Prototype Viktor
Oh I figured Has is up to 2 good songs because I remember he was on Missy's Hot BoysYo.
Shut up.
or is it 3 when Jay-Z sampled him and made it a hot song, Takeover
Oh I figured Has is up to 2 good songs because I remember he was on Missy's Hot BoysYo.
Shut up.
Oh I figured Has is up to 2 good songs because I remember he was on Missy's Hot Boys
or is it 3 when Jay-Z sampled him and made it a hot song, Takeover
Every time I tell people that Rashida Jones is mixed they tell me no
Same with Pete Wentz
And Wentworth Miller
Then niggas got black in em. Accept it. They have.
nah fam
Someone mashed up Kendrick's only good song with a Gorillaz song
Oh shit :O
Would work better going the other way, no way Shang Tsung is as evil as Trump
That Yooka-Laylee thread on gaming side is making me wonder how long its been since some of those folks have played the Banjo-Kazooie games. Most of the criticisms I've seen in that thread are of things that all existed in the original Banjo games. Nostalgia is a hell of a thing.
Into a fine cheese.OoT has aged like milk.
Good morning all. Leg day today at the gym was beastly.
Also Kanye is still not receiving an invitation to the family cookout, but someone can deliver him a plate.
A plate of Gordon's food
How mad do you have to be in order to screenshot innocuous posts in here and whine about them on a separate fourm?
I'm just asking questions...How mad do you have to be in order to screenshot innocuous posts in here and whine about them on a separate fourm?
How mad do you have to be in order to screenshot innocuous posts in here and whine about them on a separate fourm?
Before GAF and BCT I never witnessed someone else caring so much about what a random person thinks.
It's like do you wake up and think "Man I bet Slayven said something to piss me off."
Did Slayven take your girl? lol
What, course he didLMAO Don't be silly..
I be glad when Ben Carson take y'alls inner cities away
What, course he did
Look at all them bitches he stole.
Morning all!!
How'd that jerk chicken come out?
Good actually! That is for asking.
I also made super ghetto beef patties that were dope. I made the filling legit but couldn't be bothered to make the crust so just used pillsbury croissant dough.
Everyone loved them
It's crazy how similar technological spaces are ruled but different companies. Like for example, when it comes to computers, you have three major players: Windows, Mac, and Linux. Of the three, Microsoft has an overwhelming lead with 91.47% of the market share. When is comes to phones, you have the same three players: Android (which is based on Linux), iOS, and Windows Phone. While not as lopsided, Android wins with almost twice iOS's market share (64% versus 32.03%) while Windows languishes 1.48%. Then with video games, we have Sony on top, Microsoft in second, Nintendo in third for home consoles (with Microsoft being roughly half of the sales of Sony but twice that of Nintendo) but Nintendo overwhelmingly being the dominate figure in handhelds selling more than four 3DS for every Vita. I find it curious that dominance in one arena doesn't translate to competence in another very similar one.
Sweet. Was it that recipe you linked me to?
Yeah. I added some cummin, salt and red pepper flakes.
What's the heat on it? Did you have any without the added cumin and pepper flakes? The recipe came without salt?! Or you just add extra?
So I was watching the YouTube video on those bionic boots and sure enough one of the comments was anti-black culture thread and Malsye. Of course it links to the cesspool that is coat.
It was without salt because it asks for boullion cubes and that has a lot of salt in it already. It leaves salt out and makes note to add as you see fit.
There was some heat without those two, but not not as much as I'd like. Again it notes to add as you see fit. Im going to assume it's because the lurkers can't handle that sort of thing.
Ahh, got it. Shit..gonna have to give that one a try. Can you link again? Also, you use regular or kosher?