Mammoth Jones
sounds like they were made wrong
Too much water. Probably box mashed potatoes and not homemade.
sounds like they were made wrong
Too much water. Probably box mashed potatoes and not homemade.
Mayo on burgers is great.
I wake up maybe 30 minutes ago and put on the newest Game Grumps episode and fuckin' Danny is talking about how Michelle Obama has got a great ass. Was not prepared to laugh this much.
Hey how you doin lil mama?
Lemme whisper in your ear
Tell you sumthing that you might like to hear
You got a sexy ass body and your ass look soft
I do not envy the mods one bit.
Because this place is suddenly VERY diet racist.
In other news, talking about how disgusted I've been with the election results has been good for me. I'm starting to let go of the anxiety. Hopefully I can contribute in some protests soon.
That and I'll be working again soon so I'll have a much needed distraction. 🐻
Sandwiches are meant to be constructed the way they are. So I have no problem with them. But like if I got gravy on my greens now I'm irritated. And if my mashed potatoes is rubbing up in my corn I got an attitude.
They can get mixed in my mouth not on my plate though. 😖
Omg lmaoooooHey how you doin lil mama?
Lemme whisper in your ear
Tell you sumthing that you might like to hear
You got a sexy ass body and your ass look soft
Hey how you doin lil mama?
Lemme whisper in your ear
Tell you sumthing that you might like to hear
You got a sexy ass body and your ass look soft
Ayyy yes yes smh. Funny enough my wife successfully clowns me every time with this exact clip and calls me cap patty. 😩😩😭
I do not envy the mods one bit.
Because this place is suddenly VERY diet racist.
Love to do some protesting. Somebody in my family has to give a shit, though I wouldn't know where to look first.
Love mayo and spicy mayo on burgers and sandwiches too, including veggie. Chipotle and buffalo make good sauces, too.![]()
I do not envy the mods one bit.
Because this place is suddenly VERY diet racist.
I'm keeping an eye on Facebook. If anything goes down it circulates easily on there.
That sounds goooood. Great now I want a burger but I'm already making chicken and rice for dinner. 😭
Man I always suspected some shit was just below the surface but goddamn. I hope the mods keep up the good work, Gaf is a good place. I hate to see it go down as Reddit lite
EvilLore has made it explicit that that won't happen.
There are a lot of good posters to call out the bullshit
The best black podcast to listen to isWhich ones are you listening to? I think that would honestly help me get through my workday. Some of the people at my job are really starting to piss me off.
I've worked 3 retail black fridays, and I'm glad I don't have to do a 4th. The 2nd one was aight though, I was literally paid to stand there and answer questions about game consoles.
Hey guys I never post here because I didn't want to invade what is a safe space for the black community, but after looking at the OP, I figured it was ok for those interested/sympathetic to speak up. With that out of the way, I wanted to know if any of you were now reconsidering bringing life into this world in light of recent events. My wife is black (about 2/3 of African descent with some Creole and 1/4 Japanese) and we likely weren't going to have kids anyway, but now any glimmer of a chance seems to be gone now. It's hard to deal with the reality that your children would potentially grow up in such a hateful world. This is something I've never had to deal with having grown up in the South as a privileged white Protestant Christian male. I've always been sympathetic to the plight of minorities, but only now is it starting to hit home with me. Even worse, when I looked at where we could possibly move other than America, and it looks like there really isn't a safe place for black people in this world. How do you deal with that kind of reality?
Seriously, it's good to know there are folks on here who are gonna continue call out racism and the like when it rises. It's good to know they are there.
Falling for that Fox news no-such-thing-as voter suppression bit, huh?
I do not envy the mods one bit.
Because this place is suddenly VERY diet racist.
I've worked 3 retail black fridays, and I'm glad I don't have to do a 4th. The 2nd one was aight though, I was literally paid to stand there and answer questions about game consoles.
Omg lmaooooo
Hey guys I never post here because I didn't want to invade what is a safe space for the black community, but after looking at the OP, I figured it was ok for those interested/sympathetic to speak up. With that out of the way, I wanted to know if any of you were now reconsidering bringing life into this world in light of recent events. My wife is black (about 2/3 of African descent with some Creole and 1/4 Japanese) and we likely weren't going to have kids anyway, but now any glimmer of a chance seems to be gone now. It's hard to deal with the reality that your children would potentially grow up in such a hateful world. This is something I've never had to deal with having grown up in the South as a privileged white Protestant Christian male. I've always been sympathetic to the plight of minorities, but only now is it starting to hit home with me. Even worse, when I looked at where we could possibly move other than America, and it looks like there really isn't a safe place for black people in this world. How do you deal with that kind of reality?
Fun fact: Bangz is the first rapper to recognize Jimmy Fallon for what he is. The first of many diss songs to Fallon by the rap community in the next few years, i'm sure
I've worked the holiday season at a Toys R Us and a Macy's.
Never. Again.
I've worked 3 myself back in the day. My last one was a 16 hour shift. I'll never do that again.
Exactly how I feel. When I was younger, I definitely preferred DBZ but now at the age of 21, DB all the way.Well I finally finished up the Dragon Ball manga and had to write out my thoughts.
From only watching the anime I always thought I liked the Android and Cell saga the best but I think that, at least in terms of the manga, everything after the Freeza Saga is weak except for Gohan beating Cell and Vegeta's eventual redemption. I also definitely prefer the earlier, pre-Saiyan saga, aka Dragon Ball, arcs over the Dragon Ball Z stuff now that I've experienced the whole series properly from start to finish.
I will say that if the manga had continued after the Cell saga with the tone of the Great Saiyaman saga I would have probably preferred that. I always loved that short arc in the anime and when it happened in the manga it reminded me of what I loved about the earlier parts of the series.
Mankind Divided is effectively setup for the original Deus Ex, good game but $30 is probably the max you should pay for it. X-Com 2 console port is decent, load times are iffy. If you haven't played the Uncharted games before and you pick up the collection, don't play those games back to back you'll burn out before you get to the middle of 2.I'm only planning on getting a couple of new games for Black Friday. Xenoverse 2 at $25 alone is a no-brainer for a DB nerd like myself, and Dark Souls III at $15 is excellent.
Several other games I'm eyeing up too; Diablo 3, Deus Ex, Mankind Divided ("Aug Lives Matter" is still dumb as hell, but I've been in a cyberpunk mood. Anyone played it?), Dishonored 2 (Think it's too new to get any markdowns, though :/), Digimon Cyber Sleuth, the Uncharted collection, XCOM 2...plenty of stuff to think about.
Ultimately, having kids is a hopeful experience. You wonder about what they could become, imagine their triumphs. If you don't have kids because if the bad things in the world, you let them succeed.Hey guys I never post here because I didn't want to invade what is a safe space for the black community, but after looking at the OP, I figured it was ok for those interested/sympathetic to speak up. With that out of the way, I wanted to know if any of you were now reconsidering bringing life into this world in light of recent events. My wife is black (about 2/3 of African descent with some Creole and 1/4 Japanese) and we likely weren't going to have kids anyway, but now any glimmer of a chance seems to be gone now. It's hard to deal with the reality that your children would potentially grow up in such a hateful world. This is something I've never had to deal with having grown up in the South as a privileged white Protestant Christian male. I've always been sympathetic to the plight of minorities, but only now is it starting to hit home with me. Even worse, when I looked at where we could possibly move other than America, and it looks like there really isn't a safe place for black people in this world. How do you deal with that kind of reality?
Heavily instanced mmo, like a Warframe or Phantasy Star(?).What kind of game is dragon ball xenoverse?
I am prepared to be tossed😡
Nah I can't get angry at you guys right now. ❤
Have you ever played the Tenkaichi or Raging Blast series? It's like those games but features a lot more online and mmo components.What kind of game is dragon ball xenoverse?
I hope so, but i doubt it.EvilLore has made it explicit that that won't happen.
I just remembered that a very special show that was cancelled in its first season existed, and immediately burst into laughter when the memories came back. Official Thread for this mystery show is coming, take any guesses now.
Finished a season or got canceled during it?
Have you ever played the Tenkaichi or Raging Blast series? It's like those games but features a lot more online and mmo components.
Mankind Divided is effectively setup for the original Deus Ex, good game but $30 is probably the max you should pay for it. X-Com 2 console port is decent, load times are iffy. If you haven't played the Uncharted games before and you pick up the collection, don't play those games back to back you'll burn out before you get to the middle of 2.
Any hints? Like genreI just remembered that a very special show that was cancelled in its first season existed, and immediately burst into laughter when the memories came back. Official Thread for this mystery show is coming, take any guesses now.
Any hints? Like genre