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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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I thought you were joking with this whole SFV sending game alerts while updating, Forearm, but bruh. This real? :|

Gordon, if you're reading this, I'll play tomorrow. I'm 1) gonna be waiting for a bit to this update 2) tired as hell, been up since 5AM. Tomorrow I'm around all day, though, so like. Y'all better be fighting. 😤

Some ole bullshit


Alright, finished with Luke Cage.

+Remember this music thread about Marvel music being bad? I agreed 100% with this thread until I saw Luke Cage, which stomped all over it. The theme song in particular is great and I actually looked forward to hearing it every time it came on. I also loved all the music guest (the Method Man cameo almost got corny, but that quotable he gave on Sway's show made up for it).
+Cotton Mouth, great damn villain. Not King Pin level, but great.
+The overall cast was great my favorites being Misty Knight, Pop and JC Sugar
+The Marvel TV/Cinematic Universe references, as well as the Luke Cage inside references were all nicely handled.
+Quotable and one liners everywhere.
+The reference to real life issues with black people were well done/great. The hoodies with bullet holes seems like something that should catch on for protests.

-Cotton Mouth > Diamondback. I REALLY do not like that they killed Cotton Mouth half way through the season only to replace him with Diamondback and then Diamondback basically having the same purpose and not nearly the right amount of build up Cotton Mouth and Black Mariah got with their connections and backstory. IMO, Cotton Mouth should have remained the main villain at least until episode 11/12 with Diamondback working for him instead.
-Claire. I get that she ties all the shows together, but she basically shows up the moment Luke needs a doctor. Misty should have filled Claire's role instead, or a brand new character.
-Luke's lack of friends. I recognize this is due to everyone dying shortly as the season started, but excluding Claire, Luke needed at least one more friend other than Fish and Misty. A "Squabbles" type character outside of prison at a minimum.

Overall Marvel Netflix ranking:

Daredevil S1 = Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil S2
That's polished off.

1 - Luke Cage
2 - Jessica Jones
3 - Daredevil S2 Punisher Side
4 - Daredevil S1
5 - Daredevil S2 Ninja Side

Marvel still has a leading hero problem. Jessica is the strongest of the three, with Cage and Murdock bringing up the rear. Luke Cage retains the overall strongest supporting cast, which carries it above the rest. The Cage-Cottonmouth side is by far the strongest facet of the show. It meanders a bit when
Diamondback enters the picture, mostly because Diamondback's overall motivation feels weak for the overall mayhem caused.
Why do I feel like nobody is going to take the swear jar system seriously.


BTW, I have the perfect idea for a plot for the Defenders. They'll HAVE to hire me to write the series.Ya'll ready?

Luke Cage and Jessica Jones get together. Jessica finds out that she's pregnant at some point during the series
, and she decides she'll have to give up crimefighting in the near future. She believes Luke should do the same, since the child can only be his at this point, and decides to tell him.

Jessica breaks the news to Luke during a date out on the town. Luke reacts badly.
You see, back when he became Power Man, the doctor from the prison told him that he may never be able to have kids because of the experiment. Until now, he never had a reason to confirm this, plus he doesn't want to go to a hospital.
Because of this, Luke thinks Jessica must have cheated on him, and he walks out, too upset to explain. Jessica is left feeling abandoned.

However, the next day, Luke realizes he was a fool and decided to get the test once and for all. He doesn't really believe fully yet that Jessica would have slept around on him, but he needs to know for sure before he talks to her again. He calls Claire, explains everything, and decides to get his sperm tested.
Ya'll with me? Okay, good.

Meanwhile, Jessica decides that Luke would never have reacted the way he did if he didn't have a damn good reason. So she goes to find him at his place. Meanwhile, as she approaches the building, Luke is getting his sample ready for testing, with the aid of an adult magazine.

Once he has the sample ready, he leaves his bathroom. Suddenly, he trips! He falls! The container with the sample inside rolls under a chair and you hear glass break. Luke yells, "AAAAAAAAHHHCK! SHIIIIIIIIIIT!"

Just then, Jessica walks in! She looks at Luke, who has stood straight up in shock. She sees him standing in front of the bathroom door, and looks down at the magazine under his arm. A loud "WAHH WAHHH WAHHHH!" sound effect plays.
Without a word, she turns around and storms out of the place. Luke looks aghast, then looks back at the bathroom, then down at the magazine he's holding. It dawns on him what she thinks
, and he yells "Jess! Wait! It's NOT WHAT YOU THINK! JESS!" She slams the door in his face, knocking it off its hinges. Luke screams, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
He screams "NOOOOOOOOOO!" at the bathroom door, then "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at the magazine in his hand, then "NOOOOOOOOOO!" at the chair the sample rolled under.

What will happen next? Will Luke be able to explain things to Jessica? Will he be able to recover the sample? Find out, next Bulletproof Time, next Bulletproof Channel!

I'm so, so sorry.


Why do I feel like nobody is going to take the swear jar system seriously.


BTW, I have the perfect idea for a plot for the Defenders. They'll HAVE to hire me to write the series.Ya'll ready?

Luke Cage and Jessica Jones get together. Jessica finds out that she's pregnant at some point during the series
, and she decides she'll have to give up crimefighting in the near future. She believes Luke should do the same, since the child can only be his at this point, and decides to tell him.

Jessica breaks the news to Luke during a date out on the town. Luke reacts badly.
You see, back when he became Power Man, the doctor from the prison told him that he may never be able to have kids because of the experiment. Until now, he never had a reason to confirm this, plus he doesn't want to go to a hospital.
Because of this, Luke thinks Jessica must have cheated on him, and he walks out, too upset to explain. Jessica is left feeling abandoned.

However, the next day, Luke realizes he was a fool and decided to get the test once and for all. He doesn't really believe fully yet that Jessica would have slept around on him, but he needs to know for sure before he talks to her again. He calls Claire, explains everything, and decides to get his sperm tested.
Ya'll with me? Okay, good.

Meanwhile, Jessica decides that Luke would never have reacted the way he did if he didn't have a damn good reason. So she goes to find him at his place. Meanwhile, as she approaches the building, Luke is getting his sample ready for testing, with the aid of an adult magazine.

Once he has the sample ready, he leaves his bathroom. Suddenly, he trips! He falls! The container with the sample inside rolls under a chair and you hear glass break. Luke yells, "AAAAAAAAHHHCK! SHIIIIIIIIIIT!"

Just then, Jessica walks in! She looks at Luke, who has stood straight up in shock. She sees him standing in front of the bathroom door, and looks down at the magazine under his arm. A loud "WAHH WAHHH WAHHHH!" sound effect plays.
Without a word, she turns around and storms out of the place. Luke looks aghast, then looks back at the bathroom, then down at the magazine he's holding. It dawns on him what she thinks
, and he yells "Jess! Wait! It's NOT WHAT YOU THINK! JESS!" She slams the door in his face, knocking it off its hinges. Luke screams, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
He screams "NOOOOOOOOOO!" at the bathroom door, then "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at the magazine in his hand, then "NOOOOOOOOOO!" at the chair the sample rolled under.

What will happen next? Will Luke be able to explain things to Jessica? Will he be able to recover the sample? Find out, next Bulletproof Time, next Bulletproof Channel!

I'm so, so sorry.

I'm not saying I would or wouldn't watch it.. I'm just saying no one else in their right mind would give it the green light.

But I've been wrong before..(lol)


That's polished off.

1 - Luke Cage
2 - Jessica Jones
3 - Daredevil S2 Punisher Side
4 - Daredevil S1
5 - Daredevil S2 Ninja Side

Marvel still has a leading hero problem. Jessica is the strongest of the three, with Cage and Murdock bringing up the rear. Luke Cage retains the overall strongest supporting cast, which carries it above the rest. The Cage-Cottonmouth side is by far the strongest facet of the show. It meanders a bit when
I still haven't finished the season yet (up to episode 11) but that series ranking is exactly what I would give, personally.
Fawf probably got the couch recently for one of his pranks and this is where he's putting all his time now.
Look. Look. That's a worse punishment than you can possibly imagine. The couch has a console in the middle for putting stuff in, so sleeping on it means I have to sleep with a bend in my back. Eventually, my spine won't be able to stay straight and people are gonna start calling me Ol' Gumby.

I may have to sleep there after I read my wife the post I just wrote, as punishment for writing something so stupid. Lol

Also, I just thought up a plot where a mystic spirit from K'un-Lun causes Senor Foggy and Misty Knight to switch bodies if y'all wanna hear that.

Features a scene where Misty in Foggy's body needs to go pee and is like "HOW DO I USE THIS?" Then that blonde lawyer wants to go for coffee with "Foggy" and Misty is like "WHOAAAA GEEEZ".
I haven't actually written such a thing. I thought of it off the cuff which may be worse.
-Cotton Mouth > Diamondback. I REALLY do not like that they killed Cotton Mouth half way through the season only to replace him with Diamondback and then Diamondback basically having the same purpose and not nearly the right amount of build up Cotton Mouth and Black Mariah got with their connections and backstory. IMO, Cotton Mouth should have remained the main villain at least until episode 11/12 with Diamondback working for him instead.


Jessica Jones is a complete joke compared to what Luke could've had.
-Cotton Mouth > Diamondback. I REALLY do not like that they killed Cotton Mouth half way through the season only to replace him with Diamondback and then Diamondback basically having the same purpose and not nearly the right amount of build up Cotton Mouth and Black Mariah got with their connections and backstory. IMO, Cotton Mouth should have remained the main villain at least until episode 11/12 with Diamondback working for him instead.
-Claire. I get that she ties all the shows together, but she basically shows up the moment Luke needs a doctor. Misty should have filled Claire's role instead, or a brand new character.
-Luke's lack of friends. I recognize this is due to everyone dying shortly as the season started, but excluding Claire, Luke needed at least one more friend other than Fish and Misty. A "Squabbles" type character outside of prison at a minimum.

Can't argue with any of these, especially the first one.

Diamondback really should have just been a hired gun and Cottonmouth should have stayed alive a bit longer. Black Mariah and Shades should have taken over as the main antagonist. Diamondback had some sick lines, but he didn't have Cottonmouth's presence.


Ok Luke Cage episode 3 spoliers

Something about Cottonmouth just popping up on the roof top with a rocket launcher had me in tears
He is. Jet's Fist of Legend is he superior version.

I know it's martial arts sacrilege, but I just never could get into Bruce like I could Jet or even Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung. I feel like Once Upon a Time in China alone is better, at least for me, than anything I've ever seen of Bruce. I always feel like I'm missing something with Bruce Lee movies, like I had to be around in the day to really love him.

Also, I'm on episode 6 of Luke Cage and this show has me in tears. Bobby and Luke are....eating breakfast....toast...eggs....and BACON, and I'm so hungry.


I know it's martial arts sacrilege, but I just never could get into Bruce like I could Jet or even Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung. I feel like Once Upon a Time in China alone is better, at least for me, than anything I've ever seen of Bruce. I always feel like I'm missing something with Bruce Lee movies, like I had to be around in the day to really love him.

Also, I'm on episode 6 of Luke Cage and this show has me in tears. Bobby and Luke are....eating breakfast....toast...eggs....and BACON, and I'm so hungry.

You're killing me Fawful.
For her or Parisa Fitz-Henley, I'd cut all you niggas.

I'd even...vote Trump.


For someone who Marvel are insisting isn't Night Nurse, they sure are making Rosario Dawson's character very night nursey

You're killing me Fawful.


I took care of it. I did something I rarely ever do because it takes effort. I cooked.

Well one of these people is still alive so it's kind of an unfair comparison already.

lol No it's not. It's subjective. I like Jet more. Yeah, Bruce could've made more classics that kicked everyone's ass to this day if he lived, and yes Jet and Jackie and many others wouldn't be here if not for him, but I like them more.

(puts on sunglasses)



Sounds like I'm missing out not being able to watch Luke Cage :(

As an aside, Obama is wrong - Ketchup + Hot Dogs go great together!


Good Morning BCT

Cammy I waited til almost midnight but you were delayed 😔 damn stupid updates!!!
I got saw you accepted my friend request 😄

Well guys stay positive and be safe.

make sure to wear you're bullet holes hoodies

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air

Jessica Jones is a complete joke compared to what Luke could've had.

You know that 50 cent line from "work it"

"I got the magicstick , I can go for hours
From the bed to the floor, to the sink to the shower
With her back to the bed and her legs to the sky
I can go hard, know why, big girls don't cry"

That's is
more or less why he will probably end up with Jessica in the Netflix series. Not a lot of women can keep up with him if he decides to go in (pun not intended).

In the comic the reason
he stays with her is she gets pregnant (cause he was more or less sleeping with a ton of superheroines up to the time she told him she was pregnant) but in the Netflix series the pickings are slim so he might as well go with JJ.....
Good Morning BCT

Cammy I waited til almost midnight but you were delayed 😔 damn stupid updates!!!
I got saw you accepted my friend request 😄

Well guys stay positive and be safe.

make sure to wear you're bullet holes hoodies


Wait I'm lost. There's a 3rd Cammy player?! Really need to step my game up 😔


Good Morning BCT

Cammy I waited til almost midnight but you were delayed 😔 damn stupid updates!!!
I got saw you accepted my friend request 😄

Well guys stay positive and be safe.

make sure to wear you're bullet holes hoodies


I'm ready today, though. Let's get it.

Good morning!


Wait I'm lost. There's a 3rd Cammy player?! Really need to step my game up 😔

That'd be me. 😉

Mirror matches such a clusterfuck, though. Happened with Jean and I and it was so hard to keep track of, even with the different colours. Was sat there like what on Earth is going on.


That Come One, Come All mission on SFV. Play Bustling Side Street stage on any mode and make sure you're fighting on the right when you finish so it kicks your opponent into the restaurant to earn that whole 5000FM.
Yeah but I can play with more than 1 character. 😄 Ha any hoot about to jump on you game?

Cammy gurl help me!!!!!!!

Nah I'm out of Cadbury bars..

That'd be me. 😉

Mirror matches such a clusterfuck, though. Happened with Jean and I and it was so hard to keep track of, even with the different colours. Was sat there like what on Earth is going on.

I'm up for that... Only problem is getting past Shy or Gordon
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