I feel alot of what you are saying, but I see no point in arguing with someone on FB. No one is going to change their mind because most see FB as an echo chamber. Things are said to get likes and have a good ole virtual circle jerk. If someone says some shit I find offensive, I just unfriend them. Simple. If it is someone I know and actually care about, then I'll talk to them offline, but getting into a cyber war doesn't do shit for me.
I think my main aim is not the rejects who spout bullshit. I do feel like I was let down as a youth without seeing this active resistance. I'm only 38, so I guess this is our time. But I won't change dude. He even said it. But I'm not going to let people spout their bullshit unchallenged. To me, it's the necessity of watching athletes kneeling or sitting. Yeah, they don't have to. But we need to stay woke and wake up anyone else. Yeah, we don't have the economic push as other movements but we can make a lot of noise.
No more of people comfortable in their bullshit. Yeah, it borders on silencing them but I also don't want them to lie and make up stories, like 'post racial america.' That's the shit thrown around from the late 90s to the 2000's. And stop and frisk flourished during that time. They repealed affirmative action, put more people in jail over BS and started shooting many people. Our silence is a problem.
It's a problem. I get fatigued with it. But our silence is worse. Our kids deserve better. Now, I'm arguing just for other people. You have ever heard a phrase that just readjusted your entire world? Seen a picture that just destroys your impression of the world?
And I'm getting life from people younger than me. Watching high school students just erupt in life and speak to you? Got me running back to the church like the Color Purple, yelling, "Speak Lord!" Yeah, I've heard my younger sister speak life into me and I feel like I'm doing them a disservice being quiet.
I'm just in my feelings right now, so excuse me.
And this wasn't a dude I was friends with but I felt the need to respond to his bullshit on someone else's wall.