These aren't the days of the 1800s. A new modern civil war would spark the "alpha and omega" of America, to assume a revolution would ever take place without other countries taking advantage of America in its weakest moment of infighting would be foolish. It could turnout to be racists against non-racists/PoC/Non-PoC/etc. But those and any other groups would then be against American Military whom would likely be against themselves and no one would survive that outcome. America would blatantly transform into a Dystopia with the wrong people in charge. I understand they say history has a habit of repeating itself, but this is one theory I can't believe would ever happen at least in our years of life.
Morning everyone
I know. But damn it's so depressing to see our only chance to move further toward a better tomorrow slowly going out of our reach. It sucks. I know I know, midterms and all that. But I'm not full of optimism about that then I was during the election.
Here ya go:
Thank you.