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The Black Culture Thread |OT14| Ruthless: The So Well Spoken Story

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I expected pacing issues from a movie that had 30 minutes cut from it, the conversation will forever be shit since people really do not like DC movies and stay in their feelings
Every movie gets cut down from a longer version and if you can't tell a cohesive story in over 2 hours, then that's bad editing and directing. This isn't some conspiracy against DC movies and you can see that even in the threads about BvS that have all turned into discussions about how much people hated Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron.


What the hell is this about? I'm seeing folks with fangs and claws out lol..it's a damn movie, not your mom/dad!

Three years of irrational fanboy debates about Man of Steel and all the news surrounding this movie finally bubbling over.

Fanboys are doing their fanboy thing, blindly defending the film because they've tied way too much of their personal identity into it. Nothing new, really. But this time we've also got the haters who have been shitting on BvS since Comic Con 2013 doing a victory lap. Not including reviewers in that, since I trust most of them to do their jobs (enthusiast bloggers are a maybe). Not saying everyone falls into either camp, but just as there are fans who would not accept this movie being called bad, there are haters who practically needed it be awful. It's a perfect storm of nerd obnoxiousness, with everyone flinging their virtual poo at each other in a grand display that exemplifies why the internet will doom us all.

And honestly? I'm here for it. It's amusing. The only thing I don't like is how mean spirited it's gotten in some places. Whether it's fans harassing people on twitter or in comment sections, or haters who feel the need to make personal attacks on Snyder and the crew or people who are fans of the movie. That's all uncalled for, but it was inevitable.

Every movie gets cut down from a longer version and if you can't tell a cohesive story in over 2 hours, then that's bad editing and directing. This isn't some conspiracy against DC movies and you can see that even in the threads about BvS that have all turned into discussions about how much people hated Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron.

See the thing is...it's kind of both. BvS probably is poorly edited or possesses a poor narrative structure; those have been weaknesses of Synder his whole career. But there is also a very local and numerous contingent on the internet that have made it clear they were never here for BvS nor WB's vision for DC movies as a whole.

Nerds on the internet form petty vendettas just as easily as they form irrational allegiances. The conversation surrounding this movie has been thoroughly ruined by both things happening at the same time.


Every movie gets cut down from a longer version and if you can't tell a cohesive story in over 2 hours, then that's bad editing and directing. This isn't some conspiracy against DC movies and you can see that even in the threads about BvS that have all turned into discussions about how much people hated Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron.
I won't disagree with that, but people on both sides get in they feelings about this shif. For no reason. Like their lives are at risk if they don't defend Marvel/DC.



Fuck Zack Snyder. That movie was some ole bullshit.

Pacing was off as fuck. Boring till the last 30 mins. The JLA stuff felt shoehorned in. It is wasn't for Batman murking fools this movie would have been a lot worst. But I will say that I now think wonder woman will work.

Do get me fucking started on Superman. Its time to pull a Hulk. You had 2 shots. And you fucked up both of them with you uncharismatic Superman.

With all that said Give me more of this fucking Batman.
Omw to see it now ...oh god

My best friend invited me to come through and see it with him and I told him about the reviews the movie got

he's like "I don't care about reviews online"

yet this is the same nigga who pays attention to game reviews to judge whether he buys a game or not sometimes smh
Every movie gets cut down from a longer version and if you can't tell a cohesive story in over 2 hours, then that's bad editing and directing. This isn't some conspiracy against DC movies and you can see that even in the threads about BvS that have all turned into discussions about how much people hated Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron.

Three years of irrational fanboy debates about Man of Steel and all the news surrounding this movie finally bubbling over.

Fanboys are doing their fanboy thing, blindly defending the film because they've tied way too much of their personal identity into it. Nothing new, really. But this time we've also got the haters who have been shitting on BvS. Not including reviewers in that, since I trust most of them to do their jobs (enthusiast bloggers are a maybe) since Comic Con 2013 doing a victory lap. Not saying everyone falls into either camp, but just as there are fans who would not accept this movie being called bad, there are haters who practically needed it be awful. It's a perfect storm of nerd obnoxiousness, with everyone flinging their virtual poo at each other in a grand display that exemplifies why the internet will doom us all.

And honestly? I'm here for it. It's amusing. The only thing I don't like is how mean spirited it's gotten in some places. Whether it's fans harassing people on twitter or in comment sections, or haters who feel the need to make personal attacks on Snyder and the crew or people who are fans of the movie. That's all uncalled for, but it was inevitable.

See the thing is...it's kind of both. BvS probably is poorly edited or possesses a poor narrative structure; those have been weaknesses of Synder his whole career. But there is also a very local and numerous contingent on the internet that have made it clear they were never here for BvS nor WB's vision for DC movies as a whole.

Nerds on the internet form petty vendettas just as easily as they form irrational allegiances. The conversation surrounding this movie has been thoroughly ruined by both things happening at the same time.

I won't disagree with that, but people on both sides get in they feelings about this shif. For no reason. Like their lives are at risk if they don't defend Marvel/DC.

What I'll say to all of this is that I've seen it, but I feel like one side feels quite slighted by the other. So much so that they're ready to pounce, even when nothing THAT negative has really been said. It's a trip to observe because, for the most part, they're doing it to themselves, and can easily avoid the anger. It's seems more and more that some folks just wanna be angry..which is bizarre as all hell lol.

Again, it's entertainment. Like it. Don't. Whatever. I grew up with all these Underoo'd characters, and its great to see them on the big screen. I'm not gonna defend them like they're my children tho..unless they start fucking paying! 😁

D i Z

Wonder Woman is the only JL introduction film in the DC lineup that I'm interested in, and I have serious doubts that they wont f it up. Every other picture has a flaw in the premise that I can't get behind, or the character is absolute shite. I don't expect Suicide squad to get anywhere near as raw as it should be, but I can see it at least being fun for the gags.

I think they have a very slim window to replace Cavill and get someone in there with a personality. If they don't do it now, the character is going to trail the stank where ever he shows up.


What I'll say to all of this is that I've seen it, but I feel like one side feels quite slighted by the other. So much so that they're ready to pounce, even when nothing THAT negative has really been said. It's a trip to observe because, for the most part, they're doing it to themselves, and can easily avoid the anger. It's seems more and more that some folks just wanna be angry..which is bizarre as all hell lol.

Again, it's entertainment. Like it. Don't. Whatever. I grew up with all these Underoo'd characters, and its great to see them on the big screen. I'm not gonna defend them like they're my children tho..unless they start fucking paying! 😁
It's fucking weird to see people give this much of a shit about multi-billion dollar franchises and feel slighted by nothing. I swear sometimes I feel like it's a perception vs. reality thing going on with some of these guys


What I'll say to all of this is that I've seen it, but I feel like one side feels quite slighted by the other. So much so that they're ready to pounce, even when nothing THAT negative has really been said. It's a trip to observe because, for the most part, they're doing it to themselves, and can easily avoid the anger. It's seems more and more that some folks just wanna be angry..which is bizarre as all hell lol.

Again, it's entertainment. Like it. Don't. Whatever. I grew up with all these Underoo'd characters, and its great to see them on the big screen. I'm not gonna defend them like they're my children tho..unless they start fucking paying! ��

The fans are definitely defensive, but you have to remember this is happening off the back of three year gap since the last time there was a DC movie. There was a time when enthusiast sites and common fans alike could not shut up about how much they hated Man of Steel. Every trailer for a new superhero movie led to a discussion about it. It was practically law for very site to have a "MoS is shit and DC is a bunch of poopy heads" thinkpiece or ten. The destruction debate was had to the point that I went into threads wondering if everyone had even seen the same movie since no one seemed to agree on what actually happened in the fights.

Then the news about this movie starts rolling out and every bit of it is torn to shreds. People don't like the name. They don't like the cast. They don't like that it's not copying the Marvel formula. They don't like that it is copying the Marvel formula. They don't like Henry Cavill's hairline. Just constant negativity thrown at this movie from jump.

So for fans, it's like they've had three straight years of people raining on their parade. Even if I agree that some are taking it too personally, it does suck to try and be excited for something, but every time you go on Twitter or Gaf or wherever to talk about it, you find yourself having the same tired debates with people who just seem totally committed to hating it. And that's not saying people shouldn't have been allowed to be negative - though there was a lot of bullshit and trolling going on - but that kind of shit gets tiring after a while.

So I think fans are defensive because it's just habit at this point. Even if this the most even handed folks have been since MoS originally released. I would also argue that most fans I've seen have been pretty rational, but then you have people rushing to call them fanboys if they mention disagreeing with critics. Like I said, everything surrounding reactions to this movie is a shit show. lol
Spent all that money on condoms and won't even get to fuck. Seems like I have perpetual blue balls when my GF is over.


Sorry fam


Virgin and honestly feel She's scared to get it. It's weird I love her, but it's annoying that in seven months we've barley done anything.

Well there you go. Go talk to her about it, and be understanding/help her work through it, and by understanding I mean no "average GAFer in a social issues thread" impersonations.


Well there you go. Go talk to her about it, and be understanding/help her work through it, and by understanding I mean no "average GAFer in a social issues thread" impersonations.

I have before and I love her enough that were going to do it once she's ready. It's funny cause she talks a big game and says she's willing to try some of the freakier stuff I'm into.

Just a tad annoying when were hanging out and she actually wants to watch a movie.
Rating? 1-10?
6 for me. Odd pacing, laughable character motivations in some parts and disappointing key scenes but entertaining overall. I liked everyone in their role but my issues with the movie mostly deal with Snyder end of things. It gave me hope for the Batman and WW movies. Like I said yesterday, I enjoyed it a lot more than Thor Dark World.
6 for me. Odd pacing, laughable character motivations in some parts and disappointing key scenes but entertaining overall. I liked everyone in their role but my issues with the movie mostly deal with Snyder end of things. It gave me hope for the Batman and WW movies. Like I said yesterday, I enjoyed it a lot more than Thor Dark World.
Lex gets a pass?


I won't disagree with that, but people on both sides get in they feelings about this shif. For no reason. Like their lives are at risk if they don't defend Marvel/DC.
Folks stay in they feelings about all sort of shit, sports, politics...lots of things people get emotionally invested in. I can sympathize to an extent, I mean we been waiting for this movie forever. I remember them teasing this movie in I am Legend and there was rumblings of this movie well before even that. Culmination of feelings of a meeting of 2 titans that's been a long time coming. And they fuck it up.


I have before and I love her enough that were going to do it once she's ready. It's funny cause she talks a big game and says she's willing to try some of the freakier stuff I'm into.

Just a tad annoying when were hanging out and she actually wants to watch a movie.

BvS was trash for the reasons I expected, and more.

This may be the first time in any DC Universe where the one character they got absolutely right was the character they normally get very, very wrong — Wonder Woman.

The rest are different but interesting in their own right (Batman), ok (Superman?), or straight garbage tier (Lex,
Future Flash

And whoever paced this movie needs to get their payment reduced for the first third of the movie.


God BvS got me excited for the Batman film cause those were the only good parts of this movie. It's like Cavil has some charm and acting ability that seems to dissipate whenever he shows up as Superman.

Gadot gets to show up and do nothing but be the mediocre actress she is so yay I guess? Despite this movie I maintain that Eisenburg could be a fantastic Luthor.

Other than that the soundtrack is really good, and the movie looks great. The setup in Metropolis is wonderful super tense and a bit disturbing. Jeremy Irons is awesome.

Christ, I'm absolutely zonked from the hospital's pain meds. Sickle cell is a mother fucker.
Hope you feel better soon.

Rating? 1-10?

4, at some point near the end of the first hour the movie started to lose me, then it lost me and we never met back up. It just became tedious after a while,


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Folks act like the movies going to put money in their pockets

They did it to themselves. They spend whole threads talking about a product long before they get a chance to experience it themselves. Then when the the time comes theres two paths to take. The one where its a good movie and its time to start looking for people to point out who denied its greatness so they can eat crow, or its not a good movie and you either accept that it isnt a good movie and move on, or you get defensive and act as though other people are crazy for not liking it. You can apply it to anything that people hype themselves for for a long time before release.


They did it to themselves. They spend whole threads talking about a product long before they get a chance to experience it themselves. Then when the the time comes theres two paths to take. The one where its a good movie and its time to start looking for people to point out who denied its greatness so they can eat crow, or its not a good movie and you either accept that it isnt a good movie and move on, or you get defensive and act as though other people are crazy for not liking it. You can apply it to anything that people hype themselves for for a long time before release.

Yeah these year long hype cycles are always sick, especially when they are for something is 90 minutes to 120 minutes long
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