What? Is Eri your ex?
Probably his current if she's bothered.
What? Is Eri your ex?
What? Is Eri your ex?
Avatar girl
Are you hitting on other women in front of your GF?
Dude is petty as fuck it's like he has nothing better to do, so he's just taking away all Obama built up with nothing to improve it whatsoever. Fuck him and everything he stands for.
Dragons and magic, but a Negro is too farNewest Shadow of Mordor trailer confirms brothers in middle earth.
I can hear the fanboy screeching from here.
And those who voted for him. Those who stayed home. Those who voted third party. Those who thought we would be going through exactly the same under Clinton. Those named Killer Mike..
Something something inaccurate to loreNewest Shadow of Mordor trailer confirms brothers in middle earth.
I can hear the fanboy screeching from here.
And those who voted for him. Those who stayed home. Those who voted third party. Those who thought we would be going through exactly the same under Clinton. Those named Killer Mike..
I don't know why they are tv shows of popular movies especially buddy cop one all of a sudden there is lethal weapon and Rush Hour and this. Also takenWhen you watch a shit TV show but can't stop watching it because you want to see what happens. Manseries is shit.Training Day
Something something inaccurate to lore
Dragons and magic, but a Negro is too far
Like World War oneMiddle Earth is in a deep state of economic anxiety.
Morning bct
Morning BCT.
Morning all; I had a delicious pastry filled weekend
Morning BCT
Morning Minorities
Morning all
Evening.Mornin'mornin' mornin'.
You're very welcome.Thanks
And those who voted for him. Those who stayed home. Those who voted third party. Those who thought we would be going through exactly the same under Clinton. Those named Killer Mike..
Basically, fuck republicans, fuck trump and fuck the third party dissenters, fuck racists, fuck cops, fuck bigots, fuck misogynists, fuck ignorant morons, fuck xenophobes and last but not least, fuck nazis.
That's a lot of fucks to give there.
A white nerd's worst nightmare.
Indeed it is. Good thing I got plenty to go around.
I'm confused, where's the electricity?
If your copy machine is working, print me of a copy of those fucks too.
I will never not be disappointed when I find a waterfall and there isn't something hidden behind it.
Guys...Cate Blanchett.
BCT, help. ;;_;:
Guys...Cate Blanchett.
BCT, help. ;;_;:
Just bringing up black people makes a thread a race thread..some folks really do say the most stupid fucking shit lol.
Guys...Cate Blanchett.
BCT, help. ;;_;:
Thor teaser trailerwhat am I looking at here
Guys...Cate Blanchett.
BCT, help. ;;_;:
The hell is up with the Shadows of War combat animations? The entire draw of the Arkham-style freeflow combat is that everything flows smoothly like a dance routine. Everything in the Shadows video is slow and awkward.
The actual loop in P5 isn't clicking for me like it did with P3 or the first bit of P4.
More than anything else it's making want to bust out Strange Journey and SMT 4 again.
For a while it was Teferi, huehuehue![]()
A white nerd's worst nightmare.
Just chiming in to say that's been my experience elsewhere as well. Even talking about skin tone in general terms gets some people triggered. It's weird and depressing as shit.
RIP Mr. Potato Head![]()
Don Rickles died and I just found out
Damn and he didn't do his lines for the new Toy Story.![]()
He was too good for any of those trash movies anyway. I'm not trolling. I mean that 100%.
First one was good. But now they living on their past. It's why Disney keeps remaking the same old movies.
I hate Toy Story. It brings my piss to a boil.
First one was good. But now they living on their past. It's why Disney keeps remaking the same old movies.
He was too good for any of those trash movies anyway. I'm not trolling. I mean that 100%.
never liked toy story