Black Republican
need to back into my anime ish
got a big ass crunchyroll backlog to kill
got a big ass crunchyroll backlog to kill
I'm sorry. And you're welcome. 😝EDIT: Dang it Shy now I am watching all these things being cooked and it is making me super hungry
Karen reminds me of Fish Frys and family reunions. Don't understand how folks hate that woman.Thanks!
And yeah, I definitely fucks with The Black Guy Who Tips. They never take themselves too seriously, but they drop serious wisdom bombs every now and then. That, and Karen reminds me of all my aunties.
But the read is currently on my shit list. Kid Fury and ESPRECIALLY Crissles are smelling their own farts a little too much these days.
I don't know how folks do it, i would have probably had a heart attack dealing with taht shitThat Turkey thing is all kinds of fucked up
the previews reminded me of Eerie IndianaStranger Things is yet another great Netflix show.
Karen reminds me of Fish Frys and family reunions. Don't understand how folks hate that woman.
Some of the same reasons people hate on Leslie Jones. Also, some people equate a Southern accent with being ignorant. Also also, she speaks from her heart more than from her head, and some people expect their podcasters to be all cold facts and logic. Also also also, some so-called feminists mistake her agreeing with Rod with her cowering and not speaking her mind (as opposed to just speaking with her heart first, and /then/ getting the facts).
Also also also also, she's a black woman. Which is always a reason to hate.
And can I just say that Rod cannot pronounce the names of foreign cities to save his life (especially when it is Sword Rachetness time) and often sings off key? But I don't give a fuck. I still love the show.
gave up on my shit a long time ago.need to back into my anime ish
got a big ass crunchyroll backlog to kill
I love when karen, mishears Rod and goes on rants. Then he has to correct her. True love...
My take away is there is a lot of swords in england.
Black Love is Real.
And I don't know if there are a lot of swords in the UK, but guns are illegal there and drinking isn't. So. The asshole who would have killed someone over here just ends up slashing his victim. And the UK victim probably survives.
Stranger Things is yet another great Netflix show.
I'm loving Stranger Things so far.
Thanks for this!My personal favorites (YMMV):
The Black Guy Who Tips
The Read
Insanity Check
Three Fifs Podcast
Gaming and Then Some
What's the Tea?
So Well Spoken
If you can handle a little whiteness, Interracial Jawn is an interracial couple, a black woman and a white guy.
But the read is currently on my shit list. Kid Fury and ESPRECIALLY Crissles are smelling their own farts a little too much these days.
Kuma plz.
Wife is listening to drunk Trump. Dude is out there.
And now this:
He was a producer for CBS in ATL. He got fired.
Seems like ti really that hard not to be an asshole?
Treating people like a game objectiveKuma plz.
Wife is listening to drunk Trump. Dude is out there.
And now this:
He was a producer for CBS in ATL. He got fired.
Too uppity?
Are there any black, POC-themed podcasts that aren't annoying-as-shit right now?
Everytime I try going back to This Week in Blackness, I'm reminded why I left: Elon James White is a fucking moron. Let me know when Imani gets her own damn show, because she's the only one with some goddamn sense up in that bitch.
And I swear to G-O-D I'm going to go OFF the next time I see some black "intellectuals" glamorizing the goddamn struggle. Ain't nothing sexy about the struggle. Ain't nothing cute about the fact that our ancestors fought, bled and died for the rights that we fucking take for granted today. All so some "activists" can get on Twitter and turn the movement into a fucking fashion statement. The fuck out of here with that noise.
You know what? Let me NOT.
Stranger Things is yet another great Netflix show.
is ti really that hard not to be an asshole?
No, but Kid Fury and ESPECIALLY her are pushing this toxic "Ugh, neither candidate is speaking to me...I might not vote" bullshit right now. I have no patience for that bullshit from two people who like to pretend they oh-so-woke otherwise.
Stranger Things is yet another great Netflix show.
Right now pzpoy and j song should be on stream.WHENS MAHVEL
Holy shit at the new Star Wars Rebels Season 3 trailer
Holy shit at the new Star Wars Rebels Season 3 trailer
Tekken top 8 was dope
I read another article that they were adding other bills to it. Bills on abortion, and some other crap. Politics as usual.
Kuma plz.
Wife is listening to drunk Trump. Dude is out there.
And now this:
He was a producer for CBS in ATL. He got fired.
And there are people who still think that anonymity is the reason that so much racism exists online.Kuma plz.
Wife is listening to drunk Trump. Dude is out there.
And now this:
He was a producer for CBS in ATL. He got fired.
Damn. I missed it.
Me too.
watch the recording. that's what i'm doing right now.