Can't get over how fucked some people are....
I might have mentioned her once before. I worked with this girl for two years. She moved to another city. We have always been in contact.
She developed this really rare illness. Constant pain. Just very debilitating. She has to wait a few months to get government assistance. And she hates it since she is a person who has worked for the past few years without skipping a beat, and studying.
Now her family basically said they aren't going to support her since she is dying... And her roommates who own the house she is in told her to leave since she makes the house environment depressing, because she is close to death.
What the fuck. How can u even say such shit to people.
I'm gonns have her live in my house for a while until she gets more treatment.
Not saying this to pat myself on the back and be a hero... Just completely speechless at the lack of empathy from her friends and family.
This is a person who spent two years of her life, volunteering on a native American reserve and helping them day and night. And this is what people around her do to her...
Sorry for the rent.. This whole thing really infuriated me.
Great job Kraft. You're an angel! A lot of people like to live coumbaya ideals where "everyone has a story" and "no one is just mean for mean's sake" but I'm convinced that there are just some people out there who are just cruelty personified and selfishly value their own comfort above all else even to the detriment of others.