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The Black Culture Thread |OT15| - Equine, Please

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Young Magus

Junior Member
Was just matter of time ...


Something tells me that GAF can relate to this more than they can relate to black folk in games


Fucking tired of this shit. Also very tired of mother fuckers who got more to say when people interrupt a parade or stop traffic with their protests criticizing them from an ivory tower with hopelessly idealistic bullshit but hardly have shit to fucking say in response to the things they're protesting. If you do this shit you are a fucking coward to me. This is real life, real people, real blood, real sweat, and real tears not your college debate class.

I'm sorry BCT I'm just frustrated and I didn't know where to post this.
Fucking tired of this shit. Also very tired of mother fuckers who got more to say when people interrupt a parade or stop traffic with their protests criticizing them from an ivory tower with hopelessly idealistic bullshit but hardly have shit to fucking say in response to the things they're protesting. If you do this shit you are a fucking coward to me. This is real life, real people, real blood, real sweat, and real tears not your college debate class.

I'm sorry BCT I'm just frustrated and I didn't know where to post this.

I'm right there with you on that. Even made a thread challenging people to figure out impactful ways to handle this shit, got nothing much.


time to take my meds
Not all in order, but...

...I thought things would change when katrina happened.
...i thought things would change with the flint michigan crisis and went the way it went.
...hoping it would reach national news i thought things would change after nba bucks player john henson got the cops called on. and of course the Donald Sterling situation.
...i thought things would change when Charles Belk, hollywood producer was arrested for being black.
...i thought whitewashing would change after gods of egypt bombed.
...i thought things would change when tamir rice was gunned down in 2 seconds upon arrival.
...i thought things would change when John Crawford was shot on video carrying a bb gun in a place that sells bb guns.
...eric garner, being choked out. i thought there would be a revolution the next day after the officers were let free.
...i could name a dozen more events, where i expected change, even if small, would happen.

it's more than just police abusing power. jesse williams was right.



Some of the responses in there are so optimistic it hurts considering how the years following have been.

Fucking tired of this shit. Also very tired of mother fuckers who got more to say when people interrupt a parade or stop traffic with their protests criticizing them from an ivory tower with hopelessly idealistic bullshit but hardly have shit to fucking say in response to the things they're protesting. If you do this shit you are a fucking coward to me. This is real life, real people, real blood, real sweat, and real tears not your college debate class.

I'm sorry BCT I'm just frustrated and I didn't know where to post this.

With you on this.

The parade stuff I've especially noticed because it was my city, so a lot of friends have put up statuses on Facebook that have only been met with responses referring to old tweets of a BLM Toronto cofounder to discount their efforts, and how her methods were "poor" in that she was just "loud and failed to get a message across."


Was listening to my local "urban radio" station this morning and they had a bunch of callers pulling the "What about black on black crime?" card to the point where I just had to turn the radio off. Stacey Dash must have put something in the water.
I don't believe it. I wake up and another black man is shot by police.

I'm at a loss for words. To think people had the nerve to call for Jesse William's head. "Living in a post-racial world" they said.

Years ago, my mom told me that when I get pulled over, I'm to put my hands on the dash, turn on all the lights, and narrate my every move carefully and calmly. Now it seems like even that won't save me, on account of the fact that I'm black.


I don't even respond to juniors in heated threads with less than 500 posts. They are just burner accounts

people making online discourse a shell game with dupe/troll accounts is something I never understood. but I guess some folks have a weird way of entertaining themselves.


people making online discourse a shell game with dupe/troll accounts is something I never understood. but I guess some folks have a weird way of entertaining themselves.

They have nothing else going on in their lives is my guess, the internet is their life .


Formerly Momotaro
Was listening to my local "urban radio" station this morning and they had a bunch of callers pulling the "What about black on black crime?" card to the point where I just had to turn the radio off. Stacey Dash must have put something in the water.

I really, really hate when people bring this shit up. These cowards never wanna talk about it until it's convenient for them.

You not gonna "What about black on black crime?" us out of talking about systematic oppression.
Deleted 2 FB friends so far Today. I thought I had gotten rid of all the trash years ago but apparently some more people caught the bug.



I remember one of my students once told me why she loves superheroes. She said that she's afraid of all the bad people in the world, and that she's worried they're going hurt her and her family one day. But she said she feels better when she can imagine that The Flash or Wonder Woman would be there to protect them. She said it like she believed they were the only ones who could protect them.

She's nine years old and one of the most adorable, wonderful kids enrolled in my program. "Black Girl Magic" personified. I talk about her like she's my own kid...I didn't really know what to tell her then. I still don't really. But I understood what she meant. Because honestly, even as a grown man, I kinda wish we had a Superman.


Looks like I have an op/ed to write.

Things aren't going to get better. Actually, they are going to get *much, much* worse.


I really, really hate when people bring this shit up. These cowards never wanna talk about it until it's convenient for them.

You not gonna "What about black on black crime?" us out of talking about systematic oppression.

This is what kills me. These black folks and others not understanding that this is about the fact that these are cops. People that are supposed to protect and serve. We're not talking about white street gangs and black people only getting mad at the white gangs for killing black people and not the black street gangs. And even when we are talking about black on black crime, how often do you hear about black people being put on "administrative leave" for shooting another black person with no trial or arrest? That's what people forget about ever since Trayvon Martin's death. We have to protest just to get these killers a criminal trial. Forget the fact that they almost always get a not guilty verdict/a slap on the wrist, and then get rich from Republican donors on Kick Starter for "fighting the good fight".


I find myself not being able to...I guess feel the same anger I did before. It's still there, but because I know how this shit ends I can't be angry anymore and that's fucking terrible. The fact that every week, every day damn near, there is a story about one of us gettin shot and nothing comes out of it. It's fucking heartbreaking yo.
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