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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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There is some truth to that definitely. I guess the bigger problem is that there is a tendency to venerate some people to such a degree that they are no longer perceived by the public as men/women, but symbols or icons for countries/movements. To critize them would be to attack the movement/country itself for some people.

That Susan Anthony conversation above reminded me of Mahatma Gandhi. He held some pretty deplorable views.

Hi to all from Poland and stay strong, BCT. Reading this thread is one of my pleasures, whenever I have time : )

Wow. Fuck. Our dark skin really fucks a lot of people up. Even for people thought to be historical heroes; black skin just means monster in their eyes.
I wonder what Marvel's gonna be like under President Trump. I remember they went ham against Nixon during Watergate.

The entire vibe on campus since Tuesday has been some of the most depressing shit. Everyone looks like all the joy's been sucked out of them.

The Ms.Marvel comic all but said 'go vote for Hilary' and Marvel made Donald Trump a supervillian. Valiant comics Faith had a straight up political ad for Hilary in its book as well. Its gonna get weird folks.


Shit getting wild now. Racists coming out the woodwork. At my girlfriends dorm some kids drew a swastika on another students dorm room and there's been a lot of complaints about students saying horrible racists shit to each other. This is the new school btw in NYC.
Shit getting wild now. Racists coming out the woodwork. At my girlfriends dorm some kids drew a swastika on another students dorm room and there's been a lot of complaints about students saying horrible racists shit to each other. This is the new school btw in NYC.

Considering how diverse NYC is. I'm not doubting racism one bit. But this is probably some dumbass white man childs with nothing else better to do and don't even know the scope of the damage they're doing because they're ignorant as Fuck and their parents will never teach them any better. Monkey see monkey do out here with this ish.


Shit getting wild now. Racists coming out the woodwork. At my girlfriends dorm some kids drew a swastika on another students dorm room and there's been a lot of complaints about students saying horrible racists shit to each other. This is the new school btw in NYC.

The New School, as in Parsons?

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Yeah, the problem was back in the late 1800s you had two big movements going on - suffrage, and civil rights. You would think that these would mix real well - I mean, they're both about equal rights!

...until black folks get a tiny bit more (perceived) power than white women.

See, black men were (on paper) given the right to vote by Congress in 1870. The 15th Amendment. That right wasn't given to white women until 50 years later with the 19th Amendment in 1920.

That pissed off a lot of suffragists who were fighting for women's rights. Some of who saw black men as lesser than white women. There were members of the suffragist movement who tried to gain favor from those who were hanging, shooting and burning Negroes alive.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
So yesterday I'm chatting with one of my better friends, and he mentioned that he saw a post that I responded to on Facebook regarding Trump winning the Presidential election, and wondered why I would vote for Clinton. I said because despite her not being very favorable, I would happily take her over someone who has demonstrated that he is a racist, his father was racist, and he didn't have problems catering to those who are racist. This is before we even talk about his feelings of LGBT community, and being a complete douche to women.

I know we're smugly throwing around "economically anxious", but man. My boy falls right under that umbrella. He doesn't really follow politics, so... he knows that Donald Trump is a celebrity who totes how rich and successful he is, and how he'll put more money in your pocket because he knows business, and that chick who's running against him is crooked and a liar! That's all he knows. That's all he needed.

So he voted Trump. I was angry for a quick minute, but ended up just being really disappointed, because my friend isn't racist. He doesn't want to see POC have their rights violated. He just wanted to "shake things up", and "have his dollar go further." He was ignorant of what his vote meant to others, including his friends.

I told him that he might not want to let my sisters, my mother, or even the girl he's hollering at know about that. They might not take it as well as I did.

Oh! he also said that he couldn't see himself voting for a woman. That didn't help either.

Did I mention that he's a good friend of mine? That my family invites him over for family functions? He got my mother a nice gift for Christmas last year?



Being angry is just going to wear you out. Be disappointed, be woke, but don't be down.

Or something. We need one of those Mighty Ducks pep talks.


Being angry is just going to wear you out. Be disappointed, be woke, but don't be down.

Or something. We need one of those Mighty Ducks pep talks.

you can tell by the way republicans talk about this victory. They are not at all interested in unity, working together, or making america great again for anyone but themselves.


been thinking of changing my username

yet to settle on a name that I 100% feel good about sticking with. I think my best username was Cosmonaut, which I had on GameFAQs way back in the day
You never go full Kwanza


Real talk, who here actually knows anything about Kwanzaa? Is it an African American thing? My family has a Nigerian background, and mostly came here starting from the mid 80s. So I've grown up Christian and around relatives/family friends who were African, aside from the children who were born here (like me). I assumed that's why we didn't know what the hell it was

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
you can tell by the way republicans talk about this victory. They are not at all interested in unity, working together, or making america great again for anyone but themselves.

While for different reasons, neither are Dems.

Listening to my mother is wild, fam. I know she's super political, but this has her TRIPPIN. She's saying stuff like "people have forgotten about Nixon, and Reagan, and Bush Sr. This man is going to have the worst people whispering in his ear, no political experience to choose wisely, and not enough checks and balances to stop his poor decisions from affecting others." She actually cries about her children having to see stuff that she saw as a child. That she got to see a black president, and will now have to see America go through another civil rights movement because Trump will set us back 60 years.

She says its hard to have unity when folks want you dead because of your skin color. You can't unify with someone who sees you as less than they are. And they're teaching that to their children. You can't say things will be different when the old racists die out, because they've trained the new racists. They've put programs in place to keep those who they feel are beneath them down. If you teach black people that they are worthless, then they will BE worthless. They will know themselves to be worthless, and they will teach their children to also be worthless.

She had hope with Obama. That's gone now.


While for different reasons, neither are Dems.

no I think it's a bit different in this case. While Dems are definitely capable of this, there is a strong undercurrent of trying to appeal to moderates and even republicans with policies. It's one of the reasons people criticize the Dems: they're too "conciliatory" to the other side.

Just look at how obama governed for the last 8 years.


Black History Month is already met with BS in England pre-Brexit, come February, get ready for some shit


how did i not know it was also october?
So I'm sitting here in a little courtyard area and bunch white kids bout preteen, are playing nearby on skate boards

One of them gets upset with another one and says you nigger!

Of course they go slient and look at me as i stare them down

Bout five minutes later one of his friends comes over too me saying he's sorry on behalf of his friend and I'm like nah he needs to come over here and apologize too me

So he comes over an tells me how he didn't mean it and how he learned from youtube and just blurts it out when he's upset

I tell'em he better find a new word Cuz next time he says nigger In the presence of a black person there prolly gonna do alot more than just sit and fucking stare

They quickly left after that

Gonna be a long 4 years


So yesterday I'm chatting with one of my better friends, and he mentioned that he saw a post that I responded to on Facebook regarding Trump winning the Presidential election, and wondered why I would vote for Clinton. I said because despite her not being very favorable, I would happily take her over someone who has demonstrated that he is a racist, his father was racist, and he didn't have problems catering to those who are racist. This is before we even talk about his feelings of LGBT community, and being a complete douche to women.

I know we're smugly throwing around "economically anxious", but man. My boy falls right under that umbrella. He doesn't really follow politics, so... he knows that Donald Trump is a celebrity who totes how rich and successful he is, and how he'll put more money in your pocket because he knows business, and that chick who's running against him is crooked and a liar! That's all he knows. That's all he needed.

So he voted Trump. I was angry for a quick minute, but ended up just being really disappointed, because my friend isn't racist. He doesn't want to see POC have their rights violated. He just wanted to "shake things up", and "have his dollar go further." He was ignorant of what his vote meant to others, including his friends.

I told him that he might not want to let my sisters, my mother, or even the girl he's hollering at know about that. They might not take it as well as I did.

Oh! he also said that he couldn't see himself voting for a woman. That didn't help either.

Did I mention that he's a good friend of mine? That my family invites him over for family functions? He got my mother a nice gift for Christmas last year?

I mean, it's his goddamn bed. Let him get stabbed to death in it.


Talking Tom is the worst children's entertainment I've seen. Y'all wonder why I'm in Disney so hard? This putrid shit is why.
Y'all ready for Drumpf to eliminate black history month

Y'all thought I was kidding?



Real talk, who here actually knows anything about Kwanzaa? Is it an African American thing? My family has a Nigerian background, and mostly came here starting from the mid 80s. So I've grown up Christian and around relatives/family friends who were African, aside from the children who were born here (like me). I assumed that's why we didn't know what the hell it was

I don't know a damn thing about Kwanzaa, and have never met anyone who celebrates it. Only reason I knew about it growing up was because it was taught in my elementary school.


The best part was at the end, when Earn was yelling at him to stop being so likeable. 😆

Yeah. I'm a grown ass man, i can't be dealing with that nonsense.

There are some good youtube folks that actually talk about shit, and hell even teach you. But they are few and far between.

Real talk, who here actually knows anything about Kwanzaa? Is it an African American thing? My family has a Nigerian background, and mostly came here starting from the mid 80s. So I've grown up Christian and around relatives/family friends who were African, aside from the children who were born here (like me). I assumed that's why we didn't know what the hell it was

I think it was created as way for AA's to learn more about/feel more connected to our heritage. I thought it was stupid when I first learned about it in elementary school because it wasn't about gifts & the media was more than happy to agree with me. As an adult I realize how important knowing where you came from is & wish my teachers would've tried a little harder to get its meaning across. Thinking back on it, the day they tried to teach us about Kwanzaa played out a lot like it did in that ep of The Boondocks.



Real talk, who here actually knows anything about Kwanzaa? Is it an African American thing? My family has a Nigerian background, and mostly came here starting from the mid 80s. So I've grown up Christian and around relatives/family friends who were African, aside from the children who were born here (like me). I assumed that's why we didn't know what the hell it was

My best friend would tell me about how in her elementary school, where she was the only black kid in her class, she should always have to do the Kwanzaa portion of the Holiday pageant. Since then, she tries to at least recognize it every year. She's the only person I know who engages with it though.


Here is Trump's "plan" to help the Black community

Basically random buzzwords and more cops :/


Real talk, who here actually knows anything about Kwanzaa? Is it an African American thing? My family has a Nigerian background, and mostly came here starting from the mid 80s. So I've grown up Christian and around relatives/family friends who were African, aside from the children who were born here (like me). I assumed that's why we didn't know what the hell it was

I legit don't think I've heard anyone anywhere talk about it since the 1990s


So I'm sitting here in a little courtyard area and bunch white kids bout preteen, are playing nearby on skate boards

One of them gets upset with another one and says you nigger!

Of course they go slient and look at me as i stare them down

Bout five minutes later one of his friends comes over too me saying he's sorry on behalf of his friend and I'm like nah he needs to come over here and apologize too me

So he comes over an tells me how he didn't mean it and how he learned from youtube and just blurts it out when he's upset

I tell'em he better find a new word Cuz next time he says nigger In the presence of a black person there prolly gonna do alot more than just sit and fucking stare

They quickly left after that

Gonna be a long 4 years


Junior Member
So I'm still on this Civ V game, just for the hell of it.

I'm not even really serious about it here. I'm not really doing anything, just clicking on anything that looks interesting and doing everything the advisers tell me to do. I know about the victory paths but I'm not going towards anyone. I think I'm just gonna run out the clock to the year 2050 and win that way since I'm in the lead on points by about 800.

I decide to finally take a look at the victory progress though and find that the only player that's completed any cultural policy branches is... Ghandi. Y'all weren't kidding. Even on this low level of play Ghandi can still come back on my ass. At this point I think the game is gonna end before he (or anyone but me) can get nukes though. It's 1890-something and I've already almost completed the industrial era while most other civs are still hitting the renaissance. They've got knights with swords while I've got WWI-looking infantry. My army is like three time the size of the next guy down, but I haven't bothered to go to war with anybody. Like I said, I'm just clicking on shit to learn just what Civ even is.

So I decided to keep a save in case Ghandi comes back with the cultural victory, in which case I can go back and end his ass right here and now. I don't think anybody is friends with him (he's on the other end of the world from where I am) and a bunch of people are friends with me.
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