Use that inertia to get them to the ground. Temple, throat, and then ribs.
Stunned, choking and losing their oxygen. They doing shit after that
Use that inertia to get them to the ground. Temple, throat, and then ribs.
Stunned, choking and losing their oxygen. They doing shit after that
Use that inertia to get them to the ground. Temple, throat, and then ribs.
Stunned, choking and losing their oxygen. They doing shit after that
Throat,eyes,groin etc are taboo unless you are on some crazy evil shit so it usually never happens
Can take them on until you get grabbed or go to the ground
In "Well duh" news:
They're going to say we're planning a race war in here. LOL
Yeah, when your smaller the ground can be your friend. Hard to move all that mass when you're trying to move and strike. Don't give up your back, bring your knees up and strike at whatever's open.
Took them 12 years to figure out?
I'm on the Chinese side! Sorry
Are there reverse weeboos? Like Japanese kids that are obsessed with american culture? That think Teen Titans Go is super highbrow?
It's time we make a game that's unapologetically black. So black that it hurts souls. We need this and we need this now.
Hate fighting big people
How's my skinny ass supposed to get you off my chest?
Just beat me already and stop wasting my time
They're going to say we're planning a race war in here. LOL
Traitor. You and the jandro you rode in on can leave.
They play battlefield and/or think that Tom Cruise is the GOAT
We need a Black Adaptation of Persona 5. Games main story probably the most FUCK THE POWER I've played in a minute
We could make an RPG out of growing up, getting to and from school long enough to level up and go to college. Surviving all the mini-bosses at college(cliques, cops, women/men), getting a job and raising a family while keeping a career until college.
I'm on whatever side El DeBarge is on according to you
Striking first is top tier skillsWell yea, depends on the circumstances of course. Straight up? Gotta hope to catch an opening or be the one to strike first. Big guys are a ton of work. Only happened once and was able to win through getting them on the ground. Guy is a black belt now. No rematches
Can't trust any of you guysI'm on the Chinese side! Sorry
lol i'd be shocked toolol..Never had the pleasure in school. First time I got fucking horribly devastatingly wrecked, I was a bouncer in my 20s and went up against a no neck having co-worker from another club that was roid raging on this tiny little woman for spitting on his car. Dude lifted my 6'4 260 pound ass like I was a fucking sack of potatoes..twice. I was literally laughing on the way up lol..
They're going to say we're planning a race war in here. LOL
the race war in their heads? yes. yes we are.
Striking first is top tier skills
Not trying to be your friend
Thankfully never fought people who studied martial arts altho we had a dude who fought so much he was permanently in this stance
the race war in their heads? yes. yes we are.
They ain't know us and the Latin Americans already got an alliance. (shout to the Mexican deligation's representative hermano Dai)
They ain't know us and the Latin Americans already got an alliance. (shout to the Mexican deligation's representative hermano Dai)
Why Dai get banned?
Welcome darklin0.
scizz got permission from parents to kill y'all watch out
And Latinos had an alliance with Japan since Saint Seiya... Maybe i should come back anyway. Can we get the south east Asians with us and the food reserve then we'll win.
lmao...i wish my parents gave me permission to kill![]()
Can't have nothing.
You all already saw and discussed this?
Another source: (looks like a local news station under ABC)
Matching the description "young black male wearing casual clothing." Pulling up to a group with your gun drawn only escalates a situation. But I'm sure the good officer was fearing for his life and just following protocols.
Matching the description "young black male wearing casual clothing." Pulling up to a group with your gun drawn only escalates a situation. But I'm sure the good officer was fearing for his life and just following protocols.
lmao...i wish my parents gave me permission to kill![]()
you do that over there you end up getting shot at. Soldiers treat Afghans with more respect. And they'll come over here and tell you how American civilian cops have no chill.
Then you're stuck with us. May your 80s ballads be the soundtrack of many victories
This is your fault
what in the FUCK with that video
I think I'd run
Killa Ky putting in work. Watching basketball all afternoon.
In "Well duh" news:
Nah man. That's a sure way to catch some in the back. It's lose/lose but if you don't already have a head start it will go south real quick.
I flinched hard when I saw guns in (edit: london bridge)station. If something was pointed at me I'd either run or break down in tears.
And this isn't me telling you what I think I want to do, that's how it'd go.
I flinched hard when I saw guns in (edit: london bridge)station. If something was pointed at me I'd either run or break down in tears.
And this isn't me telling you what I think I want to do, that's how it'd go.
It's a big difference carrying and using whatever is laying around.
ahh, you mean when mighty mouse was tickling me?
Nah, it's simpler, Balls, balls, and then balls. In whatever order you please.