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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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A lot of calls to abandon the overt fight for black and minority rights because "they'll vote Dem anyway" in favour of focusing on white folk.

Like less than 24hours to blame minorities for losing this election.

Yeah, someone suggested to me that bigotry should no longer be considered a big deal in order to get more Trump-friendly voters voting Democratic.


So I'm finally up to the Freeza saga in the Dragon Ball manga

The nostalgia is hitting in waves. I've been loving the pacing of the manga way more than the anime, whose drawn out fights are infamous

Toriyama is a master at panelling and framing action. The manga is simply a joy to read.

Here's hypthetical short haired cammy, its sketch, but theoutfit is based on her old vacation alt from 4. I'm also doing Chun and sakura, as you can see on folder stuff but I have yet to decide what i'm doing to do with chun li's arms and sakura's. I'm gonna just walk away from it for a bit come back and i'll be strait. Taking breaks from art helps, particularly with me figuring out how I want people to pose. Coloring is easy. Or rather, I know whats going on when I get to the color part.

Looking good!

How does Paint Tool SAI compare to Manga Studio, if you've used it?

Also, this may be a weird question, but what zoom level do you use when drawing digitally? I always feel 25% zoom is too far away, 50% is too close to get a sense of the whole picture, and anything in-between makes lines look faint. Of course, it's probably just me being weird lol so feel free to ignore this question...


A lot of calls to abandon the overt fight for black and minority rights because "they'll vote Dem anyway" in favour of focusing on white folk.

Like less than 24hours to blame minorities for losing this election.

Yeah, someone suggested to me that bigotry should no longer be considered a big deal in order to get more Trump-friendly voters voting Democratic.

If you guys or anybody else would like to PM me with threads or posts where this stuff is taking place, I'd appreciate it.
Sooo many people I've been cool with for years "all of a sudden" spewing this false equivalence bullshit on me for how they justified voting for Drumpf. All women


Remember Frederick Douglass:

‘Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.’


Here's hypthetical short haired cammy, its sketch, but theoutfit is based on her old vacation alt from 4. I'm also doing Chun and sakura, as you can see on folder stuff but I have yet to decide what i'm doing to do with chun li's arms and sakura's. I'm gonna just walk away from it for a bit come back and i'll be strait. Taking breaks from art helps, particularly with me figuring out how I want people to pose. Coloring is easy. Or rather, I know whats going on when I get to the color part.

pm me your portfolio site


I don't know how y'all go in these threads and argue with these folks.

I average around 2.50 posts a day and I erase at least triple that amount before hitting submit every day. I would've copped some serious bans through the years if I let even a few of those erased posts reach the thread.
I don't see how people are denying that votiing for someone whose entire platform was having racist, sexist views would make you supportive of bigotry and shit. But yet let a black kid be friends with a gang member and all of a sudden he is part of the gang.


Junior Member
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that before.

I've been saying i need to disconnect and do more gaming. 3ds da goat because i can't hear you yell n*ggerj*wf*g.

Turn on msnbc and see protests. I'm so heated I'm pulling my whataboutism: what about your vote yesterday.

I'm convinced this dude didn't win but we took the wrong day off. Obama got 69.5 million votes in 2008, 65 million in 2012. Not my president got 1 million less than Romney and Hillary got 5 million less than 2012. A lot of people did not show up. People that were okay with Obama 4 years ago. When he was close to unpopular.

I recognize I'm off kilter...
I am excited that i get to upgrade from my gtx 750 to a 1050 ti next week. I smartly made sure my shipment wouldn't arrive until after midterms were over.


Remember Frederick Douglass:

‘Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.’


pm me your portfolio site

Gonna send a pm about that.

Looking good!

How does Paint Tool SAI compare to Manga Studio, if you've used it?

Also, this may be a weird question, but what zoom level do you use when drawing digitally? I always feel 25% zoom is too far away, 50% is too close to get a sense of the whole picture, and anything in-between makes lines look faint. Of course, it's probably just me being weird lol so feel free to ignore this question...

Depends on the thing and the level of detail. Kind of a broad question

As for sai or manga studio, I have no idea. I use a combination of sai and photoshop.


Good luck with that. I'm sure the next Sarkeesian video will go swimmingly.
Oh fuck :(
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that before.
Me neither.

Just going to try a small palette cleanser and absorb the petty squabbles of people who care wayy too much about console brand loyalty.

Plus...I had no idea what the release dates were for Skyrim Remastered, Dishonored 2, Battlefield 1, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, PS4 Pro, and Titanfall 2 and many of them snuck past me.

I have a huge backlog to clear through.


I apologise for the length.


I haven’t been reading the forum all day because I’m just not in the mood, but someone pointed this out to me and it’s got me wondering: what’s going on that’s got people so upset? I really don’t want people feeling like they can’t enjoy this place if there’s anything I can do about it.

Not the same for everyone else, but. It started with this guy, for me, this was my I'm hitting the edge point:

Wonder how the Somali community responds to it. In my opinion they are quick to look down their narrow little noses on other black groups, but when criticized by white people they turn as quiet as a church mouse.

Wonder who they drag out to defend their community.

Sounds like you have a problem with the Somali community.

On the contrary. I have had plenty of Somali friends, and more than one has pulled the "You don't look adoon" card on me enough to know whats up in the community. My statement remains they look down on other black people. More so than Habesha people even.
why is that? Seems really weird.

The slave trade in their country, and their treatment of Somali Bantus who were funneled through their lands during the Slave Trade. It created a caste system which still exists, and one which they pass on other black people who they feel share features with those they trafficked during the trade. They have colorist issues too, but it isnt as wide spread since most are super dark. The caste is most prominent in discriminating based on hair and nose.

This was in the thread about how Trump believes Minnesota is suffering because of its Somalian refugees. I don't think I need to say this is relatively inaccurate. Adoon is also incorrect.

Then Election Day/results happened, and Hell, I'll even keep this to users who aren't banned yet. (The above isn't, for instance). The combination of dismissiveness from some posters to the fact that a Trump presidency is problematic. This rhetoric of, "Not all Trump voters are -ists/-phobes!" is laughable, since regardless of whether they align with those overtly, they voted for it to become a more widespread issue at the end of the day. Their vote sided with that hate, and if they can't overlook their right leaning views to recognize that freedoms and rights for minorities are going to be affected, then they may as well be all of that, and probably are. Enabling is just as bad. I understand being behind someone exercising their right to vote, and for who they want to vote for, but ignoring all that? Ridiculous. The idea that we need to empathize with their aligning themselves with Trump? Ridiculous. Here's a load of that:

This is why liberals get made fun of. Seriously get a grip.

Remember that more than half of your country voted for Trump and they are not thinking about how to deal with you.

Go back to work like any other day. Life goes on.

They don't see their beliefs as being racist or sexist. They reject your labels and shaming, hell it probably emboldens them.

Expecting white people to vote for your politics while blanket shaming them is one of the reasons Hillary lost.

The spite vote was a real thing.

I said this months ago and was laughed at. Until the DNC drops the regressive left they are going to have a hard time convincing moderates to vote for Democrat candidates.

I am sorry everyone, I did my part, but my vote was in Texas. So it didn't matter.

Consider treating people how you would like to be treated....in all circumstances.

Yeah let's alienate half of the country that voted for Trump, that's showing them and your message of love, unity and tolerance.

People will have a difference of opinion than mine and that's life.

We gotta tolerate individual people who may or may not bigoted but may have voted for Trump regardless.

There is no room for tolerance of bigotry, but that does not mean we alienate or hate or worse those who just don't understand or the consequences of voting for Von Clownstick.

The difference of opinion isn't "fuck black people and gay people" it's "Trump isn't the racist, sexist, bigot everyone on the left says he is". Which is a refrain I've been hearing from the right for a year.

Hate and divide isn't going to get us anywhere.

Hold contempt for their political opinion, but work WITH them. TALK to them. HELP THEM UNDERSTAND WHY THEY'RE WRONG. If they refuse to, then just let them be themselves, don't be their friend, and just be professional and tolerate them.

Grow up.

It is what it is. No reason to make enemies over politics.

"People who voted for Trump."
You mean nearly half of the voters in America??

Stop marginalizing these people. This is how the Dems lost in the first place... by ignoring a growing population of people who want their voice to be heard. It started with the Bernie movement and has reverberated across America. The actions of the DNC forced Bernie out and are now paying the price for it. It will take a Tea Party-like movement from the left to reverse course.

Did Trump piss in your cereal this morning? He isn't even president yet, give him a chance. if it doesn't work out we vote someone else in 4 years from now. I wasn't a fan of Obama and I had to deal with him for 8 years and Obama care fucked me.

Because US Health Care wasn't already absolute trash? Least Obama didn't actively decide he wanted to disenfranchise several groups. Like??? Casually ignoring that it's Republican barriers that made Obama Care be what it is, rather than what he envisioned. Y'know. Yeah, let's blame Obama. What a terrible dude. Trump is great, he'll take away all of that and put in something better even though he only cares about people like him. Y'know. Rich, white males.

This is just the first 4 pages (I'm sure I even missed some, I quickly went through these).

Then there's this one:

Agree 100%.

However, MLK wouldn't be calling Trump supporters unilaterally racists/bigots, etc.

1. Go vote.
2. Try to understand people different from you, you don't even have to agree.
3. Don't make overly broad, ridiculous generalizations.
4. Go vote.

There's the blame game, and my head hurts too much to go through another Trump thread to isolate users who put the blame on Clinton and Clinton supporters rather than the poor choices of citizens who did vote for a candidate who's anti the very thing America touts the most. The American Dream. Anyone can get it. Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Deadass over all of their shit. I'm not even American, I just feel for everyone in here, every minority/POC on GAF who's going to suffer, whether because of Trump or because of the groups he incited with his hateful words who think it's okay to walk with confederate flags and make "back of the bus" statements. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It just feels like they refuse to acknowledge how bad a choice he is for people like us, and they're always the loudest of the bunch. No one ever ignores them. They get quoted for several pages, and you're forced to consume these ideas if you bother going into election related threads. Why touch OT if it's just going to make me feel some type of way, y'know? There's probably nothing that can be done there. They're free to their opinion, until they become hateful themselves (which has already happened, I've seen a lot of grey names, as a result, and I avoided quoting them). Feels like our only option is to avoid that entire board until the talk dies down, rather than argue with them and get banned ourselves, since the conversations aren't constructive and no side is going to back down. So, we're confined to this nice, little box right here, and gaming side. We can't suck it up, lives are already being affected. Miss me with that.


Legit shook, dismayed, Flabbergasted. Other big words to display shock.


I need to stay off the Internet for a bit and re-evaluate all of this.


Damn didn't even see that Somali thread before
Good lord


One good thing came out of it, actually. Mentioned it to Gordon in thread earlier, but it was bumped not too long after with this:

Sorry for the bump.

MN officially so sick of suffering from the Somali community that Minneapolis elected the first ever Somali American lawmaker. .

Was happy with that. Rest of it? Either really good, or a mess of people acting as if they understand Somali-Somali relations, how we handle criticism, what's in the Qur'an, all the usual stuff. Thread did nothing but upset me. I don't even suggest it.


1 time is too many. Here for you if you need it.
Oh no, I'm okay. It's just a thing that happens? Like a hooked razor slips and my clothes get soaked with my blood. Or a head wound happens and my shirt gets soaks in my own blood. Or a weed wacker cuts off a few layers of skin and you have trouble clotting. Or an ingrown thigh hair explodes and you bleed all over. You know. Everyday type stuff.

I'm slightly misfortunate.


Oh no, I'm okay. It's just a thing that happens? Like a hooked razor slips and my clothes get soaked with my blood. Or a head wound happens and my shirt gets soaks in my own blood. Or a weed wacker cuts off a few layers of skin and you have trouble clotting. Or an ingrown thigh hair explodes and you bleed all over. You know. Everyday type stuff.

With how people been talking since the result came out, can't blame a girl for jumping to that. Glad to see you're okay, though. Careful there. 👀👀👀


One good thing came out of it, actually. Mentioned it to Gordon in thread earlier, but it was bumped not too long after with this:

Was happy with that. Rest of it? Either really good, or a mess of people acting as if they understand Somali-Somali relations, how we handle criticism, what's in the Qur'an, all the usual stuff. Thread did nothing but upset me. I don't even suggest it.
Great news

Will follow advice and avoid the rest
Way too late in the night to be feeling down
Oh no, I'm okay. It's just a thing that happens? Like a hooked razor slips and my clothes get soaked with my blood. Or a head wound happens and my shirt gets soaks in my own blood. Or a weed wacker cuts off a few layers of skin and you have trouble clotting. Or an ingrown thigh hair explodes and you bleed all over. You know. Everyday type stuff.

I'm slightly misfortunate.

Uhhh ... that's an awful lot of coincidences. Steady there
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