thru the phone all night.
Sanders pulling that bullshit I was afraid of. Dude is in it to get one last ride before he dies and doesn't give a fuck.
Watch as they region lock
That's foul. Ain't nothing wrong with trying to kiss her thru the phone all night.
Sanders pulling that bullshit I was afraid of. Dude is in it to get one last ride before he dies and doesn't give a fuck.
I truly believe he fell into the trap of getting high off his own supply
Mofo is about to Ralph Nadar this nation just because his cantankerous ass can.
Never should have let white liberals forget about that shit and letting GWB in like that.
He gonna Bern the house down..fuck the folks inside!
The guy has seriously soured me on him over the last few months. He has clearly let his supporters go to his head because he didn't used to be like this.
I've said it before but Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump (and their fanbases by extension) are different sides of the same coin. Neither one has a realistic concept of what the fuck the president can actually do, neither one for fulfill a tenth of what they are saying they could, both fall apart when someone stops play softball and presses them, and I'm not convinced either actually cares about minorities. I think Bernie thinks he does care but is clueless and I think Trump legit gives no fucks whatsoever. Both of them have extremely vocal supporters that seem to take no small amount of pleasure in shouting down minority issues, though from different angles: Berniebros go with a covert "Marched with MLK" racism while Trumpers go with a "get out my country, build a wall, track the Muslims" overt racism. And both of them are legitimately charismatic, enough so that a good number of people can't see past the MASSIVE PROBLEMS each brings to the table.
HahaI still don't care tbh.
I will never stop being amused by the people who take his ignorant-ass seriously. He's the physical manifestation of a barbershop conversation.
That's foul. Ain't nothing wrong with trying to kiss her thru the phone all night.
That's foul. Ain't nothing wrong with trying to kiss her thru the phone all night.
That's foul. Ain't nothing wrong with trying to kiss her thru the phone all night.
"No you hang up first...."
Y'all being mean. Phone calls are much cheaper than actual dates and all his friends are too smart to "loan" him any cash.