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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|

A.E Suggs


I don't know, it seems like one of those things there is no right or wrong answer to. I've argued with people in the past by telling them its wrong but its always going to be more people that will tell you nothing is wrong with it than not as long as its not hurting them.

Besides isn't it society what decides whats right or wrong anyway, I mean who's dictating what right or wrong with that issue? Kinda why I just gave up on telling people its wrong and I don't think its one of those issues you can just say its common sense on.

I didn't read that full topic by the way but i'm sure that's about how it went.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
I od'd on chicken tonight.
feels bad man.
I'm currently laying in bed in the fetal position.
big cookout in park... dat 2nd plate

1st plate was a grilled chicken thigh and salad, no dressing



"You are a troubled individual with unique abilities"

can't really deny anything in the test, just don't see how accurate it is.
so has anyone tried this little quiz yet ?


I would have posted my results but I deleted them off my tumblr somehow. I thought it was interesting and fairly accurate.

"You are an enduring fighter, with masked passions."

It seems really accurate, but it could also just be me filling in the blanks with things the description is saying (similar to astrology). Particularly the parts about relationships too.
so has anyone tried this little quiz yet ?


I would have posted my results but I deleted them off my tumblr somehow. I thought it was interesting and fairly accurate.

You are a troubled individual, with unique abilities

Well shit........

Unlike most people, you have a strong — at times destructive — independent streak. Routine tasks are frustrating and often impossible to complete, unless you’ve created them for yourself.

At the moment, you are under substantial stress and anxiety. This is caused by the unshakable feeling that you’re not fully in control of your own life.

An existing relationship in your life, either romantic or business-related, is currently unsatisfactory. You’re presently contemplating the possibility of escape. This can make you irritable or uncomfortable at times, even around the people you love.

Like WTF this is to real!
BlackGAF, wish me a happy birthday today. Damn, I'm 29

Happy Birthday! Don't get so down about your age for today, just relax!

Bombs are about to be dropped. I imagine everytime Bush is clicking the ban button he is saying "suey! "

With this on auto-repeat!

Gotta say, I've never seen a thread get locked and stickied like those two have. But I've never seen threads end up the way those two have, either. It's a weird situation.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
BlackGAF, wish me a happy birthday today. Damn, I'm 29

Happy birthday dude

Bish gonna lay the smackdown on some accounts later apparently, I think most you made the right choice to stay away

Bombs are about to be dropped. I imagine everytime Bush is clicking the ban button he is saying "suey! "

When I saw they were locked and stickied, I knew some heavy shit was about to go down. People get to complacent in threads.


Maybe we should go through those threads beforehand and place bets on who's gonna get it.

I don't see the Egypt thread being a graveyard. It was mainly the OP and LaserBuddha making questionable posts.

The creepy shot thread though is going to be a "sea of grey".


BlackGAF, wish me a happy birthday today. Damn, I'm 29
Happy B Day broham

Happy birthday dude

When I saw they were locked and stickied, I knew some heavy shit was about to go down. People get to complacent in threads.
I like to think people loosen their belts and let their true self show.

Man I didn't post in either of those threads and I'm still scared!
I saw that shit and started sweeting. Then I smiled because it's been too long since Bish went worldbreaker.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
And they still going at it in the Gaf is strict thread.

Yep. People are upset that threads like that are bantraps and mods should do something to prevent it. If its truly a bantrap, mods will step in. Ask faceless.


Yep. People are upset that threads like that are bantraps and mods should do something to prevent it. If its truly a bantrap, mods will step in. Ask faceless.
Can't get mad when you act a fool. Faceless will have his thread one day. He best not forget Lark Voorhies when it happens.


Yep. People are upset that threads like that are bantraps and mods should do something to prevent it. If its truly a bantrap, mods will step in. Ask faceless.

People confuse "ban trap" threads with "moron trap" threads too often on GAF. It's not difficult not to post something offensive in the OT, at least not for people who have respect for different groups of people.


People confuse "ban trap" threads with "moron trap" threads too often on GAF. It's not difficult not to post something offensive in the OT, at least not for people who have respect for different groups of people.
I have opinions that expressed would get me banned from Gaf, am I mad I can't post them here(KFC fans should be publicly whipped)? Hell nah, cause I try to practice commonsense and common courtesy. I am not perfect, but it's not hard to be a fucktard.


not licensed in your state
Thanks fam.

And it isn't hard to post what you feel with some tact in threads. I think most posters just "post" in order to be noticed or to feel better about themselves. That Egyptian thread is proof most posters think they know everything about everything.


That it was funny to watch what used to be colonial Europe enter a state of decline and that it used to be full of muderous douchebags.

You probably shouldn't have edited out so many of your posts in that thread. From what I saw from other posters who quoted those posts, nothing you said was that bad outside of this post:

Naw, he's treating this as an exception to his rule.

I've loved watching Europe slip into a state of decline because of shit like this. Can't wait until it's all over so I can fake out some crocodile tears for ya'll.

And honestly this might have gone under the radar, but all the edits you made make it look like you said much worse.


You probably shouldn't have edited out so many of your posts in that thread. From what I saw from other posters who quoted those posts, nothing you said was that bad outside of this post:

And honestly this might have gone under the radar, but all the edits you made make it look like you said much worse.

Everything I edited was quoted. I'm pretty sure mods can see edits, too. I just wanted people to stop quoting. Oh well, though.
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