You going to show us butthurt Marvelites?
How does the rest of Canada feel about Quebec? It always seemed like a bunch of France wantabes got a country and doing them the damnest to get noticed by sempai
I gotta agree with a good part of what Zekes is saying here, though I take issue with how French Canada operates when it comes to Anglophones and those of us who aren't Québécois.
My experience with French Canada is largely from Toronto summers, because a lot of them visit like religion only to talk pure trash about the city year in and year out. On a personal level, I don't really care for them. I go to Montreal once a year for a couple days, and you can maybe communicate with every 1/5 people. A major city and most of them refuse to speak English.
On a political level? They have no respect for our Constiution, or our Charter of Rights & Freedoms in order to "retain their culture."
Their method of retaining culture is by becoming homogenous through eliminating disparate cultures, and attempting to abolish conspicuous religious gear, just like their mother country. While that failed, they're far from accepting of anyone who deviates from their norms despite our being a country of immigrants.
Then there's their total disregard for inclusiveness in terms of Anglophones within the province, proposed bills propping up that'll make Anglo school boards dealt with by (largely French) communities which violates the Charter rights of English speakers in the province who sit on school boards. Can't forget their insistence on promoting French as a language in legislation at the expense of their Anglo communities instead of operating like every other province and offering both languages for government functions.
They don't care about anyone but French speakers there, but the irony is that they can't survive without Canada. Not only are they stuck between Ontario, Newfoundland, and New Brunswick, but the north of the country in uninhabited and useless land. They aren't self sustained, whatsoever, if you look into their major exports vs. imports.
It's one thing to protect your language and culture, it's another to strip identities in the process by forcing it on everyone, all the way down to businesses.
If I was Canadian I would live in Alberta, because they have a dinosaur named after them
Literally the worst of the superior provinces. Ain't shit but oil there.