Completed Resident Evil 4 and want to give my thoughts on it. Resident Evil 4 is like the interactive version of a action film with infected, violent and mindless villagers instead of nameless military mooks, that also seem to have taken some cues from the manga Parasyte because what the fuck at some of those enemies. This game is rife with b grade dialogue, cliches up the ass and a aiming system that takes some time to work with. And I loved it.
The aiming system takes time to learn but being able to do melee for a finisher or crowd control is good. Also the reload animations are awesome. The dialogue is played straight, even though it's cheesy as hell. Some combat scenarios are tense and challenging and the enemy design of some the more monstrous creatures is creepy. Especially the regenerators and iron maidens....euuuughhh. Also gotta give my props to the merchant, he cool as hell. All in all, 10/10 would suplex Ganados again.
Now it's time to go to where it all began, the beginning of the nightmare. The game that started it all...Resident Evil!! The remake that is. But before I begin, got any tips for me?