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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|


I want to bounce a post-college scenario off yall. All I know is that I want to leave North Carolina and experience something else.

I'm majoring in PR and it seems like I'd have a promising career in it (acc'd to my profs), but I just don't like it at all.
I don't like the people, the attitudes or the work. So I'm not sure I really want to go down that road.

I just feel like I'm at a fork in the road where the roads are:
1) A regular ass career in PR, which I could make do with, but I'd regret it when I'm old. I know I would.
2) Take a risk and hit the reset button on my life and try to make it work. At least if I failed, I tried.

I figure I'll never have as few commitments as I do fresh out of college so it's now or never.
I want to bounce a post-college scenario off yall. All I know is that I want to leave North Carolina and experience something else.

I'm majoring in PR and it seems like I'd have a promising career in it (acc'd to my profs), but I just don't like it at all.
I don't like the people, the attitudes or the work. So I'm not sure I really want to go down that road.

I just feel like I'm at a fork in the road where the roads are:
1) A regular ass career in PR, which I could make do with, but I'd regret it when I'm old. I know I would.
2) Take a risk and hit the reset button on my life and try to make it work. At least if I failed, I tried.

I figure I'll never have as few commitments as I do fresh out of college so it's now or never.
as long as you already have the degree, you can afford to take a risk, even if it means going back the the safe zone later. lots of people don't like their jobs, doesn't mean you should share the same fate...


What sorta risk are you talking about? Going after a different major or pursuing an even riskier passion?

Leaving the state and pursuing another career path as opposed to staying home and going into PR in Raleigh/Charlotte/Gboro.
What that other career path is, I'm not sure yet. I just know I don't want it to be a job that when I wake up the first thing I say is "fuck." Because that's how I feel every morning going into my PR classes.

If I could do it over again, I'd just major in business. Those have been my favorite classes so far. But I'm too burnt out on school to spend the extra time double majoring. I'm running on fumes right now.
Leaving the state and pursuing another career path as opposed to staying home and going into PR in Raleigh/Charlotte/Gboro.
What that other career path is, I'm not sure yet. I just know I don't want it to be a job that when I wake up the first thing I say is "fuck." Because that's how I feel every morning going into my PR classes.

If I could do it over again, I'd just major in business. Those have been my favorite classes so far. But I'm too burnt out on school to spend the extra time double majoring. I'm running on fumes right now.

I know that feel.

After being bounced around at my current job post-"merger", I realized who you work with and overall work environment mean a whole lot. I dislike the field I'm in now, and I'm hopefully only going to be in it for a few more years until I graduate. Working with like-minded people in a cool environment can make most jobs enjoyable, most days I tolerate my co-workers or just feel apathetic about them.

Most of it stems from working with 40+ year olds since I was 18 and being talked down to and under estimated on a daily basis. The best time I ever had working was when I was in retail 16-18 and I really liked the people around me, even when the work we did sucked. I looked forward to hanging out with them at work. Something to think about.
Sometimes I wish I could get some people on GAF and in IRL together in one place to basically run some sort of collective design group based on everyone's diff strengths.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Leaving the state and pursuing another career path as opposed to staying home and going into PR in Raleigh/Charlotte/Gboro.
What that other career path is, I'm not sure yet. I just know I don't want it to be a job that when I wake up the first thing I say is "fuck." Because that's how I feel every morning going into my PR classes.

If I could do it over again, I'd just major in business. Those have been my favorite classes so far. But I'm too burnt out on school to spend the extra time double majoring. I'm running on fumes right now.

Hey I can give advice on this directly cause I worked in PR (I basically media planned "precious" online campaign...lord forgive me) and left the field to pursue a career in maritime business field...

First off don't worry about being old in PR that industry has no love for older employee's or experience so unless you open your own shop or do the corporate thing its unlikely you will be in it forever. Although the corporate route isn't that bad its basically the same shit except not as trendy as working for an agency. Also since about 08 most these places are scamming kids to intern for free and firing older workers and then hiring somebody else as a freelancer. I hear its getting better but shops are still scum bagging people.

Anyhow look changing your career later to go into business is a bitch. So far I have had to come in and take pre-reqs and learn aspects of my field I should of known as an undergrad. I was pretty sure I was going to go to business school but I was lazy as an undergrad and went into PR cause I was good at it.

If I was you I would look at some schools, see what there pre-reqs were, take those courses and then just graduate with PR while studying for the Gmat. A undergrad business degree doesn't automatically mean you can get a job in business but an MBA (or its equivalent) looks a lot better. You can then change direction there since business schools only care about if you've taken the Pre-reqs. Also research the schools and try to get an MBA in a niche it greatly improves you chances at landing a job doing something you will like.


I know that feel.

After being bounced around at my current job post-"merger", I realized who you work with and overall work environment mean a whole lot. I dislike the field I'm in now, and I'm hopefully only going to be in it for a few more years until I graduate. Working with like-minded people in a cool environment can make most jobs enjoyable, most days I tolerate my co-workers or just feel apathetic about them.

Most of it stems from working with 40+ year olds since I was 18 and being talked down to and under estimated on a daily basis. The best time I ever had working was when I was in retail 16-18 and I really liked the people around me, even when the work we did sucked. I looked forward to hanging out with them at work. Something to think about.

Honestly that's the best thing I learned this summer (aside from real world problems).
Love what you do, and who you do it with.

Hey I can give advice on this directly cause I worked in PR (I basically media planned "precious" online campaign...lord forgive me) and left the field to pursue a career in maritime business field...

First off don't worry about being old in PR that industry has no love for older employee's or experience so unless you open your own shop or do the corporate thing its unlikely you will be in it forever. Although the corporate route isn't that bad its basically the same shit except not as trendy as working for an agency. Also since about 08 most these places are scamming kids to intern for free and firing older workers and then hiring somebody else as a freelancer. I hear its getting better but shops are still scum bagging people.

Anyhow look changing your career later to go into business is a bitch. So far I have had to come in and take pre-reqs and learn aspects of my field I should of known as an undergrad. I was pretty sure I was going to go to business school but I was lazy as an undergrad and went into PR cause I was good at it.

If I was you I would look at some schools, see what there pre-reqs were, take those courses and then just graduate with PR while studying for the Gmat. A undergrad business degree doesn't automatically mean you can get a job in business but an MBA (or its equivalent) looks a lot better. You can then change direction there since business schools only care about if you've taken the Pre-reqs. Also research the schools and try to get an MBA in a niche it greatly improves you chances at landing a job doing something you will like.

first off, lol at the Precious thing. i bet that was an experience.

good look on the school advice though. the MBA idea could definitely be something to revisit a few years down the road. but like i said i need a break from school right now. i always thought business would be a good fit but from like 16-20 i had this weird idea that i'd end up as a suit in a cubicle if i went that route. i know that makes no sense, but thats how i saw it lol.

i've never been fond of working for an agency but all the kids in my program love it, and that's all the department really pushes. everything is agency, agency, agency. i like the idea of working in-house for a company a lot more if i went down that road.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Honestly that's the best thing I learned this summer (aside from real world problems).
Love what you do, and who you do it with.

first off, lol at the Precious thing. i bet that was an experience.

good look on the school advice though. the MBA idea could definitely be something to revisit a few years down the road. but like i said i need a break from school right now. i always thought business would be a good fit but from like 16-20 i had this weird idea that i'd end up as a suit in a cubicle if i went that route. i know that makes no sense, but thats how i saw it lol.

i've never been fond of working for an agency but all the kids in my program love it, and that's all the department really pushes. everything is agency, agency, agency. i like the idea of working in-house for a company a lot more if i went down that road.

Working on precious was bad but I give them all the credit in the world cause they turned down sure money just not to work on "Janky Promoter" cause they thought it was stereotypical trash. I cant say all my employers would of done the same even though it was obvious to everyone who saw it.

Anyhow yeah working at an Agency is cool but its not for everybody. I personally hated working in an office with dogs barking and pissing everywhere but nobody else seemed to mind. So yeah In house is cool too cause usually you will be in charge from jump. The most common starting place is usually a restaurant or nightclub but once you get some experience there you can do it for anybody. Look around though it might be different in NC.

A.E Suggs

Sometimes I wish I could get some people on GAF and in IRL together in one place to basically run some sort of collective design group based on everyone's diff strengths.

I'd be all for something like that. In fact I looked into meeting people on gaf, but when I looked in that topic about gaf meet-ups everyone is to damn far! And I ain't catching no planes anywhere I hate planes.


Junior Member
I want to bounce a post-college scenario off yall. All I know is that I want to leave North Carolina and experience something else.

I'm majoring in PR and it seems like I'd have a promising career in it (acc'd to my profs), but I just don't like it at all.
I don't like the people, the attitudes or the work. So I'm not sure I really want to go down that road.

I just feel like I'm at a fork in the road where the roads are:
1) A regular ass career in PR, which I could make do with, but I'd regret it when I'm old. I know I would.
2) Take a risk and hit the reset button on my life and try to make it work. At least if I failed, I tried.

I figure I'll never have as few commitments as I do fresh out of college so it's now or never.

This sounds a lot like me last year. Got my bachelors and had a good paying job in Costco. But I freaked out thinking is this all my life is? I went straight from school to college to full time work by 21 and started to feel BIG pressure from the family to marry no get a house.

I freaked and dropped everything. It felt like I aged by 20 years and the commitment scared me. Luckily I came out of college without a single penny of debt and had a lot of money saved up. At this moment I'm making about 1/10th of what I was last year and it not something I even like. But my god do I feel so liberated.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Marking their territory and being confrontational?

basically. It could just be a NYC thing but a lot of agencies allow dogs in the office. Not all of them... but a lot of them.

One co worker got mad at me cause I made an issue of his dog having an accident by urinating on the media planning side of the office... I wanted to punch him in his face... and in hindsight I still want to punch him in his face. But everybody else was making excuses for him cause they thought he had a cute dog.... but yeah I'v been on interviews where they ask if you mind dogs in the office and if you want the job you better say "I love dogs" cause the dogs sure as hell aren't leaving if you have an issue.
basically. It could just be a NYC thing but a lot of agencies allow dogs in the office. Not all of them... but a lot of them.

One co worker got mad at me cause I made an issue of his dog having an accident by urinating on the media planning side of the office... I wanted to punch him in his face... and in hindsight I still want to punch him in his face. But everybody else was making excuses for him cause they thought he had a cute dog.... but yeah I'v been on interviews where they ask if you mind dogs in the office and if you want the job you better say "I love dogs" cause the dogs sure as hell aren't leaving if you have an issue.

Damn that's crazy, I had one person at my last job who complained all the time about not being able to bring her dog to work.

White people love some damn dogs, it took dating my gf 6 months before she admitted she would rescue me over her dog if she had to choose lol. I would save ANY human being over an animal, even if I didn't know them at all! I swear if white people treated black people as well as they do their fuggin dogs things in America would be equal by now.


So the 90s music thread reminded me how my sister and I loved TLC, Mary J and so on and how she got her hair the way they did.

Or worst the black lipliner thing


Man we looked a hot mess in the 90s, and now the cross fade is coming back in the form a mullet?!? Oh hell no


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
i dont even like obama

but holy fuck

"shit is gonna work out! just trust me! reagan! states rights! liberty! private business!"

i cant
Romney sounded more impressive than Obama but that was less because of the content of what he was saying and more because when you're just BSing everything it's easy to act confident


Romney sounded more impressive than Obama but that was less because of the content of what he was saying and more because when you're just BSing everything it's easy to act confident

In a nutshell, you can be as assertive as you want, not like it's being fact checked on the fly.
Romney reminded me of Gore in 2000. Coming out and just being the loud aggressor doesn't usually work in the long run, especially when your lying about almost everything.


it doesnt matter if you tell the truth in a debate. they arent trying to reach the people that give a shit about accuracy.
all that matters is how you come off.
(shit how the hell you think obama got elected?)
theres a reason why every media outlet is saying romney won (in varying degrees)

obama looked flat out unprepared tonight.
like he thought he was gonna smile, slicktalk and swag his way to re-election.
it makes sense though. romney has way more debate experience than obama.

big w for romney tonight. i can buy him as convincing competition.
although i still think obama cruises it.
i'd love to see obama supporters reactions if romney won. talk about priceless.
but thats just my sick enjoyment of schadenfraude. idgaf who gets elected really though.

it doesnt matter if you tell the truth in a debate. they arent trying to reach the people that give a shit about accuracy.
all that matters is how you come off.
(shit how the hell you think obama got elected?)
theres a reason why every media outlet is saying romney won (in varying degrees)

obama looked flat out unprepared tonight.
like he thought he was gonna smile, slicktalk and swag his way to re-election.
it makes sense though. romney has way more debate experience than obama.

big w for romney tonight. i can buy him as convincing competition.
although i still think obama cruises it.
[spoilers]i'd love to see obama supporters reactions if romney won. talk about priceless.
but thats just my sick enjoyment of schadenfraude. idgaf who gets elected really though.[/spoilers]


But that is how Obama always is.

Many people said Mcain did better in the debates in 08.

People want Obama to be some fire breathing dragon who would eat Mitts heart on stage. But that's not how he has ever been.

He is always going for the level headed demeanor. Which more people respond to over being overly aggressive. If he was going up against a folksy debater like Bill or George he would be in trouble.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
I didn't see any clear cut winners last night. Not sure where everyone else is drawing these concrete conclusions from.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
I can't get over how people think passive aggressive socially inept behavior is appropriate.

Do people really think it's appropriate or do they simply do and say stupid shit in the heat of the moment without thinking?

I look back at the past when I was on some bs and reflect. Hoping the next time I'm in similar situation that I check myself.
Do people really think it's appropriate or do they simply do and say stupid shit in the heat of the moment without thinking?

I look back at the past when I was on some bs and reflect. Hoping the next time I'm in similar situation that I check myself.

Or sending letters to people assuming all sorts of shit about them. Internet depresses me sometimes.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Or sending letters to people assuming all sorts of shit about them. Internet depresses me sometimes.

oh you're talking about that. lol
Dude had to know he was being a dick (is this word banned ?) on some level.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
A few of my friends are real hardcore fuck the government "red pill" types who think voting is pointless.

You know part of me understands the cynicism that leads them to say either candidate doesn't matter. Both major parties have a conservative aspect when leading (not to mention all the disinformation conspiracy theories as well). However, come on republicans are at the very least still running on the majority of the policies Bush the dumber tried that got us (and most the world) in the economic mess we're in now. Then to add insult to injury the guy running for the republican is Mitt "lie when I want to" Romney... I just can't see why they're proud to think they're above it all.
Their diplomacy sucks, they want women back in the 50s and they want gays back in the closet. They say they're "okay" with gay people but this gets betrayed as soon as you ask about giving them the same rights as hetero couples.


I didn't see any clear cut winners last night. Not sure where everyone else is drawing these concrete conclusions from.

Watching the debate I honestly thought the story was going to be both candidates running over the moderator, vs any one person winning the debate. Regardless I think Obama "losing" the debate is a better news story right now, especially when Mitt Romney has been behind in polls/etc for weeks.
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