Pure concentrated fuckery.The hell happened in here
Man, dream of flight is such a good theme song. In fact CIV 6 is full of great music.
The hell happened in here
I don't do that no moreyou weren't here to call the cops
I don't do that no more
I am not a role model.But but without you calling the cops 209 times who will be a Pioneer for the community
I am not a role model.
I need to pick up Civ 6 sometime. Might just end up waiting for the expansion though.
Waste of rum/brandy/moonshine
Get on that apple or plum sake gameBought some Sake today, only wine I have ever liked.
Plum? Now that sounds dope.Get on that apple or plum sake game
Right, also blerds are carving out their own spaces to escape anti-blackness, even if only for a bit.
Also this is a thing.
I am not a role model.
East Beefingston. Duh....
My dude has estates and shit. He's well known.
Was born in London, but now live in Southampton you?This got lost in the last page fuckboi chronicles.
But if you don't mind me asking, Where abouts from the UK are you Beefy ?
Estates? Pfft I have a whole block with my name on it. I drive a Reliant Robin as well,with some tall skinny white boy. We sell stolen garms down the market.East Beefingston. Duh....
My dude has estates and shit. He's well known.
Ahh. Cool cool.Was born in London, but now live in Southampton you?
You stalking me init? Pfft, older men these days. Unless you're my dad?Ahh. Cool cool.
I know this is going to sound shitty. But i'd rather not say. Just somewhere in the UK.
Ahh. Cool cool.
I know this is going to sound shitty. But i'd rather not say. Just somewhere in the UK.
You stalking me init? Pfft, older men these days. Unless you're my dad?
Those had nothing to do with each other. There's no hidden agenda here.
But actually, I think I can summarise.
Unless I start liking Dear White People, or at least not hate it, I'm ignorant about something.
That is to say, (and I'm just repeating my prior edit), I won't make this thread hard to be in for its members until that changes.
And even though y'all won't accept it, I'm very sorry if I caused any distress. I'm not doing any of this on purpose. I feel one way, and even with the intention of changing my opinion, I'm unable to understand.
I fully accept that this is my fault. I still love this thread, despite knowing that I'm not making a better place.
Thank you for letting me post for, I think over a year? With the venting no1curr, or occasional discussion I didn't fuck up in, it has helped. Possibly, my entry to this thread had coincided with the disappearance of my depression so it's been a blast.
And because I feel it coming. I'm not saying I feel persecuted. I feel lost, I feel misinformed and otherwise incapable. I pressed my opinions because I wanted the explanations to get to me, not to debate or argue my point to change yours.
So with that being said...
Going to lock my door tonight and may get Jandro to guard my hall.He doesn't say because he is close to you
Just needed to confirm your location...before the hit
Civ VI turned me from Secret Fawful into Secret ANGRY. I spent two days figuring out how to play it, and spent an entire day on a campaign where I literally went as fast as possible and did everything as well as I possibly could to get a Science victory and I still lost. After a day - long campaign. A whole day flushed down the drain I could have used on game development or writing or ANYTHING ELSE.
The hell happened in here
Cats and dogs, living together, mass hysteriaWhy claim ignorance then when people attempt to educate you go out of your way to ignore them? Then the capper with some "Blacks are built for sports" type shit that sounds like a direct quote from some old white Southerner.
I bought it pretty early on, and I'd say even vanilla that it's done a lot right. It doesn't suffer from what Beyond Earth does, in terms of diplomacy. Haven't picked up a single scenario pack just yet.
only wasted if nobody drinks it.
You stalking me init? Pfft, older men these days. Unless you're my dad?
Was it your first Civ? Tbh, I always lose unless it's a domination or science victory, 'cause those are easiest to get done before the time limit hits.
"i've got 20 minutes until this special starts, might as well check gaf, it's been a while"
*clicks on black feminist festival thread*
*closes tab*
I don't even click on threads like that anymore. I'm too tired at the end of the day for the nonsense that goes down in them.
GAF doesn't exist to me anymore outside of a few community threads.
like we have a fucking horse in here commiserating with us, nigga.
"i've got 20 minutes until this special starts, might as well check gaf, it's been a while"
*clicks on black feminist festival thread*
*closes tab*
LOL. No no. I shouldn't of asked. Sorry.You stalking me init? Pfft, older men these days. Unless you're my dad?
Quiet you.
...Is this a BCT first? A father/son re/union?
He doesn't say because he is close to you
Just needed to confirm your location...before the hit
LOL.Oh. RIP, Beefy.
Lemme hold 50 brexit chips before you go.
Steven Universe?