I got a lot of white friends.
I got a lot of white friends.
Is it that comfortable kind of camping where y'all got an RV and all the resources you need or is this some live off the land type of camping where all you got is a tent and your prayers?
I got a lot of white friends.
Most time yes.Do things turn out like that Alex Boye video I linked to?
It ain't Camping if you're in RV. It just me, whoever with me , and the Mountain Lions that are roaming the land.
🤔Yo Black Gaf. Been lurking for a while and it's my time to shine
Where you're from - Stone Mountian GA
Where you live - Snellville GA
What is your age? - 21
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - African American
Do you know your roots - Can go all the way back to slave time on wy dad side
Favorite musical genre - Hip Hop, pop, R NB , Rock
Your profession/major/career interest - Criminal Justice
Your religious affiliation - None
Hobbies - Video games, working out, Camping
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - None, Chick Flia all you need
Marvel or DC? - DC
Favorite superhero? - The Batman
Anime or Nah? - Depends on the day
Favorite sport and team? - Pro wrestling, Pats and Warriors
What's your favorite Disney movie? - Lion king
Im just fucking with yaw, it the bears that you have to worry aboutYou plum crazy!
I'm from GA, have no one to cheer🤔
No word of a lie.
The Braves are trash.
The Falcons are trash.
The Hawks are trash.
Im just fucking with yaw, it the bears that you have to worry about
I'm from GA, have no one to cheer
Gotta support the home townNo word of a lie.
The Braves are trash.
The Falcons are trash.
The Hawks are trash.
Which one of you high school nikkas was this
Im just fucking with yaw, it the bears that you have to worry about
Between this and the Switch trailer, I wonder if we're gonna see an added emphasis on marketing to mid-20 to 30 year olds from Nintendo moving forward
Which Atlanta characters are gaf members
Slayven is the eleven years jail dude
Forgot to mention.
Thanks for the games. D I Z.
The current Power man & Iron Fist and Black Panther run is so goddamn good.
what up Black people
how's your Friday night / Saturday morning
Which one of you high school nikkas was this
I officially deactivated my Tinder account.
I looked through my text messages, and since mid May - I had gone on Tinder dates with 37 different people. 38 if you count the date who showed up with her mom.
the date who showed up with her mom.
She showed up with her Mom?
Actually you know what no, I don't want to know
That's exactly what happened. And both were trying to get it in, thus the coin flip.
The strangest encounter I ever had was with a girl who worked with her dad as a morgue attendant, and did Taxidermy as a hobby. I've never met someone so emotionally detached and robotic. It was like talking to some shitty AI.
how was the sex tho
I remember when the Hawks were #1 in the east
Damn near had all their starting five in the all star game. swept out the playoffs by Bron and nem.
Gotta support the home town
Like she's gonna cheer for the fuckin RaptorsThat's the most ain't shit bandwagon list of favorite teams I've ever seen in my life.
Like she's gonna cheer for the fuckin Raptors
That's the most ain't shit bandwagon list of favorite teams I've ever seen in my life.
Like she's gonna cheer for the fuckin Raptors
Have you ever had sex with someone who was expressionless and dead quiet during sex, and made you feel like your strokes ain't shit? And with an audience of stuffed dead animals glaring at you from all corners of the room?
They can support themselvesGotta support the home town
I remember how promising they were. And then they weren't. And they haven't been relevant since. Travesty. /sI'm a Celtics fan, fuck the Hawks.
I was born, raised, and live in Toronto. My loyalty is 0.
MLB - BoSox.
NBA - Boston Celtics
NHL - Detroit Red Wings
NFL - Green Bay Packers
How goes, y'all?