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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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Junior Member
Lucini, sorry about the divorce. Stay connected to people. Had an old friend who been in it for 18 months officially divorce break down into tears about being lonely a few days ago.


Junior Member

It redirects to another site. 2 chances to guess who it's mocking. Big fat mess.

She's really running circles around this dude.

And she won last night. It's not even funny.



Your consoles collect dust, Shy, please. 😂

Realized I've been posting without formally introducing myself. Forgive my bad manners, BCT.

Where you're from - California
Where you live - Also California, but I move around a lot.
What is your age? - 29...nearly 30
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - My Dad's people are Irish, French, German mixed. My Mom's people are Nigerian, Haitian, and Dominican by way of the TAS.
Do you know your roots - For the most part. We've tracked as far back as we can on both sides.
Favorite musical genre - Hip hop, Jazz, R&B (specifically 1990s)
Your profession/major/career interest - Technician for a major hardware/software company
Your religious affiliation - generically non-denominational Christian
Hobbies - Playing and coaching basketball, playing video games, reading
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Popeye's
Marvel or DC? - Marvel
Favorite superhero? - T'Challa
Anime or Nah? - Yeah I mess with a few.
Favorite sport and team? - Basketball, Chicago Bulls. Football, Oakland Raiders.
What's your favorite Disney movie? - I don't really have one. My kids love Robin Hood.


That said: my divorce is almost done y'all...shots will be in order and I will live stream that if possible.

Welcome, officially, I suppose. Sorry to hear about what you have going on.


It redirects to another site. 2 chances to guess who it's mocking. Big fat mess.

She's really running circles around this dude.

And she won last night. It's not even funny.

I think my favourite part of watching the debates is look at Clinton while Trump speaks, because she can hardly contain herself. Girl ready to scream into that mic how wrong he is. Love it.


Why does everyone hate Nintendo? All of you niggas bought into Sega's marketing during the 16-bit era, didn't you?

I like competition when it comes to products I buy, so I am glad Nintendo is around. That said, they need to stop making the same mistakes (software droughts) while also making dumb decisions and not learning from them until it's too late (ex:N64 = Cartridges, Gamecube = Lack of online play, Wii U = Not being called the Wii 2 and confusing Wii owners).


or remind they still exist.

They are pretty irrelevant to the video game industry other than a funny talking point

What an asinine thing to say.
Sorry, but Halo or Uncharted coming to iOS doesn't make wall street jump like Pokemon and Mario. Hell, just Pokemon Go is more relevant to gaming that literally any other game release this year. People stay trying to downplay Nintendo.


What an asinine thing to say.
Sorry, but Halo or Uncharted coming to iOS doesn't make wall street jump like Pokemon and Mario. Hell, just Pokemon Go is more relevant to gaming that literally any other game release this year. People stay trying to downplay Nintendo.

Congrats you played yourself. The biggest move Nintendo can make is to make a cellphone app. For a company that prides themselves on their hardware, that speaks volumes of their place in the industry

"I got pokemons and marrio on my phone, why do I need a nintendo nx?"


Congrats you played yourself. The biggest move Nintendo can make is to make a cellphone app. For a company prides themselves on their hardware, that speaks volumes of their place in the industry

"I got pokemons and marrio on my phone, why do I need a nintendo nx?"


That's not on Nintendo, that's on the industry. But somehow conflate that you didn't say Nintendo was irrelevant. That's fine too.

I mean, it's not like Sony did the same thing to zero hype.

And let's also pretend that they can't leverage Pokemon Go success into NX hype. "The latest thing from the company that brought you Pokemon Go"

They just let people run themselves around. After it you'll see people with the
.RDR2 trailer today too. Damn

Plot twist: RDR2 trailer debuts with the NX.


Nintendo.com fucking crashed. This is surreal.


Plot twist: RDR2 trailer debuts with the NX.
Missed chance
of tears flowing
Even if 3rd parties dry up, every single 1st party game will be on this one piece of hardware. I'm eatin regardless.
Put more time in Smash,MK8 and MonHun in the past 3 years than everything else combined
...minus Tekken ofcourse
Some people only like to play one maybe 2 games a year. Nothing wrong with taht

Waiting to see if they will repeat there usual cycle.


That dpad on the portable version looks like utter trash for fighting games what the hell Nintendo


In Intro to African-American Studies right now, and prof starts talking about hoteps and the story of Dr Yakub. The faces of every nigga around me lmaooooo


If PSO2 comes to Switch I will buy day -1.


Emily Rogers, Laura K. Dale, and Tom Phillips must be cackling right now.
Whelp they'll def push units..
Will be interested to see how the landscape for the 3 consoles looks in 1-2 years

I think we're headed for a crash, at least where MS and Sony are concerned. Homies keep pushing harder and harder on the graphics train, ballooning up their labor costs in terms of man hours and having to shoehorn in early access, microtransactions, season passes, just to recoup some pennies. They've both shuttered a bunch of studios and their new IPs have, for the most part, failed either critically and/or financially.

At least, with Switch, devs can make games with reasonable visual fidelity and not worry too much about whether or not we can see subsurface scattering on Nathan Drake's left ear lobe.


The Switch looks exactly as rumours suggested, and that ain't a bad thing. Seems like a good step for them, and it will be dope to have all Nintendo's effort focused on one platform.
In Intro to African-American Studies right now, and prof starts talking about hoteps and the story of Dr Yakub. The faces of every nigga around me lmaooooo

Did you get the woman with the afro, the white woman, or the heavy-set black guy that call people fuck boys? It sounds like you got the last one.

ArgyleReptile said:
Got this lame ass Wii U sitting here staring at me and they release this cool looking shit. The fuck am I supposed to do?

Why do you think it's lame? I only have two games for it, but I like what I have.
I think we're headed for a crash, at least where MS and Sony are concerned. Homies keep pushing harder and harder on the graphics train, ballooning up their labor costs in terms of man hours and having to shoehorn in early access, microtransactions, season passes, just to recoup some pennies. They've both shuttered a bunch of studios and their new IPs have, for the most part, failed either critically and/or financially.

Agreed but that's why i've enjoyed what indies have been doing. Not pushing the graphics but instead focusing on story and gameplay. I wish those at the top would get that thats whats important. Its pretty much why no matter how crap a new Nintendo system seems to be, they'll never go out of business. The industry needs Nintendo.

At least, with Switch, devs can make games with reasonable visual fidelity and not worry too much about whether or not we can see subsurface scattering on Nathan Drake's left ear lobe.

Hasn't this always been the case though? With every new Nintendo system devs have had the opportunity to focus on other aspects and not push the boundaries on graphics, they just haven't. I suppose since this time they don't have to include a whacky controller of some kind it will be a nonissue.

What's stopped any dev at any time to not focus their energy on this aspect over any other is my question. The decrease in non AAA titles in general has been a problem for some time now.
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