Did someone say Food Cycle?
if you can't hold nothing then let me hold some money
What is this pinko commie stuff? You can have a sip of Jandro's Zima at the cookout
When I was a teen, it was before the UK government super taxed Cider. You could get 2L of Magnus for less than a pound.
just remember that any number in metric you have to cut it in half or increase it by half in order to translate it into regular measurements.
You can have $0.01, only because pennies are obsolete.
1 inch = 2.54cm
2.2 lbs = 1kg
1 mile = 1.6km
That's all I know.
won't even let me get your two cents, smh
You don't have to learn their deformed ways
Just write in normal and let google do the translating
You don't have to learn their deformed ways
Just write in normal and let google do the translating
I can't let Akira keep thinking what he's thinking. I like him enough to share this.
Played some more Yooka Yaylee and it feels like an HD N64 game. Unlike Shovel Knight it doesn't do much to change that gameplay style to be more favorable to modern gaming, with the expection of bloated overally big worlds.
just remember that any number in metric you have to cut it in half or increase it by half in order to translate it into regular measurements.
l to cut it in half or increase it by half in order to translate it into regular measurements.
regular measurements.
who's side are you on?
I'm just foolin miss. Just foolin. (I let google handle it too, lol)
The side that let's me hold something
The side that let's me hold something
😂😂😂Lion might let you hold his hand.
I'll give you a knake, dalahäst, falukorv and a beer.
I want things done in less than half a yearLion might let you hold his hand.
Lion might let you hold his hand.
Lion might let you hold his hand.
Damn, do you have a heart?
Damn, do you have a heart?
Black Panther and The Crew. My god, it's beautiful
I saw some pretty raw stuff in the preview panels. I'm looking forward to it, myself.
How am I alive, then?
undead final boss in a RPG
All that sausage and alcohol
I gotta be careful when i meet you at the cookout
Habibi i'm muslim. But will take that red jandro
I want things done in less than half a year
You can't tell with Lion
Was that that album cover you posted a while back? It's a real comic?
I don't think I posted those, but yep its new. Probably just came out today, since its comics wednesday. A mash up of two different titles.
Explain my existence, then, 'cause I ain't pixels.
Do better.
You do that for me. I ain't the once mercilessly going at folks. Explain it like we're locked in a anime battle and in the middle of it you stop and explain every fuckin thing wrong with you while I just sit there and gasp for the entire episode.
So why all the black superheroes hanging out?
Lion might let you hold his hand.
His sister shuri got woke as fuck, and now Tchalla is doing panther thangs. Calling in hisfriends from Avengers and Xmen. If Rhodey wasn't dead...he'd probably be somewhere in there too.(black)
Ain't no problemHah my bad my bad. No disrespect just thought of things to hold and that's what popped up.
It's just too easy.
vampireExplain my existence, then, 'cause I ain't pixels.
Do better.
But no Falcon, he must not like him. So Storm's in it too?
Ain't no problem
My goal in life is to be treated like a young Christian white women
Vegetarian and don't drink. AhaThen you can't run from the sausages sahib.
Just politely ignore them until the third date.
Can I use sahib? Do we stil use sahib? I feel old now. Please bring back the Latin kings days.
LOL.Of course not. You need a clear mind to complete your assignments
Yeah, like junk food. 😝Alcohol is nothing but empty calories and you should all spend your money on better things.
Dead Rising: Off The Record
yay or nay?
I'm going with yay since is on sale in xbox live for chump change.
Yeah, like junk food. ��
Dead Rising: Off The Record
yay or nay?
I'm going with yay since is on sale in xbox live for chump change.
it's a new breed of vampireBut that's how you kill a vampire.