The Faceless Master
Thor: Blood Dragon
Amuro Namie, get it right
LOL people shit on One More Day, but this was more offensive
How high waisted can one pair of pants be
Thor: Blood Dragon
More offensive than having Spidey make a deal with the devil and sink the Titanic of shipping, essentially erasing all consequence of Civil War for him?
People sleeping on dreamy McHotbod's ability to sell a buddy comedy (which it totally is).
Got no right to look that good.
MJ and Peter's reletionship was only worth a damn in the MC2.
Peter rocked a wicked goatee.
Peter rocked a wicked goatee.
Ah the 90's
Peter rocked a wicked goatee.
Didn't know doctor strange can cookPeter rocked a wicked goatee.
The GotG comparisons in that thread have gotten out of hand. It's not like GotG was bad
I get the feeling that if GAF was around in the 60s, the eventual Rosa Parks thread would not look pretty.
Is Marvel Unlimited worth it?
As an ongoing sub? No, but to dip in for a month every so often, hell yeah. I do hate they have huge holes in their old stuff
Deadpool also invented metahumor and r-rated super hero movies
At least it means Blade 3 will also be forgottenBlade 1 and 2 have been forgotten. Such a shame
If they make Kamen Rider Musuo, I'm gonna main the fuck outta her.
At least it means Blade 3 will also be forgotten
List of Dynasty Warriors games:
- Dynasty Warriors
- Samurai Warriors
- Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
- Musou Orochi
- Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage
- Warriors: Legends of Troy
- One Piece: Pirate Warriors
- Hyrule Warriors
- Arslan: The Warriors of Legend
- Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
- Musou Stars
- Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers
- Fire Emblem Warriors
Omega Force didn't make it so it doesn't count.
Pray for San Bernardino. Someone shot up an elementary school.
Omega Force didn't make it so it doesn't count.
Pray for San Bernardino. Someone shot up an elementary school.
Absolutely insane. Was just reading about this.Pray for San Bernardino. Someone shot up an elementary school.
That's how I felt about the Lethal Weapon tv show.When you watch a shit TV show but can't stop watching it because you want to see what happens. Manseries is shit.Training Day
Jesus, between they shooting and them dragging that guy off a plane because they overbooked. Said he was a doctor and they needed seats for the airline employees to get to work the next day.
Dude is petty as fuck it's like he has nothing better to do, so he's just taking away all Obama built up with nothing to improve it whatsoever. Fuck him and everything he stands for.
Dude is petty as fuck it's like he has nothing better to do, so he's just taking away all Obama built up with nothing to improve it whatsoever. Fuck him and everything he stands for.
He's a destructive force for everyone and he's moving against the desires of an entirely different destructive force, so you're seeing people have similar complaints for entirely different reasons, and the people who wanted this mass humbling of politics are beginning to regret the decision because they apparently didn't take the bad stuff seriously and now we're all paying for it.
I need to confess.
She came up with a phone she has been repairing like a dozen times, part at a time, with her Manchurian accent talking about how she needed a home button and the plate. You're not meant to lose that plate and we don't have it.
We literally tape a new home button, as she speaks fast and cracks a bunch of jokes. I am impressed with how she has managed to fuck up her own repairs but own it and talk about how fun it is.
There's no point to this story, but she was probably the coolest person I've met because of work.
Just as she's screwing her phone back up, I hang up on Eri (video call) who's just started her bday Japan time.
If I doesn't make it clear how happy I was to help this girl out in this post, Eri's... Slight annoyance... Should better describe it.
tl;dr, don't be happy to meet interesting people if they're fit blondes.
Newest Shadow of Mordor trailer confirms brothers in middle earth.
I can hear the fanboy screeching from here.