I concur
I am not an anime man. I like the classic gritty/violent anime film and one or two series, no cutesy mess. Now with that said. Attack on Titan. Every time I read about it I like the concept of how it sounds. And one of my homegirls keep telling me it's dope. So I ask for you anime watchers is it worth the viewing? ?/10
Biden/Plies 2020
BUCKET NEKKIDChillin', watching The Player's Club. I haven't seen it in at least 15 years.
If you want that nitty gritty, anti-Moe anime, may I recommend you Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? The first season is Fist of the Northstar plus Vampires, and it only goes up from there. Each season has a different protagonist in a different setting and somehow they are all fresh and fantastic. Also, it features some of the best music in Anime.I am not an anime man. I like the classic gritty/violent anime film and one or two series, no cutesy mess. Now with that said. Attack on Titan. Every time I read about it I like the concept of how it sounds. And one of my homegirls keep telling me it's dope. So I ask for you anime watchers is it worth the viewing? ?/10
If you want that nitty gritty, anti-Moe anime, may I recommend you Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? The first season is Fist of the Northstar plus Vampires, and it only goes up from there. Each season has a different protagonist in a different setting and somehow they are all fresh and fantastic. Also, it features some of the best music in Anime.
I mean yeah he's right on. The suggestion that being highly sceptical of Trump is some unfair or disrespectful thing is mad. Even if every awful thing he pulled or said on the campaign trail is a complete fabrication to get elected then that still points to a major flaw in him as an elect.
If you want that nitty gritty, anti-Moe anime, may I recommend you Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? The first season is Fist of the Northstar plus Vampires, and it only goes up from there. Each season has a different protagonist in a different setting and somehow they are all fresh and fantastic. Also, it features some of the best music in Anime.
Instead of moe garbage, you get fabulous manliness.
I went to lie down and pulled a knife out of my bed, don't recall when I put it there.
I mean yeah he's right on.
I went to lie down and pulled a knife out of my bed, don't recall when I put it there.
Trump normalization and the plea to sympathize with is supporters is just about making me tear my hear out. Trans bathroom bills, religious freedom bills, attempts at limiting the rights of LGBTQ+ peoples, anti-abortion measures, gun lobbying, police brutality and militarization, voting restrictions, white supremacy, media manipulation. Jesus, we've seen just within Obama's terms what the GOPs compass bearing is; let alone what Trump brings to the table. What they hold important and what they don't should be crystal clear to even the people who like to clutch the lofty enlightened position of being neutral as a badge of honor. Yet those same enlightened people dare to talk down to and treat the people that are afraid for their lives and livelihoods as human beings with an unchangeable state and claim that we're being close minded or somehow equally dangerous because we cannot (and shouldn't be expected to) reconcile with people who threw into such a party for reasons that they can't even articulate. Just the fact that they have reasons alone is somehow supposed to be enough for me to forgive a Trump supporter or resist calling a spade a spade. Like seriously, what the fuck is it with people so desperate for kumbaya bullshit that they'd literally ignore such blatant cruelty for the sake of some false peace they think is just around the corner once all the minorities stop being so angry at the side that wants ruination for them?
I mean yeah he's right on. The suggestion that being highly sceptical of Trump is some unfair or disrespectful thing is mad. Even if every awful thing he pulled or said on the campaign trail is a complete fabrication to get elected then that still points to a major flaw in him as an elect.
A lot of "deja vu" in this PBS Black America since MLK special.
Underrated master piece. That fight at the end? Goddamn
The Black Culture Thread |OT17| On GAF we call them Alt Accounts
Anyone here want a key for Gears of War 3 or Judgement? Works X1 or 360. Just got the freebies from Gears 4 and I already have those digital from GWG over the last two years.
Was this game any good? I remember people thinking it was mediocre or unremarkable when it first came out but now people look back on it with reverence.Goddamn it I spent 35 bucks on Lost Odyssey for my impending Xbox One purchase, damn thing was 15 like a month and a half ago.
The Black Culture Thread |OT17| On GAF we call them Alt Accounts
Was this game any good? I remember people thinking it was mediocre or unremarkable when it first came out but now people look back on it with reverence.
Was this game any good? I remember people thinking it was mediocre or unremarkable when it first came out but now people look back on it with reverence.
Trump normalization and the plea to sympathize with is supporters is just about making me tear my hear out. Trans bathroom bills, religious freedom bills, attempts at limiting the rights of LGBTQ+ peoples, anti-abortion measures, gun lobbying, police brutality and militarization, voting restrictions, white supremacy, media manipulation. Jesus, we've seen just within Obama's terms what the GOPs compass bearing is; let alone what Trump brings to the table. What they hold important and what they don't should be crystal clear to even the people who like to clutch the lofty enlightened position of being neutral as a badge of honor. Yet those same enlightened people dare to talk down to and treat the people that are afraid for their lives and livelihoods as human beings with an unchangeable state and claim that we're being close minded or somehow equally dangerous because we cannot (and shouldn't be expected to) reconcile with people who threw into such a party for reasons that they can't even articulate. Just the fact that they have reasons alone is somehow supposed to be enough for me to forgive a Trump supporter or resist calling a spade a spade. Like seriously, what the fuck is it with people so desperate for kumbaya bullshit that they'd literally ignore such blatant cruelty for the sake of some false peace they think is just around the corner once all the minorities stop being so angry at the side that wants ruination for them?
Realest mixtape Album Cover or what?
"Obama: The White House wont let me run (....again)"
Seriously, it's pissing me off immensely. Those people really don't see what the hell is going on. Or they just don't want to and keep crying about us being "angry". We got a right to be angry when one side would sooner see us discriminated and hated, or worse.
mornin black folks and rasists
I'm sticking to Gaming side
I'm fine, pissed as hell though. It's just job related stuff, I don't want to talk about it.
Game side is actually, demonstrably more tolerable than OT right now lol
crazy days
Right now.
Wait until Anita Sarkeesian drops another mix tape.
Been noticing a few pony avatars popping back up as wellI think I know what you guys mean about anime avatars
Alright this is pretty good.