I do that and it always results in them getting mad, which is hilarious. This one guy asked for my credit card and after I gave him a fake number, he said that he was going to rape my dad and sister.I think my favorite thing in the world is playing along with those people who call your phone with those computer scams.
DC's got the wrong higher ups. Applies to the movies, applies to comics. Have no clue how the TV shows barely dodged that bullet.
BvS is just another example of a vision that doesn't even understand the genre or properties they're working with.
IWhy is it so hard for people to talk without being hyperbolic?
Say what you will about Joe Q and Axel , he actually seem to care and love the medium. I don't get that feeling about the otherside
No hyperbole, I hate the Nolan films. They were not very good Batman films... so garbage.
I also hate the Raimi Spider-Man films.
Holding at that hot 41%
Waoh! I'm happy for you Jacir. Glad she was unscathed.
Can we talk about how this one simple change classes Laura right ?
He gave her a sports bra to cover up most of the cleavage.
This is why I'm seeing it and not because I think or hope it will be good.I hope Batman v Superman isn't actually bad. You know how long people have been waiting to see motherfucking Batman and motherfucking Superman on the big screen together? From commentary from journalists who were old enough to see the 70s Superman movie in theaters they really have their sights on this shit. It would be a damn shame if it managed to fail when it has a large precedent and larger expectations to fill.
I might still go see it because it's motherfucking Batman and motherfucking Superman!
Sonic fans got to stop doing it to themselves
I don't know what I was expecting but. Goddamn
I couldn't have anticipated this result.
I expected 75% at the lowest.Howso? It was written in the wall for the last 3 years.
I expected 75% at the lowest.
No hyperbole, I hate the Nolan films. They were not very good Batman films... so garbage.
I also hate the Raimi Spider-Man films.
as arguable a starting point this is, I'll accept it. Because even under this premise, Nintendo had two and a half years of solid returns before Wii sales fell of a cliff. Meanwhile, they forged no third party connections, and their online features were - and continue to be - a punch line. this is fundamentally misunderstanding what the casual low price of entry market wanted - Nintendo thought it was waggle and gaming tethered to a box device w/ full priced games.
that's why the Wii U failed on a conceptual level. It's practically only for people who like nintendo games, because Nintendo thought people wanted more Wii.
the biggest problem was it was 300+ dollars, severely under powered, and only had Nintendo games to offer.
Can we talk about how this one simple change classes Laura right up?
Are we pretending Nolan's movies are trash now too?
Batman Begins is an amazing Batman film. I'm not sure what more one could want from a Batman film, tbh.
For it to not be boring like Begins.
Yeah, i feel the same way.Who else feels the Brussels attack is that thing to be concerned about pushing Trump presidency firmly into probability -_-
Yep, people say that he can't win with just his ultra right wing base. But i think they underestimate the anger that's felt by them.After seeing bloated Will I Am and swole Ripclawe going to bat for Trump, I'm not relaxing until November has come and gone. There are a lot of people out there stupid enough to back Trump but crafty enough to be quiet about it.
Try to stay strong fam. Sending the love your way.May not have a job after today fam. Changes are afoot. Pray to whatever you believe in for me please. Yes Gordon, even your spaghetti monster.
Sucks that BvS might turn out to be trash but at least Hentai Kamen is getting a sequel.
Thank goodness he's safe.So my dad told me his cousin was on the train during the bomb explosion. She called him to say she is alive and ok. Crazy.
Second thisJust watched Flashpoint Paradox Monday night and I highly recommend that.
Under the Red Hood is great everybody should watch it.
Fuck yeah it is.Under the Red Hood is great everybody should watch it.
For it to not be boring like Begins.
BvS never had that moment in trailers where I was like "I need this in my life"
BvS never had that moment in trailers where I was like "I need this in my life"
I liked maybe the first half of Man of Steel, when it was basically a science fiction movie about an alien trying to grow up and find his place on Earth.
Come to think of it, from my view a lot of major blockbuster movies in recent years have started out right only to drop the ball in the third act, as if climaxes these days are made of plot contrivances. Maybe I just prefer parts of movies built on setting and character development. Maybe a lot of these climaxes just don't do setting, character development, or action choreography that well.
I like Omar's art but it seems like a lot of other people don't? A weird opinion to me but everyone has their own opinions.
How did they mess up something so easy.
Yeah. I read the synopsis that was linked in the spoiler thread, and i felt the same way.Read some spoilers posted in the BvS review thread and all I can say is what the FUCK.
What were they even thinking with this movie?
Read some spoilers posted in the BvS review thread and all I can say is what the FUCK.
What were they even thinking with this movie?
I'm ready for it.Boy if there is a big drop on box office next week.....the streets will be lit
I'm shocked as hell that it's getting even worse reviews that Man of Steel did.I expected 75% at the lowest.