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The Black Culture Thread |OT15| - Equine, Please

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Quit hating on red heads

This is better than Kanye's whole album and this is just a single

This fool holding up Sophie Turner as a rep for redheads.








FOH. Go see a dentist about your lack of taste.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Sophie Turner is naturally blonde, bruh. All the minorities are natural.

Well, IDK about the first one, but the other three are.

i thought that if you were going to show off redheads, they would all be natural instead of some looking good with red hair


i thought that if you were going to show off redheads, they would all be instead of some looking good with red hair
The topic at hand is a person who dyes red, so my rebutal is still valid using others who dye it better.

And that's much too much effort for 2AM.



This looks like dye too.

100% isn't.
Jennifer, one of How to be a Redhead’s previous Redhead of the Week’s. She joked saying, “I’m asian and a natural redhead. Do those even exist?” Her mom is Korean and her dad is Scottish and Italian. The only person in her family with red hair is her grandmother on her father’s side. Surprisingly, no one asks if it’s natural because they always assume it’s dyed.


The topic at hand is a person who dyes red, so my rebutal is still valid using others who dye it better.

And that's much too much effort for 2AM.

While this is petty, I agree. If Sophie ain't a natural redhead, then non natural redheads are on the table


I can't do red heads 'cause my mom has red hair (though it's more strawberry blonde now)

I don't wanna open up that door


TBH, I prefer Amy Adams and Carmen Solomons.
Nah. I'm a Christina Hendricks man to the core.


And apropos of nothing.

Came across this and it made me laugh, so i though you guys might find it funny too.


Junior Member
Quit hating on red heads

Naw, I didn't pay much attention to her in the film but on further review, she's a generic Jersey girl walking around South St drunk, getting play because she puts on makeup and is a unicorn. That red hair doesn't fool anyone.


Terrible SCOTUS decision. Keep screwing people's lives over because cops need to justify their line of work.

This Court has allowed an officer to stop you for whatever reason he wants—so long as he can point to a pretextual justification after the fact. That justification must provide specific reasons why the officer suspected you were breaking the law, but it may factor in your ethnicity, where you live, what you were wearing, and how you behaved. The officer does not even need to know which law you might have broken so long as he can later point to any possible infraction—even one that is minor, unrelated, or ambiguous.

The indignity of the stop is not limited to an officer telling you that you look like a criminal. The officer may next ask for your “consent” to inspect your bag or purse without telling you that you can decline. Regardless of your answer, he may order you to stand “helpless, perhaps facing a wall with [your] hands raised.” If the officer thinks you might be dangerous, he may then “frisk” you for weapons. This involves more than just a pat down. As onlookers pass by, the officer may “‘feel with sensitive fingers every portion of [your] body. A thorough search [may] be made of [your] arms and armpits, waistline and back, the groin and area about the testicles, and entire surface of the legs down to the feet.’”
“Even if you are innocent, you will now join the 65 million Americans with an arrest record and experience the ‘civil death’ of discrimination by employers, landlords, and whoever else conducts a background check,” she noted, citing academic works by criminal-justice scholars Gabriel Chin and James Jacobs.

Sotomayor then pivoted into the racial dimension of suspicionless stops and unconstitutional searches. Her citations, which I’ve omitted for ease of reading, double as a canon for modern critiques of mass incarceration: the landmark texts of Michelle Alexander and Marie Gottschalk, as well as the writing of W.E.B. Du Bois, James Baldwin, and Ta-Nehisi Coates.

“The white defendant in this case shows that anyone’s dignity can be violated in this manner,” she wrote. “But it is no secret that people of color are disproportionate victims of this type of scrutiny. For generations, black and brown parents have given their children ‘the talk’— instructing them never to run down the street; always keep your hands where they can be seen; do not even think of talking back to a stranger—all out of fear of how an officer with a gun will react to them.”

Few institutions in American life have grappled with race and racism like the U.S. Supreme Court, for better or worse, but rarely does it speak about it with this level of detail. Sotomayor’s dissent also ends with what could be read as a veiled nod to the Black Lives Matter movement.

“We must not pretend that the countless people who are routinely targeted by police are ‘isolated.’ They are the canaries in the coal mine whose deaths, civil and literal, warn us that no one can breathe in this atmosphere,” she wrote, citing a 2002 book by two legal scholars who argued abuses against people of color often foreshadow broader injustices. (One could also read it as a reference to the death of Eric Garner.)

“They are the ones who recognize that unlawful police stops corrode all our civil liberties and threaten all our lives,” she concludes. “Until their voices matter too, our justice system will continue to be anything but.”

Edit2: weak ass mac emojis


And I heard a NPR segment today about preschool suspensions. DC enacted a law that bans preschool suspensions. You know what group of kids are 40% more likely to be suspended in preschool? It starts early.


Naw, I didn't pay much attention to her in the film but on further review, she's a generic Jersey girl walking around South St drunk, getting play because she puts on makeup and is a unicorn. That red hair doesn't fool anyone.


Terrible SCOTUS decision. Keep screwing people's lives over because cops need to justify their line of work.



And I heard a NPR segment today about preschool suspensions. DC enacted a law that bans preschool suspensions. You know what group of kids are 40% more likely to be suspended in preschool? It starts early.

I got a week of on campus suspension for laughing incredulously at a teacher once. Mind you that I was a 4.0 student at the time in high school, and the teacher had just referred to an asian student as a "gook." I had the nervous laugh, stood up at my desk and called him out. The administration said I was inciting racial tension, and removed me from that class for a week. Only that one, so I had to be at all the others before and after it.

DC has the right idea in trying to curb some of the behaviors that enable racially motivated (even so called unintended consequences that coincidentally affect more minorities and especially blacks) punishments. That kind of thought process is harmful for the youth.


Barely seeing any coverage on that dude trying to shoot Trump. Guess he had one too few copies of the Quran and/or needed a little more melanin.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Ended. Contract work ain't shit.

Yup. The uncertainty of when it will end kills contract work. My neighbor found that out the hard way. She left a permanent job for a higher paying contract/consulting job. It was all good for a couple of years, until the contract ended. Now she is about to lose her house.


Junior Member
Kids away with the Grannys for 5 weeks. About to turn up. Which means, drink a little more and fall asleep on the couch more.

Cleveland has to get the nod for next year. I think Kyrie hits another level, they finally figure out Love (but he has to want to try at defense) and they skate into another finals.

And Bron has to love the idea behind facing OKC. Seeing someone else with inexperience. GSW is still too scary.
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