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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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I don't even have the energy to be angry.

I honestly think I legitimately lost faith in humanity tonight.

I really, really did.

Same man, same - 2016 has been a crazy fucking year. It's almost ironic how when Obama first came to office in 2008, the public perception was that racism/classism/etc. was reaching a low & we were getting closer to equality, but now we've come to the end of the ride & racism has reared its head uglier than ever before.

There's just this insidious undercurrent to everything that's transpired recently that I can't shake, where it feels like the hatred is much more fierce & intense than before. Danger feels like its at an all-time high.

Young Magus

Junior Member
We might fusd and fight but I love guys, we family. Y'all don't know how much shit you help me through and don't even know it

Real talk we fell the same to you to......
Hell I may be DY 1.5 but I do think of 97% of ya in high regard.

I love yall fam. Please be safe/careful on there in the states


This is the kind of stuff that makes me want to just let the prejudice I feel towards white people, yet try to combat, wash over me. (Yes I know it isn't just them, but they are the main ones that propelled him to a victory.) I don't have any words. No point in patronizing or anything. I just hate this country so fucking much.


I don't know how to go on. I've just shut down completely and I can't help but feel suicidal. And I know I'm gonna be the only one on my family feeling this way. Things are dead quiet on my end, and I'm just browsing Youtube. I'm trying to feel something.


I don't post much - really not at all these days - around here but I do want to send yall my love on tonight. I don't know what comes next, but I know we have to take care of each other.


I can't shake this heavy feeling of disappointment. People up here been talking about "do you think Trump is gonna win" etc for months and I've been saying "nah, I don't think America is that stupid" or saying that I think people will actually get out there and show that they're better than all the shit him and the Republican party was spewing. I'm no optimist, but I was optimistic about your election and now it's just like, damn.
Like fuckk, I wanna just shrug it off and think about Pokemon again but I can't.
Would like to go to Canada. Always wanted to visit there too...

D i Z

I think it is time to dust off the 60s playbook

Yes indeed.

I don't know how to go on. I've just shut down completely and I can't help but feel suicidal. And I know I'm gonna be the only one on my family feeling this way. Things are dead quiet on my end, and I'm just browsing Youtube. I'm trying to feel something.

Now is the time to dig a little deeper. For all of us, the best place to reconcile or find answers in what just happened is to look back at how those that came through all of this before us, in situations similar but far worse, how did they push through. How did they build it in the first place, and how do we take that know how and build it better.

If we're sitting here head in hand, then our own education is severely lacking, because we should have been prepared for this.
We've got shit to do, and nobody is going to feel sorry for us, nor will they do it for us.
Had a nervous breakdown in January
Couldn't get my old job back
Saw a dead body one morning while most folks were up eating breakfast
Got Rick Rolled while trying to apply for a job
Found out I'm not "good enough" to work at Walmart or any Retail/CS oriented store
3rd year of unemployment
And now this...

2016 has without a doubt been the worst fucking year of my life.


Whatever comes, we just have to face it together. Black, brown, lbgtq, women, and all the "others".

Yep, we gotta let them know that we still here & we ain't going anywhere no time soon. This election cycle has definitely had an effect on me, I'm going to be much more plugged into local politics going forward - can't afford to be uninformed or partially informed anymore, there's simply too much at stake.
Had a nervous breakdown in January
Couldn't get my old job back
Saw a dead body one morning while most folks were up eating breakfast
Got Rick Rolled while trying to apply for a job
Found out I'm not "good enough" to work at Walmart or any Retail/CS oriented store
3rd year of unemployment
And now this...

2016 has without a doubt been the worst fucking year of my life.
This. Seriously one of the worst years of my life.
Whatever comes, we just have to face it together. Black, brown, lbgtq, women, and all the "others".
Yup, gonna start posting in these threads going forward from now on.


You know, i thought i couldn't feel any worse. But then i came across this tweet, and it's turns out. Yes, yes i can.

!WARNING! The tweet will make you rage and get even more depressed.
Whatever comes, we just have to face it together. Black, brown, lbgtq, women, and all the "others".
My brother.
You know, i thought i couldn't feel any worse. But then i cam across this tweet, and it's turns out. Yes, yes i can.

!WARNING! The tweet will make you rage and get even more depressed.

My brother.

Least surprising shit from today, motherfuckers with their all lives matter bullshit.


Has Trump talked shit about asian people? Specifically Pacific Islanders? Besides the Huckabee's racist tweet, I feel like I'm gonna be less affected compared to my fellow POCS.


It is normal to feel down, maybe even a little defeated. This doesn't mean it's the end for us.

From here on out we need to look to the future. We need to get shit done now for 2018 and 2020.

Sleep well, and wake up determined.


I went out with friends to a bar to watch the election results mostly depressed the entire time, and a group of Trump supporters were sitting in the room celebrating after requesting the bar owner to turn one of the TVs to Fox News and one of them started a rant in the bar saying "Yeah we're racist and we won", shocking most of the people in the room/scaring the room of people but no one saying anything. We left a little after that.

I'm so disappointed. But mostly, I'm disappointed in US minority turn out (in Florida and North Carolina in particular) not being enough to prevent this. We were supposed to exceed the polls, not under perform. The low black turn out stories already had me upset going in but I thought women and latinos would make the difference. But the fact that they still won despite rising latino voter turn out and we couldn't prevent it and/or we didn't prevent it due to not wanting to vote... Now we have to just "hope" Trump was kidding about the wall and banning Muslims.
I was excited to buy my mother a NES Classic Edition on Friday. But now, I just want to make it as fast as possible. In the store and out the store. I'm so depressed right now. We gotta be strong but this is something else. Damn.
Just like the rest of you all, I'm just really disappointed in our country and the lack of common sense we have as a nation. I never thought it would be this way. I mean, you have someone who pretty much says the most vile shit that can get any candidate destroyed, but he won and it wasn't even a close win. I am at a lost for words on the whole thing.

I have no ways to keep this off my mind. The more I think about who is in charge and what power this man has as president, the cabinet he picks, the SC, and even the fact that Congress is now majority red, the more I just want to cry and pout and be depressed. I feel really, really empty and I understand why Clinton wouldn't even show her face after such an embarrassing defeat. This is not good for the betterment of this country.

I hope you guys can get through this. It is going to be rough but we still got eachother and I hope this will only bring us closer as we endure this tough four years. Love you all.
^sees results*

*goes back to sleep*

Exactly what I did. I chuckled as well. White America was definitely going to turn out. We knew but wanted to believe different from the jump they had a black man in that office for 8 years wasn't no way in hell white rural/suburban uneducated America was going to let her win. They wanted the white house white again and they want immigrants gone.

I can honestly only laugh at a what's to come because it's going to be down right interesting. I don't give a shit about Trump but all the folk that stayed home and said (Nah not this year) or said ( Tee Hee let me write in Bernie or vote 3rd party) I applaud them for their fuckery. They tried it and saw the result. So maybe in the future they'll be a little bit more realistic and step up. Now we got 4 years of this orange shitstain. I did NOT want to have to hear his voice during presidential statements. Now we got to do this for 4 years. 4 years. 4 years of this shit. I'm calm. I'm laughing its hysterical. We got a tv reality show business man as a president y'all. Congrats y'all! Sit back and watch the world burn Trump is going to fail and its going to be amazing.

As far as racism goes. This is the time to stand up stand strong and take shit from no one. Keep doing you head high. This win is not our failure.
Another necessary watch in the face of this provided by Jay Smooth: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqMhx6vh0VY

Gonna stay off OT and maybe GAF in general for a while. Can't stand the gloating of pricks who choose to throw the actual lives of so many people to the wolves. Spectre is waiting on Hulu and my books on my Kindle. They'll keep me occupied. No more post-election videoes or hot takes. Don't even know if I can even listen to topical podcasts. Just need some time from the tears and those laughing over them.
Even after all the police killings , civil rights violations, and general douchbaggery, I have always had faith that the majority of the people in this country had some decency and common sense.

trump being elected has shattered my faith in people. the way i look at most people will change from now on. I'm pissed at people the vote on one issue, I'm pissed at people that blinding vote for any republican, i'm pissed at people that didn't get off there lazy asses to vote, i'm pissed at people in my office who i know are educated (they're engineers for fucks sake) that i know voted him. In general, im pissed at every one.

i dont know why this result bothers me so much but it does. i cant believe so many people put up their blinders to how corrupt and inept trump is just because he is a so called outsider and hillary's fucking emails.

This country derserves everything that is coming to it.

im sorry for the rant but i just needed to vent

Young Magus

Junior Member
We actually elected a meme as a president.......
We actually went with the bad end that you had to really, really try for.......

Fuck man....


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Guys I absolutely refuse to accept this....everything we worked for is now gone...we cant just accept this..we have to demand like a recount or a revolution...something...anything....tell me......
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