Man fuck this new time
I love bat shit crazy Maul
Man fuck this new time
Savage Oppress
Lost it with Will's character name (Cypher Raige )
He couldn't come up with a more dumb macho name if he tried
It's realWOAT.
EDIT: The name, that is.
Was After Earth that bad a film?
This is some dystopian cyberpunk weaboo fanfiction type shitLost it with Will's character name (Cypher Raige )
He couldn't come up with a more dumb macho name if he tried
It's real
The man with no fearwho can't do anything for the whole movie while his son is struggling (both acting and plot-wise
This is some dystopian cyberpunk weaboo fanfiction type shit
I know lol, just hate how bad that name is.
Man fuck this new time
You would stan for some bullshit
Sounds like a Star Ocean protagonist.Lost it with Will's character name (Cypher Raige )
He couldn't come up with a more dumb macho name if he tried
You don't know what you're talking about. Say what you want about Book of Eli (which is a middling film if you're being objective) but it's not remotely as bad as After Earth. Fuck outta here with that inanity.
Max Power tho (Homer)Bad lieutenant: Port Call Of New Orleans is possibly one of the greatest films ever made.
Edit: The greatest name ever is Max Payne followed closely by Max Rockatansky.
And it's still better than After Earth.When the villain dies from a boo boo, then your movie has failed .
Morning world star flavored fuckery for you all:
Black dude takes on white dude, his girl and their dog.
Now, just watch how he handles the dog and seemlessley translations into taking on the guy.
Nigga thought it was a shot put event..
bwahahahahahahahaMorning world star flavored fuckery for you all:
Black dude takes on white dude, his girl and their dog.
Now, just watch how he handles the dog and seemlessley translations into taking on the guy.
Turns out that dude's response was Fight
and Flight
Turns out that dude's response was Fight
and Flight
Turns out that dude's response was Fight
and Flight
Morning world star flavored fuckery for you all:
Black dude takes on white dude, his girl and their dog.
Now, just watch how he handles the dog and seemlessley translations into taking on the guy.
Morning world star flavored fuckery for you all:
Black dude takes on white dude, his girl and their dog.
Now, just watch how he handles the dog and seemlessley translations into taking on the guy.
Turns out that dude's response was Fight
and Flight
I like how people were saying, "it's a fucking dog" as the dog was attached to his leg.Morning world star flavored fuckery for you all:
Black dude takes on white dude, his girl and their dog.
Now, just watch how he handles the dog and seemlessley translations into taking on the guy.
I like how people were saying, "it's a fucking dog" as the dog was attached to his leg.
they were saying "get the fucking dog"
I like how someone murmured "that's a real nigga"
zangief is a black man. dog's eyes got wide as shit duding that spinning suplex throw. then his master gets crossover body slammed and punched.
see that is why I don't fight. You don't know what a person been through when they decide to work through it by laying hands upon you.
I like how people were saying, "it's a fucking dog" as the dog was attached to his leg.
see that is why I don't fight. You don't know what a person been through when they decide to work through it by laying hands upon you.
Those three make a horrible raid group.
Like it's obvious they got the dog to tank, while the dude was doing melee DPS while the girl was being ranged/throwing heals whenever she can.
As soon as the dog got sent to suplex city they pretty much wiped... Smh.
Exactly why people who know me don't fuck with me lol..they know I keep shit in my mental pocket, waiting for the moment to release it. Made bouncing fun..
That rag dog physics.Morning world star flavored fuckery for you all:
Black dude takes on white dude, his girl and their dog.
Now, just watch how he handles the dog and seemlessley translations into taking on the guy.