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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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Apologies for the lateness, but here's my deets too.

PSN: Hunnbee
XBL: Noodlezen
Battle.net: Octochan#1666
Steam: Ghostula


It never ceases to entertain me when non-Black people here in Canada refer to all Black people as African American because they're afraid to refer to them as Black.


Gonna keep a sharp eye out for some PSN deals come Black Friday. I been practicing in SF5, and I think I'm ready for BCT.

Speaking of Black Friday, I picked up Digimon Cyber Sleuth early. Had some leftover Gamestop credit that shaved off half the price, so I went for it.

I'm hoping to get Xenoverse and some other game when the time comes.
I went to order the hood special (chicken over rice for 5 bucks) and while waiting for my food this white girl walked in the store. She was looking like a fish out of water so before she even made her way into the place i said to myself "let me not even look in her direction". So she stands around looking lost n shit acting like she never seen a bodega before. shawty then turns to me and asks me if I work there. My nigga in that moment I turned into some Frederick Douglass type nigga. I looked at her and was like "no miss, I'm not actually employed at this establishment". Everybody in the store snickered and side eyed the shit out of ol' girl. After that she briskly left the store.

ah damn, she done fucked up good!


It never ceases to entertain me when non-Black people here in Canada refer to all Black people as African American because they're afraid to refer to them as Black.
Really? What a weird thing, I've never actually heard someone have an issue with black.


Heads up, but if you are annoyed by Trump threads in the OT and see a John Stewart thread in the next few hours/days, I'd avoid it.

“I thought Donald Trump disqualified himself at numerous points. But there is now this idea that anyone who voted for him is -- has to be defined by the worst of his rhetoric,” Stewart said. “Like, there are guys in my neighborhood that I love, that I respect, that I think have incredible qualities who are not afraid of Mexicans, and not afraid of Muslims, and not afraid of blacks. They’re afraid of their insurance premiums. In the liberal community, you hate this idea of creating people as a monolith. Don’t look as Muslims as a monolith. They are the individuals and it would be ignorance. But everybody who voted for Trump is a monolith, is a racist. That hypocrisy is also real in our country.”

Heads up, but if you are annoyed by Trump threads in the OT and see a John Stewart thread in the next few hours/days, I'd avoid it.



Are we really forgetting the shit Trump did to get here, Stewart?! Like saying black communities are warzone?! Or that Mexicans are rapists?! Or Trump patting himself on the back after that club shooting in Florida saying that he was right?! Trump is an opprotunistic, egotistical, racist fuckhead of a man who exploited racists and their fear of brown people to get to this point. And the people who voted for him, whether they like it or not, indirectly support what he says. When they vote for trump, they get the whole package, not part of it.

That man ain't my president. And he ain't even worth spit shining my shoes, let alone running the biggest position in the world.
Heads up, but if you are annoyed by Trump threads in the OT and see a John Stewart thread in the next few hours/days, I'd avoid it.


Yeah they're afraid of their insurance premiums. So they voted for a man with zero concrete plans about what he wanted to repair Obamacare with after he destroyed it and spent the majority of his campaign having the truth of his business acumen confirmed, revealing himself to be a conman and tax dodger, and making other vague promises to please the bs economic anxieties of his constituents. He was the fucking savior of their insurance premiums huh? Just was super fucking savvy on that exact subject throughout the 1 & 1/2 years? Insurance premiums that had as much potential to change under Hillary without stripping millions of others from their health insurance? And it was worth his racist, homophobic, xenophobic rhetoric? Stewart is basically saying "Don't criticize these people for joining in lighting your apartment building on fire! They just really needed the insurance money and those other people are the ones who wanted to see you burn."

Its astounding that I have to suddenly care about these peoples insurance premiums (like seriously, mine ain't pretty either, fam). I'm now donating and joining charity groups and movements, calling my representatives, and doing all the political education I can to try and assist in protecting the lives of Americans by way of climate change, black people, Hispanics, Muslims, LGBTQ+ peoples, etc. Putting all my effort toward preventing the damaging things Trump's administration has planned for people in general in this campaign and people didn't think to spare the same effort if Hil was elected to try and modify a single issue like insurance premiums? Something she would have been more sympathetic to than Trump and the GOP who have shown time and again they give 2 shits about anyone not straight, white and rich?

I wonder if people who say shit like this really know their friends, family & neighbors as well as they think they do. When bigotry isn't an automatic dealbreaker it makes a person look suspect.

At this point, I just take that bull as "Well I haven't seen them say fuck minority X out in public so I can only assume they're genuine when they watch a potential president do the same thing and vote for him." Stewart should pay actual attention to their FB or Twtter pages, because some of them will be emboldened enough to show their asses.


LOL it's 7 in the morning here and now my day is somehow even more soured by seeing one of those image macros where some white idiot expects a thank you from black people for the people who fought and died in the civil war. There's a fucking hungry, sick demon inside so many people.
Morning ya'll


These protests were going on in PA and high school kids are protesting against "Trump's Hatred". And these "conservatives" were protesting against them to "support the police" Now at first I was laughing at this cause I'm like silly kids can't vote yet, just focus on school, but hey children are our future right? Or at least we think. Until I see these adults yelling in their faces and this white mother fucker says some suspect shit like this.

"These children are misguided. You know, they're coming out and I respect their rights to come out here. But I'm going to tell you right now. That generation of kids, um, they're troubled. You know and its good that we had the older generations coming out here to get right back at them..."


Do yourself a favor if you visit this site. Don't read the comments. News sites I feel, are worse or equivalent to a YouTube comment section.
Not everyone who voted for Trump is racist......but they supported his racist ass platform which is just as bad.

And this is what Trump supporters don't want to face up to. That they are in support of Trump and his campaign, which was blanantly racist and bigoted as fuck. And now we have threads of assholes coming out of the woodwork saying we need to reach across the aisle and unify! After you Trump supporters gave your support to a man who said that my community is a goddamn war zone?! A man that disrespected every minority group and demographic under the sun, you want us to unify?! With the other side that would sooner see me as many others die?! Well I have an answer to that:



Keeping my soda consumption at around three Surge a day right now, helps cover the gaps in my coffee coverage. Three cups every six hours, with a breakthrough soda every three hours, works well.

I'm down to two unsweetened black cups of tea a day. All else is water. Feels pretty good, to be honest.
Not everyone who voted for Trump is racist......but they supported his racist ass platform which is just as bad.

Word. I put together a post sharing that sentiment a few days ago:
He denigrated minorities at every turn. Even when he claimed to be reaching out to them it was always in an insulting manner.
He cap-ended his campaign with an ad saying that his opponent's campaign was controlled by, funded by, and partnered with rich jews.
He opened his campaign by accusing an entire population of minorities as being rapists (furthering the well worn racist attack of darker skinned people being sexual predators) and criminals directed by their state to trespass into america.
He bolstered his campaign by saying that he would block muslims from being able to enter the US.
He chose a known white supremacist as one of his delegates for the RNC.
His children give interviews on white supremacist radio.
He hesitated to denounce the KKK.
He called for the execution of demonstrably innocent black and brown kids.
He started his career off by refusing to rent to minorities.
He questioned the otherness of the first black president for years.
He spread white supremacist propaganda to his followers in the form of made up statistics trying to mislead his followers into thinking they are being hunted by black thugs.
He spread white supremacist propaganda to his followers in the form of spreading a neo-nazi image attempting to link his opponent to Jews.

And that's just a partial recounting.

People within and sympathetic to the KKK picked up on all of these. They endorsed him and frequently praised his presidential run.

And I'm to believe that his voters didn't think any of that was important enough to sway their votes? Either they agreed silently or their indifference to the experiences of minorities in America is large enough that they would elect someone that is openly courting and inciting racists to become their next president. Neither cast a good light on his voters.
I'm down to two unsweetened black cups of tea a day. All else is water. Feels pretty good, to be honest.

Word. I put together a post sharing that sentiment a few days ago:

Jesus, that's a great post. And people will read it all and claim that dousing their economic anxieties were still worth it.
intelligent black man is no good :(

2. An Odd Trump Theory

The presidency of Donald Trump is good news for the NFL, according to a team executive with whom B/R spoke. Why? The theory is interesting, and a little bit out there.

Here goes: "Under President [Barack] Obama, the country was intellectual and looked at facts. I think that's why our ratings fell. People read a lot about our scandals or CTE and didn't like what they saw. Under Trump, the country will care less about truth or facts. It'll be [more raw] and brutal. Football will be more of an outlet. We'll go back to liking our violent sports."
And this is what Trump supporters don't want to face up to. That they are in support of Trump and his campaign, which was blanantly racist and bigoted as fuck. And now we have threads of assholes coming out of the woodwork saying we need to reach across the aisle and unify! After you Trump supporters gave your support to a man who said that my community is a goddamn war zone?! A man that disrespected every minority group and demographic under the sun, you want us to unify?! With the other side that would sooner see me as many others die?! Well I have an answer to that:


Yep, had a conversation about this with an acquaintance the other day in a chat. They said that not all Trump supporters are racists, and I responded with: "You're right. But, all persons who voted for Trump are ignorant." It took them a while to reply but they agreed with me, to which I added, "Ignorance and racism does go hand in hand, though."

I don't think I'll be talking to that person anymore, lol.

King Kong and Tarzan are both racist as hell and makes cringe every time a new version pops up every couple of years.

You can do Kong without it beeing racist, but for some reason every iteration from the original to the Japanese version and all the American remakes feel the need to include the subservient tribe.


Yeah, why some white people afraid to say black?

Because the term African American became the "politically correct" way to describe black people in the US when it was created and for a time, any other label was seen as offensive. It wasn't until more black people started realizing the "flaws" in the term (ex: people labeling black people outside of the US African American, the average black person in the US being just as "American" as anyone else from the US and not needing a subtitle, etc...), that black people started using African American less, but the memo hasn't made it to everyone yet.
Man I need some new sites to browse through, because looking through NeoGAF is getting to me. Especially with what is going down now. Got any suggestions, BCT?

I know I can't go back to a site called roleplayers guild because I kinda made a self imposed exile for myself. I made an RP, had a good start then I stopped going when things started getting hairy for me in my life. It's been at least four months or so since I last went there.
Man wtf? On Sunday I put a post on a discussion board for my group to get a topic for a problem-solving presentation. Nobody said shit. The shit was due on Tuesday. Tell me why mothafuckas want to turn shit in today? Like dude, the shit was due on Tuesday I have already finished and turned in the project my damn self.
Man I need some new sites to browse through, because looking through NeoGAF is getting to me. Especially with what is going down now. Got any suggestions, BCT?

I know I can't go back to a site called roleplayers guild because I kinda made a self imposed exile for myself. I made an RP, had a good start then I stopped going when things started getting hairy for me in my life. It's been at least four months or so since I last went there.

Dunno what you're looking for, but take some time to relax and create simple beats.


Junior Member
So i checked out that lost of stores to avoid because they have Donald items. Amazon is on that list. I'm curious about Google shopping. They just list places that sell stuff?

I looked up one item and it took me to eBay. Which I'm sure has some Donald and Ivanka merchandise. It'll be hard to find any large online store that doesn't have merchandise from these clowns?
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