Kills me how they ruined such a great character in Suicide Squad
If the DCEU was run by the same people that run Marvel, we woulda had Zauriel on screen by now.
Kills me how they ruined such a great character in Suicide Squad
Kills me how they ruined such a great character in Suicide Squad
still can't believe
I can't wait to see Snyder's Darkseid.Kills me how they ruined such a great character in Suicide Squad
Galactus cloud 2.0 baybeI can't wait to see Snyder's Darkseid.
I can't wait to see Snyder's Darkseid.
Galactus cloud 2.0 baybe
Dude that runs that Twitter has the best job.
Injustice 2 will have a better story and characters compared to anything Snyder
yeah but the characters are all ugly as fuck
yeah but the characters are all ugly as fuck
Car is basically on its last legs.....being an adult fucking sucks sometimes.
Dude that runs that Twitter has the best job.
And weedSucks all the time..also why alcohol was created..
Galactus cloud 2.0 baybe
i'ma pray for y'all abusers of the demon plant and drink. just say no, y'all.
What is this garbage? Get your ass on at 3:30, straight edge..
I work weekends now. I mentioned that last week!
i'ma pray for y'all abusers of the demon plant and drink. just say no, y'all.
You just scared after I beat your AlexI work weekends now. I mentioned that last week!
Gonna be the first 24 hours I don't have to do anything with work or taking care of somebody in almost three years.Sucks all the time..also why alcohol was created..
I wouldn't say you've missed him.Sounds like I missed a character.
Shadowpact could have been their Guardiansthey had to merge her with the ultra lively and charismatic woman I have to go google her name now...cara delevingne...because the squad movie was so great and her performance so outstanding. but she was awesome for a minute. hell, they even did right by blue devil.
edit: and Detective Chimp could probably float his own media project, I'd be safe and go with a direct to digital animated feature.
You not lying.If the DCEU was run by the same people that run Marvel, we woulda had Zauriel on screen by now.
Read ShadowpactHonestly I was completely cool with the Suicide Squad version until she met up with her brother and stopped being all creepy and covered in dirt and opened that sky portal. That's when I started losing interest. I basically had zero ties to the character prior to the movie aside from the Justice League cartoon one who was attracted to Lex but he was always like "Nooo!!!! Superman and Super Cancer and Braniac!"
I can't wait to see Snyder's Darkseid.
Night from the east fam....
BUT before bed I gotta ask:
Best Wesley Snipes Line:
"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill."
"Always bet on black."
I am calling my shot, worst than movie Apocalypse
These SF updates take forever. Who should I DM my code to when it's done?
You on a Discord? You can put it in there. Or just put it here. We keep an eye out.
Is such a thing even possible?
Swamp Thing, Harley, Flash, Grodd, Ivy and Black Canary look FANTASTIC. Everyone else is ok, cat woman and Black Adam look bad.yeah but the characters are all ugly as fuck
Supes outfit is pretty shit.Swamp Thing, Harley, Flash, Grodd, Ivy and Black Canary look FANTASTIC. Everyone else is ok, cat woman and Black Adam look bad.
Darkseids takeover of earth with the anti-life equation is going to be a music video. I can't wait for the edgy redesign of heroes who have been mind controlled. Imagine evil Wonder Woman designed by Snyder.Darkseid wants to find a math formula that will eradicate freewill, i don't know how Zack will interrupt that. But I am betting it will be a good laugh
Afternoon you anime loving nerds
Mornin all
Mornin' everyone.
EveningMornin'/ afternoon/ good evening
The former.Night from the east fam....
BUT before bed I gotta ask:
Best Wesley Snipes Line:
"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill."
"Always bet on black."
I'll go one further.I am calling my shot, worst than movie Apocalypse
Shadowpact could have been their Guardians
the Pact team walk through a magic portal looking for some multi dimensional creep that has evaded them, and they end up on a space station. looking around, D. Chimp says "oh great, space. this is space right?" sees aliens walking past and a distinct sign of science over magic. "I hate space." B. Devil looks over and says "Why's that, Chimp?" chimp deadpans at the camera "Their cheap bio-scanners. They always mistake me for humans."
Group walks past bar, sees a 'no humans allowed' sign, and a man in a Nasa space suit being thrown out.
Iconic"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill."
you know DC doesn't like easy money unless certain people come up with the idea.
mfing Kid Karnevil. That child needs to be on screen. in an R rated movie. without Suicide Squad level hyped up stupid fuckery.
Who are you?
Sucks all the time..also why alcohol was created..
Hotep Jr., new NegroBall Z Abridged character. Hotep hat big as shit. Secret hidden shrine where he smokes reefer, drinks 40s and looks at pictures of anime fan art.