Map and compass, the stars if it's night out.

Lets see how many get that joke
Map and compass, the stars if it's night out.
What do you do when you get stuck in the middle of nowhere?
This is the best VR experience atm
Is there a modern Dr.Who companion that he left off better than he found them?
Anybody have an Android and an iPhone for work?
GAF is done forAnyone else noticing these weird double post happening in the forum?
For me, seeing the racing stuff is what gets me most excited.
Anyone else noticing these weird double post happening in the forum?
GAF is done for
Pack it up
And those threads where suddenly OP's post isn't post #1, for whatever reason. Real weird shit.
The fuck is this Slayven?
As long as we don't stop fighting it won't get worseI blame Slayven for not closing the door behind him..there's a fucking Gotham cycle, Numb. The fuck..
Yeeeah..saw that a couple of times. Must be getting hit by fans hard tonight lol.
Are you saying all British people have oneSonic Screwdriver, Shy has one
Are you saying all British people have one
I like the classicsI'm still stuck on that Mighty Max portal ref.
As long as we don't stop fighting it won't get worse
Are you saying all British people have one
Shy is special
Night folks
Shy is special
Night folks
I like the classics
Sweet dreams~
Think it's one of the first shows I ever watched in my life. I'm that young. At least, the reruns were still strong in my youth.
Anyone else bothered, or disappointed rather, that Marlon Wayans' only serious role was Requiem for a Dream? I don't understand..
Night night.Night folks
Anyone else bothered, or disappointed rather, that Marlon Wayans' only serious role was Requiem for a Dream? I don't understand..
Night night.
Night night.
I always found that weird, he can act when he wants too. I wonder if he didn't pursue any serious roles after that or he couldn't land them?
Why bother doing drama when you can shit out 2 low budget black comedies a year that make bank despite being awful and making one Korey Coleman want to kill himself.
I call it the Tyler Perry effect (cept Perry is still funny sometimes).
Numb's among the last people Shy would kill. We don't have enough people playing SFV as is.
how many black sovereign citizens do they thing exist? that's usually some "I fought the law and I won" type 'True American' privilege shit.
Seriously. .They said that one black girl om Baltimore that got shot by police was a sovereign citizen and I was like...whut.
Anybody have an Android and an iPhone for work?
Reminds me of all the kids in my school wanting to join the military because they were hot shit at Call of Duty and thought it was awesome.
Reminds me of watching teenaged niggas trying a dragon punch before getting stuck in the mouth and kicked as they lay on the floor catching kicks..the fuck are these fools thinking? lol..
Android personal and an iPhone given to them from work? I think my new job will give a work phone and I've never used an iphone.
Shoryuken. 😜Reminds me of watching teenaged niggas trying a dragon punch before getting stuck in the mouth and kicked as they lay on the floor catching kicks..the fuck are these fools thinking? lol..