That's pretty much the main reason why I keep buying Nintendo systems. I already own a PS4 and a PC, them making another one of those wouldn't get me to get their hardware.Cause that's worked out SO WELL for everyone else that's gotten out of the hardware business. For one thing, Splatoon, Arms, and Pikmin wouldn't exist if they were just making games. For another, they'll more likely turn games into their new hanafuda cards than anything else. You should expect more apps and toys and theme parks if they get out of hardware, not Zelda on your PS4. I mean, with the money in Amiibo and iOS, they'll do more of that than anything else. Plus all those lesser IP would be completely dead. No more Fire Emblem. No more Sin & Punishment. Hell, 80% of the Smash Bros cast would be completely done. No, it's much better that we have a third company that's doing something completely different than the stripped down PC you hook to your TV approach.
I fucking hate ginger beer.
There's a discord link in plain sight?
wait what the fuck
For our fandom..��
Also, Demi drinks. A LOT. Didn't think it through..
Worst negative surprise of my life. I damn near choked on it. That and coconut water are on my "not even if I'm drunk" list.
Why live life sober if you don't have to?
But I don't drink as much as I'd like.
Man, where's the salt? I knew not to trust this French place to make Jamaican food.
Thank the maker lol. No one else would, but I'd miss you, buddy..
Come on, can do it!
Meanwhile, Steven Yeun of The Walking Dead fame is auditioning for five-line parts in stoner movies.
Hollywood, right? ¯\_(ツ_/¯
what's when the toothbrush touching the kitchen(?) side
Hypnotiq and Sprite go well together.
*Pardon the size I'm on mobile*
Why? Not like Atlanta is black. TV taught me that the city is the opposite then what's shown. I.E. New York and Friends and Atlanta with AtlantaFalcons got black history month on their shoulders. No pressure.
Foul as fuck.
I will take good care of the moneyEvening.
Bu..... But i paid 500 pound. And the site said my card was posted....... ohh 😞
Damn that is foul, that is why i hope they would do it different. Cause i knew when they did it you would not hear from the dude againMeanwhile, Steven Yeun of The Walking Dead fame is auditioning for five-line parts in stoner movies.
Hollywood, right? ¯\_(ツ_/¯
When will your review of Horizons be up, it will be the only one i readThat's why you shouldn't have slept on it.
Might as well be.
You know you ain't shit. I still like you, but you ain't shit. Like Charlie Murphy.
You've pretty much sold the endgame then, eh?
Hypnotiq and Sprite go well together.
what should I eat? I can spend like £30 at any takeaway for myself.
Don't bother saying Italian because I live in a shithole that doesn't have that.
I'm considering Whisky but I never drink on my own
That's at least $45 while you bullshitting.. I'm the master of stunting on takeaway so let me help you out. Do they have subway over there? There has to be a pizza hut. Two large pizzas and two 20 wing orders should get you to the 30 euro mark.
Whisky is some weak shit. Get you some Jose Cuervo, some 151, some Gin, toss in some lemonade and sprinkle a smidge of lemon. You'll be on cloud 9 in no time.
I got my (fake) Jamaican food for £17. That Sweet Potato cake hit the spot, though.
If you think Whisky is weak, we can't be more than just friend.
Cheap real whisky or the expensive whisky? Real whisky makes your body cringe and hair stand up like a monster is coming.
When will your review of Horizons be up, it will be the only one i read
I always imagined you as a Port or Brandy guy
Kenan is this generation's Bill Cosby without the scandals
Thats disappointingI think my next review is the Switch itself and the entire launch lineup.
He's one of the longest cast members on SNL ever, without no major problems. You have to applaud that.
"I am not saying black people are shit, but I am saying black people are shit"
I think my favorite kenan sketch on SNL was the parody of that football player that completed really long touchdown. I was just dying watching it.
Publix chicken wings. Got me feeling nice!
Gonna steal this for use in another thread.