Greer was arrested for misdemeanor aggravated battery because a police cadet turned him in after witnessing the incident.
Greer is currently out on a $5,000 bond and enjoying a paid vacation.
TLDR: Too black for me
. . .
that beat drop tho
how's it wrong?
in mama mabel’s vision of the world
there were things that girls (and all non-masculine identified people, like the person called “Sister Boy”are supposed to provide and put up with and those things involve sex and being sexually used/abused to a certain point - which is why she tolerated Pete’s grooming, molestation, and rape of Mariah to a certain point and then sent Mariah off to school to be away from him but didn’t *end him* for that, not like she did when he came for her power
and why Mama Mabel expected Mariah, who was a child herself, to be a mother to baby Cornell because she was a girl
on the other hand: Mama Mabel expected certain things of male ID/masculine people - namely, that Cornell learn to enact violence, which she gender coded when she called it learning to “piss standing up”
Cornell’s horrific mistake is that he was willing to take Pete’s affection for him as a man and throw Mariah under the bus for that masculine pride - willing to sell her out, to say she deserved to be raped by Pete, that she was asking for it, to maintain his own masculine pride
It’s similar to the way he was willing to victim blame “Sister Boy.” to say a john beat them because they were not enough of a “brother”
He was so focused on the price that Mama Mabel believed male children should learn to pay that he completely ignored and disregarded the price she believed female children should pay - because he identified with the toxic, abusive hit of pride and power Pete’s affection toward him meant.
It’s the saddest fucking thing
Mahershala Ali said:Cottonmouth is not the person he wanted to be. Cottonmouth is the result of having to react to his circumstances. He had to, in some ways, take control of the situation and own his circumstances. But as a result of that, he became a person he didn’t intend to become.
Morning all!
Hey folks!
Morning morning.Mornin', BCT.
LOL. You couldn't afford me luv. 😆We should visit the UK since the pound is so cheap, we can stay with Shy. Hell way things are going, we could probably BUY Shy.
LOL. This guy knows what's up.I don't want any of that Damien voodoo. No thanks
Morning morning.
LOL. You couldn't afford me luv. 😆
LOL. This guy knows what's up.
give Theresa May a few more weeks
Is it me or the new Netflix. Luke Cage a little racist. Notice it's mostly black where is the diversity. @LIVE_COVERAGE
5:55 PM - 28 Sep 2016
She's magical to me.I swear that Rosario is going invent the magical latina trope. And I'm okay with that.
Evening.Hi, BCT.
LOL. You couldn't afford me luv. 😆
Yo Solange's new album A Seat at the Table is super black and super good.
Mentioned it the other day, but doesn't look like anyone had given it a listen at that point. I enjoyed it, thematically. It also had this old school vibe I really loved.
First of, Hello Feenix.First off, Allo Shy
I am dirt fucking poor.Secondly, didn't you say you were broke. So we can just put you in a little bag and take you home.
LOL.You can be my friend who everyone thinks is harmless, but will actually murder their family then arrange the funeral
First of, Hello Feenix.
I am dirt fucking poor.
Doesn't mean i'm for sale though.
I know this is old news and all, but how do you guys discuss Morgan Freeman's stance on Black History month? there seem to be people who agree with his stance, but this seems like such a twisted and cynical way to look at BHM.
Yo I'll check it out. I need some new music
True. I should just move in with Sch1sm. 😜But Feenix has money. Didn't he just pay off a Lexus or something? Take it while you can Shy. Get out before the pound sinks too low to recover
True. I should just move in with Sch1sm. 😜
True. I should just move in with Sch1sm. 😜
Sch1sm has dollars? How did I miss this? Has Slayven hit him up for all the $20s yet?
His stance is, and I quote, "ridiculous." I disagree with it. Having a month dedicated to Black history doesn't mean that our history is restricted to being commemorated in a single month, or no longer part of American history. It's a good manner of raising awareness, and I think he's neglecting the fact that while Black history is most certainly American history, we're cut out of textbooks and curriculums like Natives.
He's arguing as if it's divisive, and I think it's a means of spreading a knowledge that has the potential to die out without that time dedicated to it. At least, until appropriate measures are put in place to give it equal importance to the revolution, or the civil war, Black contributions deserve their time to shine more than a "Jewish" or "White" history month, as he compares.
Jamila Woods' album is lovely, too.
LOL. Will do.Let me know when you arrive at Pearson Int'l/YYZ. 😂
Y'all. Jordan Peele left Key and Peele and immediately went off to write and direct that shit about our worse nightmares.
Watches anime.
Doesn't watch sports.
Welcome, regardless.
Watches anime.
Doesn't watch sports.
Welcome, regardless.
Does sports anime count?
I only watch sports because my significant other does. (Other than football/soccer.)
About to play SFV with Gordon and Jean. if anyone wants to join.