Darryl M R
Can Vin do a Dominican?
I hear a lot of Dominicans love Fast & Furious so I think he's good. Just have to throw in some "cono" in when he's talking if he wants to commit to the role.
Can Vin do a Dominican?
This was recommended with Chiraq..I really don't understand why besides "There are also black people in this movie" lol.
Evening everyone. How are you guys?
Does this come up to? Side Chic 5....5.....and it is 352 pages........
*nods* Mr Honkie from snowtown U.S.A.Sup, crackers..
Evening.Mornin' BCT.
Break a leg fam.Midterm today. I think I'm good on studying.
Vin.Who has more acting range Mark Walhberg or Vin Diesel?
I'm alright. I think I did well on my midterm and I got all of my homework done on time
Break a leg fam.
You just know it's written by a 35 year old white guy.
Just got my refund money. It's going to be a good meal tonight.
Just got my refund money. It's going to be a good meal tonight.
Why, oh why.
Just got my refund money. It's going to be a good meal tonight.
They killed parody good and dead. Which is a shame, the market is wide open for a new one.I miss the old days when parodies gave a shit instead of putting a popular thing on the screen and then have it get killed.
I think Dance Flick was the last one to get any form of a laugh out of me
They killed parody good and dead. Which is a shame, the market is wide open for a new one.
only good parody is Not Another Teen Movie.
only good parody is Not Another Teen Movie.
Scary Movie 1-4 (3 and 4 are debateable)
Superhero Movie (very debateable)
And Dance Flick (underdog debate) are the only ones that I might be able to watch and still laugh at.
Surefire are any of the Mel Brooks ones, Hotshots, and Airplane!
I watched Blazing Saddles the other day and it still holds up.
Scary Movie 1-4 (3 and 4 are debateable)
Superhero Movie (very debateable)
And Dance Flick (underdog debate) are the only ones that I might be able to watch and still laugh at.
Surefire are any of the Mel Brooks ones, Hotshots, and Airplane!
I watched Blazing Saddles the other day and it still holds up.
I was legit shook when I learned a lot of romance books are written by dudes. That and women will just use their first 2 initials and their last name because folks don't like buying books written by women
Nah man Superhero Movie has no redeeming qualities and that's coming from someone who likes Drake Bell. It's not even worth a watching to make fun of.
No lesiile Nelson love?
Well, shit.
Scary Movie 1-4 (3 and 4 are debateable)
Superhero Movie (very debateable)
And Dance Flick (underdog debate) are the only ones that I might be able to watch and still laugh at.
Surefire are any of the Mel Brooks ones, Hotshots, and Airplane!
I watched Blazing Saddles the other day and it still holds up.
Just for the record. Hotshots and Airplane! ain't from Mel Brooks.
If you mean style, then yeah. My bad.
Airplane isn't funny at all
Groot. Iron Giant.
I had erased that music video from my mind
Ruh roh...You still stay on 13th street over by the Dairy Queen?. Just asking updating my contacts
Now don't go spending it all on food.
Pretty much just getting a Switch with it and putting the rest away. Money came right on time!Enjoy it man. Don't spend it all so soon. The last refund money my sister got, she went on an uncontrollable Amazon shopping spree.
I was on a ton of acid the first time..it's burned in 😃🔫
If you had said AIrplane 2 or Soul Plane I could cosign you.
What about Undercover Brother?
Airplane isn't funny at all
I'll put it in the creepy music video corner next to Thriller and Total Eclipse of the Heart.
What about Pootie Tang?
It's shit. But it gets good once every six years.What is Black gaf opinion on Pro Wrestling?