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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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The racist backlash against Barack Obama brought us Donald Drumpf.
The Obama era didn’t herald a post-racial America as much as it did a racialized one,
where millions of whites were hyperaware of and newly anxious about their racial status. For example, during a Marco Rubio rally before the New Hampshire primary in February, I spoke to a voter who, in her way, gave voice to this hyperawareness. “I think he’s divided this country in many ways,” said Lori, an older white woman, of Obama. “I know in a lot of places in America there’s a divide in color … like, when I walk up to someone in the stores”—she looked at me to emphasize what she means—“I feel that they’re wondering if I like them. … I didn’t feel that before. I was accepting of everyone, and I hate that he brought that.”
Naive-to-comics question: couldn't BP's anti-metal equipment tear through Spidey's webbing in most cases outside of being completely immobilized?


Naive-to-comics question: couldn't BP's anti-metal equipment tear through Spidey's webbing in most cases outside of being completely immobilized?

His normal webbing, yes. But on occasion he kits out with different types of webbing (conductive, heavy duty, some weird metal shit, etc)

Well, just became an adult today, fun times. 18 doesn't feel much different, which is the point of life I suppose.

Voted for the first time too in early primaries. It's going to be a close race here in Illinois.

Happy Birthday!



Would read the shit out of it. Hard to resolve the millionaire playboy with staying with his poor aunt. Unless it's like, all the money is in a trust fund or something.

Alexander "Norm" Lutheborne would be an amazing villain.


Is Saturday Night Live supposed to be funny? I thought it was supposed to be funny.

On other news, ate some jerk chicken today. Goddamn I missed it. I've had cheap imitation, but I got some from this food truck today. Legit. Came with rice and beans with a bit of a fried plantain. Made sure to have a cup of water cause that shit was spicy.


Thanks Shy! Always enjoy the positivity!
Damn I thought you were about 43
That is what everyone says, even in real life haha.
Happy birthday
Thanks! My record is still clean of horse humour.

Happy Birthday, kiddo. Enjoy your birthday week..
Thanks. Ohh, what a fun week it'll be! Work up to the ear and college decisions. But only 60 some more days.

Happy Birthday, man!
Yeah, the big 18 kind of felt like just another day to me as well, but hope you enjoy your day nonetheless. I was pretty angry when I turned 18; just missed the cut-off to vote in the general for 2012. Luckily, the democrats didn't really need it.
Thank you! I would have made the cut off regardless, as Illinois allows people who will be 17 by the GE to win, but this was my free day so I decided to double up. The voting registrars had a nice cheer for a first time voter on their birthday.
Happy birfday
Gracías! Si pudiera, los bebería...
Happy birthday. I hope you voted for the right person
Lex Luthor
Thanks! I may not have, but I did vote for a wealthier alternative...
Happy Youthday. Watch that lifeclock
Haha thanks. I've already begun watching my youth slip away from me with each year. To think my life parallels one born in 1898!
Happy Birthday!

You all are good people. I don't know how I would have gotten through the last year without the laughs and fountain of information you all provide.


Naive-to-comics question: couldn't BP's anti-metal equipment tear through Spidey's webbing in most cases outside of being completely immobilized?
He claws or dangers could do it. Webbing isn't metal.

Would read the shit out of it. Hard to resolve the millionaire playboy with staying with his poor aunt. Unless it's like, all the money is in a trust fund or something.

Alexander "Norm" Lutheborne would be an amazing villain.
i don't care about earth 27

Know how I know you don't read comics? Aunt May is married to a Millionaire. J. Jonah Jameson, Sr.


Evil Black Cat is the worst.

Edit: Alma is Fear 2 has the same plan as a Lifetime movie of the week villain, except she succeeds. God that was horrific.


Why do people keep forgetting Parker is a genius himself. Half his shit is based around outsmarting tougher opponents.

well I'm not liable to forget that Spidey is a genius, since that's a major pillar of his most recent push. But I do think that "list of emergency plans for Galactus categorized by contingency" level Panther genius might be more than a match for seat of his pants, always in the nick of time Parker-Tech.

If I remember correctly, unless you're a symbiote or faster than Spider-Man, his Spider-sense is technically unbeatable, so you'd have to trick him in order to win. Panther might be able to out-tech teenage Spidey, but I'm willing to bet that Tony gave his suit some modifications without going full Iron Spider.

Panther stays creating next level tech. Spidey needs outsourcing help building a wall crawling car. They thought it was hot shit that he has a rocket in his office building.

I am expecting Panther to need to use his trickery to tackle spider sense.
I had my first argument with my dad last night over some dumb shit (I"m 26 and I handle my shit finances, job, family,etc). Anyways we playing a game it was him, his friend, and me and I called his friend by his first name and then my dad comes back across and emphasizes "Mr. First name". So I'm like its whatever and go about what I'm doing. Later my dad tells me to call him and then he says "Don't ever embarrass me like that in front of my friend again." Then the shit went from 0 to 100 and we start arguing and shit and then I say "I take care of my fucking kids, take care of my fucking responsibilities, and I"m fucking independent and I deserve to be talked to as a man and not a child." Then my dad starts going off saying I'm dead to him and that I'm a sorry mothafucka and that he never wants to see me etc.

Now I know I fucked up with the cursing shit and I definitely crossed the line. And I know the shit was stupid and I should of just shut up and color but man its frustrating to me that they make comments like that and then get confused on why I'm upset. Cause that shit to me seem like some condescending shit and like they still look down on me. Right now idk what to do right now.

i can't imagine that kind of thing happening.

tell him you're a grown ass man and that mister shit is what slaves said to massa even when the slave was older than the master.


This was my second date with her, but yeah, once that third wheel got involved, the chemistry got hit with a stone cold stunner.

Kinda sour about it because I feel like if I get the "just friends" spiel, it'll be for reasons beyond me. Lack of chemistry is one thing (and I'm kinda wondering if it was even there in the first place), but outside interference ending things is the worst.

She could have invited the third wheel along to see how you interacted with them, but if she was feeling the same way about you in terms of chemistry, she might have invited the third wheel along to improve the date.

I'm rarely a poster in these threads but yesterday, my wife, in perhaps her biggest moment of lack of self awareness, outed me to my mom, my always church going mom, that I didn't believe in god in random conversation. I consider myself to be a deist. During the conversation afterwards with my mom, I cleaned up some of the messaging but ultimately, my mom said that she wasn't going to tell the rest of the family, she thinks of me differently now and that I'm too analytical. Interesting weekend.

Thanks for the response. She asked me if I had faith as in blind faith. I said no. I have faith in things that are tangible. I don't see air, but I can feel it. Anything that comes into my life, should be judged through the same prism, without exception. I went on to say that while I believe in some of the moral tenets that are taught in the bible, they are just obvious tenets like about stealing or killing. I can't handle the contradictions of everyone has free wil vs "it was meant to be." I don't subscribe to a deity that seeming has a moral code lesser than that of mine, turning people into salt, damn near forcing someone to kill their son, the whole story about Job is like shit and giggles between god and satan, etc.... All of the fantastical stuff, I don't buy the Disney production, as I put it yesterday. Also how, as a black person, I find it hard to reconcile that there is god when there is continuous strife in places like Africa. Places abused and exploited for years. I was like, in the midst of all of this, god couldn't come through a little bit? Prayers, at least to me in a way, seems to be answered in the amount of money can get be spent, hopefully wisely. She then asked about if my wife was in surgery, would I pray, I said no. I'd hope that the surgeon was damn good and her body didn't reject whatever therapies, medicines that she needed.

It's definitely tough having discussions on "lack of faith" with older family members so I don't blame you not wanting to tell the rest of your family. I had the discussion with my immediate family almost immediately after I decided to abandon Christianity and made the decision to just keep it to them and not my entire extended family, although I'm pretty sure at this point they all know/have talked about it among themselves since I can't think of the last time I've had a conversation about going to church/have been invited to go to church outside of weddings. Although my immediate and extended families will still ask me to participate in saying grace/prayer/etc... without a second thought which I do with no problem since it's just going through the motions now. It definitely took my mom a while to accept it, and even now we will still have arguments from time to time. Example, one night I was at my parents and we were watching an episode of the Carmichael show and the episode was about the girlfriend, Maxine, not being religious and I was laughing and "mmhmm"-ing a little too much at the episode, so that became a debate. Thankfully guests came over which gave me an excuse to end it.


I need to deactivate my Facebook again.

I seen this post by one of my old WoW guildmates friends that goes a little bit like "that bitch ass nigga talkin shit, racist ass shouting N this n that, he ain't nothin but a bama ass, dusty ass cracka!!!"

Normal dumb FB shit right, except this was a white girl saying this.

That's when I knew I needed to log off.
So you gonna pipe or what?

Well, just became an adult today, fun times. 18 doesn't feel much different, which is the point of life I suppose.

Voted for the first time too in early primaries. It's going to be a close race here in Illinois.

Happy birthday, Africanus! Congrats on making it to adulthood, us millennials gotta stick together.

Young Magus

Junior Member
I need to deactivate my Facebook again.

I seen this post by one of my old WoW guildmates friends that goes a little bit like "that bitch ass nigga talkin shit, racist ass shouting N this n that, he ain't nothin but a bama ass, dusty ass cracka!!!"

Normal dumb FB shit right, except this was a white girl saying this.

That's when I knew I needed to log off.

She down with the strggle lol
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