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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|


While the topic of race is still up I got into it with one of my white friends about how I think morgan freeman is bullshit because he said to stop talking about racism. They said things like jet Bet and essence is segregation and how they think we are all just human. I told them its wrong to say where all human when we are not, and that its right for black people to have a culture because western culture is assimilation. But a mutual black friend agreed with morgan and that pretty much validated me as an "asshole"

I hate that shit.

You believe in reptilians brah?


Lol, not really great stuff, just a year of having to tutor bronies 3 times a week. There was 3 in my group of 16 and they'd talk MLP non-stop. You can't really say shit to students that you wish you could. One of them was 17 and I wanted to tell him that the girl who keeps talking to him was not at all interested in brony culture. But how do you approach it?

For a short story assignment, one of the brony kids wrote a MLP story where he inserted himself in as a pony. I had to tell him to write a new story with original characters, and he invented tons of new ponies (I had to google the names). He was actually a really talented kid, but it was hard to objectively grade MLP fanfic.

You could save them from years of crap.
Lol, not really great stuff, just a year of having to tutor bronies 3 times a week. There was 3 in my group of 16 and they'd talk MLP non-stop. You can't really say shit to students that you wish you could. One of them was 17 and I wanted to tell him that the girl who keeps talking to him was not at all interested in brony culture. But how do you approach it?

For a short story assignment, one of the brony kids wrote a MLP story where he inserted himself in as a pony. I had to tell him to write a new story with original characters, and he invented tons of new ponies (I had to google the names). He was actually a really talented kid, but it was hard to objectively grade MLP fanfic.

Just come out and say you know that phrase nice guys finish last? Well what it should say is bronies do.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Lambo don't got fundamentals, and he's the greatest.


While the topic of race is still up I got into it with one of my white friends about how I think morgan freeman is bullshit because he said to stop talking about racism. They said things like jet Bet and essence is segregation and how they think we are all just human. I told them its wrong to say where all human when we are not, and that its right for black people to have a culture because western culture is assimilation. But a mutual black friend agreed with morgan and that pretty much validated me as an "asshole"

I hate that shit.

It's actually a pretty interesting discussion. A reasonable comparison might be Europe; I am aware that they are all white, but each country there has a pretty distinct culture and they are certainly resisting complete assimilation in to a pan-European state because the French want to remain distinctly French, the British want to remain distinctly British, and so forth.

Whether that is good or bad is a very complex discussion, in itself; I am simply observing the phenomenon and drawing similarities that "regular white people" might appreciate more immediately.

This is without discussing the fact that black people in America were brought here by force. This significantly alters the way they fit in to the US culture, as it's a lot easier to "assimilate in to the culture" when you arrived at that culture voluntarily in the first place. Native Americans also haven't assimilated particularly well for precisely the same reasons.


It's actually a pretty interesting discussion. A reasonable comparison might be Europe; I am aware that they are all white, but each country there has a pretty distinct culture and they are certainly resisting complete assimilation in to a pan-European state because the French want to remain distinctly French, the British want to remain distinctly British, and so forth.

Whether that is good or bad is a very complex discussion, in itself; I am simply observing the phenomenon and drawing similarities that "regular white people" might appreciate more immediately.

This is without discussing the fact that black people in America were brought here by force. This significantly alters the way they fit in to the US culture, as it's a lot easier to "assimilate in to the culture" when you arrived at that culture voluntarily in the first place. Native Americans also haven't assimilated particularly well for precisely the same reasons.

I don't think that's the same thing as he's talking about. I think what hypernima is basically saying is that you can't ignore race because people are discriminated based on it today. Countries like France who produce no statistics about race because of their liberal views about it (We're all French!) also fail to produce statistics about discrimination in the country because of their stance. Now, if we lived in a utopia-like world where people didn't see race and everyone was equal then what Morgan Freeman is saying would work.


I don't think that's the same thing as he's talking about. I think what hypernima is basically saying is that you can't ignore race because people are discriminated based on it today. Countries like France who produce no statistics about race because of their liberal views about it (We're all French!) also fail to produce statistics about discrimination in the country because of their stance. Now, if we lived in a utopia-like world where people didn't see race and everyone was equal then what Morgan Freeman is saying would work. But we don't.

I still don't see why these aren't similar. You're describing distinct cultures segregated by racism, I'm describing distinct cultures segregated by nationalism. In both instances, attempts have been made to bring both cultures together (i.e. to assimilate France with England, or to assimilate Black and White cultures), and in both cases those attempts have been rebuffed.


EDIT: nvm,

Perry makes movies for the lowest common denominator of black people.. I'm happy that he failed.

I imagine that one day he'll just move into production and money collection and let some new minority auteurs and up and comers have a chance. It's the only way, he could become the one who opens doors for the next generation. I watched this 2 hour long documentary once on a young black man who was a movie producer and his struggles to get his movie made and picked up by a name studio. And he worked so hard and was constantly rejected, and I was like damn the black man is just getting worked in this story. And of course at the end, a happy ending, a B-level studio with a smaller release after some "plot corrections". Movie scheduled for release. I was like..wow man this is beautiful.

Until I Googled what the unnamed movie was that he made. It was Biker Boyz. He was acting like this was the great black action drama of it's time. A story that had to be told, it was what drove him. And then I was like...what? This is goddamn Biker Boyz man. A story that barely deserved to be told. Anyway, I guess it's hard to tell you're making crap when you're so close to the project. You're just doing the best you can to make it to the finish line on time. But Biker Boyz?


I imagine that one day he'll just move into production and money collection and let some new minority auteurs and up and comers have a chance. It's the only way, he could become the one who opens doors for the next generation. I watched this 2 hour long documentary once on a young black man who was a movie producer and his struggles to get his movie made and picked up by a name studio. And he worked so hard and was constantly rejected, and I was like damn the black man is just getting worked in this story. And of course at the end, a happy ending, a B-level studio with a smaller release after some "plot corrections". Movie scheduled for release. I was like..wow man this is beautiful.

Until I Googled what the unnamed movie was that he made. It was Biker Boyz. He was acting like this was the great black action drama of it's time. A story that had to be told, it was what drove him. And then I was like...what? This is goddamn Biker Boyz man. A story that barely deserved to be told. Anyway, I guess it's hard to tell you're making crap when you're so close to the project. You're just doing the best you can to make it to the finish line on time. But Biker Boyz?

fuck it i liked Biker Boyz.

we play by our own rules!


I still don't see why these aren't similar. You're describing distinct cultures segregated by racism, I'm describing distinct cultures segregated by nationalism. In both instances, attempts have been made to bring both cultures together (i.e. to assimilate France with England, or to assimilate Black and White cultures), and in both cases those attempts have been rebuffed.

I don't think the example you mentioned isn't similar, but it's a smaller part of the problem of Morgan Freeman's argument on 60 minutes. In your example with France and England trying to assimilate, the reason it failed is because the French and British wanted to keep their distinct identities. Had this not been an obstacle, then assimilation would have happened.

Whereas with black and white culture in the US, even if both cultures wanted to remove their distinct identities, there would still be multiple obstacles to keep complete assimilation from happening, the biggest being ethnicity and the differences in physical appearance. The Trayvon Martin flyer being posted in this thread is a perfect example of what I'm referring to. Trayvon Martin was killed because of how he looked by George Zimmerman who was of a different ethnic group. Had Trayvon Martin looked different/looked like he belonged in a different ethnic group other than black, he would probably still be alive.

Now of course most black people never deal with situations where other ethnic groups are trying to kill them, but the difference in black people's appearance and how black people can be identified as another ethnic group because of it plays a role in the daily life of a black person who is around people of different ethnic origin. Getting rid of black history month, BET, and black culture magazines doesn't solve this issue and assimilation will never happen as long as the way black people look and are treated because of that is still an issue and generally received as a negative (this negativity that's generally seen by other ethnic groups being the second big problem).

I know it looks like I'm downplaying your argument/examples, but I just wanted to explain that the reason many people dislike Morgan's argument goes beyond "pride" in ethnic identity.
I imagine that one day he'll just move into production and money collection and let some new minority auteurs and up and comers have a chance. It's the only way, he could become the one who opens doors for the next generation. I watched this 2 hour long documentary once on a young black man who was a movie producer and his struggles to get his movie made and picked up by a name studio. And he worked so hard and was constantly rejected, and I was like damn the black man is just getting worked in this story. And of course at the end, a happy ending, a B-level studio with a smaller release after some "plot corrections". Movie scheduled for release. I was like..wow man this is beautiful.

Until I Googled what the unnamed movie was that he made. It was Biker Boyz. He was acting like this was the great black action drama of it's time. A story that had to be told, it was what drove him. And then I was like...what? This is goddamn Biker Boyz man. A story that barely deserved to be told. Anyway, I guess it's hard to tell you're making crap when you're so close to the project. You're just doing the best you can to make it to the finish line on time. But Biker Boyz?
Hahaha this made me laugh so hard. Damn fool was driven to make some garbage ass shit.


I don't think the example you mentioned isn't similar, but it's a smaller part of the problem of Morgan Freeman's argument on 60 minutes. In your example with France and England trying to assimilate, the reason it failed is because the French and British wanted to keep their distinct identities. Had this not been an obstacle, then assimilation would have happened.

Whereas with black and white culture in the US, even if both cultures wanted to remove their distinct identities, there would still be multiple obstacles to keep complete assimilation from happening, the biggest being ethnicity and the differences in physical appearance. The Trayvon Martin flyer being posted in this thread is a perfect example of what I'm referring to. Trayvon Martin was killed because of how he looked by George Zimmerman who was of a different ethnic group. Had Trayvon Martin looked different/looked like he belonged in a different ethnic group other than black, he would probably still be alive.

Now of course most black people never deal with situations where other ethnic groups are trying to kill them, but the difference in black people's appearance and how black people can be identified as another ethnic group because of it plays a role in the daily life of a black person who is around people of different ethnic origin. Getting rid of black history month, BET, and black culture magazines doesn't solve this issue and assimilation will never happen as long as the way black people look and are treated because of that is still an issue and generally received as a negative (this negativity that's generally seen by other ethnic groups being the second big problem).

I know it looks like I'm downplaying your argument/examples, but I just wanted to explain that the reason many people dislike Morgan's argument goes beyond "pride" in ethnic identity.

Morgans right though, in that eventually they do need to go away for us to truly become a post racial society. Problem is, we're not even close to that yet. I never saw the interview so I'm not sure if Morgan was arguing that they need to go now, or that at some point in time they need to go away.


If America succeeds, it'll be the greatest thing ever. If it fails, I don't even want to know what comes next. If post racialism can be achieved, it's going to happen here, and it'll be real. But no, we aren't there yet. Not even close. The races have only begun mixing willingly without it being too much of a thing. But it's undeniable that it's happening, but this is more the beginning than the end.
I've always wondered who has it worse in dating; a very short man or a woman with a very unattractive face.

you kiddin' me? the short brothers in my fraternity...dicks seemed to stay wet. don't ask me to explain the shit, I only know it was true.

Now...short and bitchmade? Well that's a different matter entirely. You can be short and Alpha.

I don't think I have any of you guys on Steam/PSN other than Onemic, give me those usernames!

PSN: Yoko337
My Steam page

PSN: Heavenly_Hammer
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ajreynol

Hahaha this made me laugh so hard. Damn fool was driven to make some garbage ass shit.

you guys would be surprised to find out what "plot corrections" as handed down from executives who don't give a shit about your real idea turn out to be.

I was talking with one of my chapter brothers about his experiences in filmmaking. He directed The Brothers and Deliver Us from Eva. Well he also wrote Trippin. I was like, "Gary, what the fuck was up with Trippin?" Basically, he had a script that was funny and worked well...he sold executives on the script, they got a director and everything was going great. During the filming process, however, the higher ups kept coming back with "creative changes" that they believed "made the script funnier". So many of them came down that in the end, the film that was made bore little resemblence at all to Gary's original concept. He had no choice but to accept the changes because that's just how Hollywood works.

So if you happen to watch a movie that seems like a clusterfuck with random shit added in that you can just tell "some Hollywood executive though that would be funny/help sell tickets", you're almost assuredly right. I imagine some of these directors look/act like Michael Rapaport in Bamboozled.


Fortunately he was able to stick to his creative vision with Eva and The Brothers.
I think I was called a prude because I was against girls fucking a guy who was at least twice her age. It's legal, but I thought it was a bit creepy.


Morgans right though, in that eventually they do need to go away for us to truly become a post racial society. Problem is, we're not even close to that yet. I never saw the interview so I'm not sure if Morgan was arguing that they need to go now, or that at some point in time they need to go away.

His context bugs me though. To be post racial in my opinion doesn't mean to ignore and sweep racism under the floor like it doesn't exist, it means to understand and tolerate others culture with respect.
I love that folks call Devo a nun because she is against teachers fucking kids.

So puritanical. Just ignore that I'm living in sin.

I still don't see why these aren't similar. You're describing distinct cultures segregated by racism, I'm describing distinct cultures segregated by nationalism. In both instances, attempts have been made to bring both cultures together (i.e. to assimilate France with England, or to assimilate Black and White cultures), and in both cases those attempts have been rebuffed.

What attempts and how have they been rebuffed? Asking for people to see beyond color is straight up ignorant. People will see color for generations. What needs to change is the assumptions and stereotypes associated with that color. You have literally no great examples in media for people who do not grow up in a diverse place and thanks to the economy, people lower on the socio-economic ladder (many minorities) will not be able to integrate into the middle class more. So what you're left with in various areas is an extremely white population with the token minorities but no real integration or exposure to different cultures and a wide array of people who challenge various stereotypes and generalizations. What people like Morgan do is act like the Civil Rights Movement is over. Frankly I'm tired of people who think the gains by the blacks and the feminists are done and the West is a post-racist, post-sexist society now. This couldn't be further from the truth and when the economy gets bad it's even more apparent.

Just recently urban minorities were targeted for predatory housing loans that crashed the market, and they get blamed rather than the dubious mortgage brokers. Much of our justice system is about throwing the book at black and hispanic youths. Education in urban/low income areas is fucked as ever, which means an even bigger uphill battle for those who want out of their dire economic plight through college. The amount of youths with a college loan anchor and no job/minimum wage job is high. Then you have the denial of casual racism because it just becomes second nature to everyone in terms of profiling.

How the hell do you assimilate this? Or act like we've moved beyond it? Blacks and minorities are still fighting the same shit they did in the 60s. It's been how many decades since Jim Crow and yet the justice system is as racist as ever? A black youth was killed for walking in a suburb? And people like Morgan fucking Freeman just don't want to talk about it. They think we're better off letting the shit simmer and pretending we're in some post-racial wonderland. Fuck him.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
If America succeeds, it'll be the greatest thing ever. If it fails, I don't even want to know what comes next. If post racialism can be achieved, it's going to happen here, and it'll be real. But no, we aren't there yet. Not even close. The races have only begun mixing willingly without it being too much of a thing. But it's undeniable that it's happening, but this is more the beginning than the end.

What about brazil though? they seem pretty liberal on racial matters.


What about brazil though? they seem pretty liberal on racial matters.


Brazil's institutionalized racism is every bit as potent as the United States. They're pretty much a Latin clone of us, from the absurd inequality between whites and blacks within the country, to the omission of non-whites from the media space.


What about brazil though? they seem pretty liberal on racial matters.

Yep they have skin color problems, South America style. It's funny/sad though because South America got more of a direct influence from Africa than America did. But everyone wants to be on the winning team. A lot more brown people, but you'll notice a subtle commonality among the upper classes. They even have a subgenre of porn for 'rich' light skinned girls.


So I saw this thread on another board(thread closed). The OP said that he had been chasing after this girl for sometime and he finally hit it off, had sex with her, became official etc. He said he was talking to her earlier today and they started talking about past relationships. Her ex bf is black, and the OP is having this internal conflict/moral dilemma. Apparently, the fact that she used to date a black guy is an absolute deal breaker, and he's disgusted with her. He said one day he'd like to be married, with children and the mother of his kids can't have slept with black men at some point. He wanted to point out that he wasn't racist(he apparently vouched for a black dude to get a jobs or something).

I picture the thought of BBC probably wakes this guy up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.

I'm curious as to how pervasive this line of thinking is among white dudes and other fellas. I also wonder if white women in general acknowledge this line of thinking and are reluctant to date/fuck brothers because of it. I know it's an issue in porn.


Morgans right though, in that eventually they do need to go away for us to truly become a post racial society. Problem is, we're not even close to that yet. I never saw the interview so I'm not sure if Morgan was arguing that they need to go now, or that at some point in time they need to go away.

Well Morgan Freeman never talked about Jet/BET/etc... He just talked about getting rid of Black History month and not using ethnic labels. Here's the interview if you want to see it:


And here's the transcript:

MIKE WALLACE, CBS`s "60 MINUTES": Black History Month, you find...



FREEMAN: You`re going to relegate my history to a month?

WALLACE: Come on.

FREEMAN: What do you do with yours? Which month is White History Month? Come on, tell me.

WALLACE: I`m Jewish.

FREEMAN: OK. Which month is Jewish History Month?

WALLACE: There isn`t one.

FREEMAN: Why not? Do you want one?

WALLACE: No, no.

FREEMAN: I don`t either. I don`t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.

WALLACE: How are we going to get rid of racism until...?

FREEMAN: Stop talking about it. I`m going to stop calling you a white man. And I`m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman. You`re not going to say, "I know this white guy named Mike Wallace." Hear what I`m saying?

Regardless even if I believed it was possible for people as a whole to not discriminate on other people because of their looks/stereotypes, I don't agree BET/etc need to go away for that sort of society to exist (I'd like BET to go away for other reasons, but that's another subject). It would be one thing if BET/etc were preventing black people from appearing in other forms of media/entertainment that didn't cater to a certain ethnic group. But as they stand they are a non factor.


So I saw this thread on another board(thread closed). The OP said that he had been chasing after this girl for sometime and he finally hit it off, had sex with her, became official etc. He said he was talking to her earlier today and they started talking about past relationships. Her ex bf is black, and the OP is having this internal conflict/moral dilemma. Apparently, the fact that she used to date a black guy is an absolute deal breaker, and he's disgusted with her. He said one day he'd like to be married, with children and the mother of his kids can't have slept with black men at some point. He wanted to point out that he wasn't racist(he apparently vouched for a black dude to get a jobs or something).

I picture the thought of BBC probably wakes this guy up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.

I'm curious as to how pervasive this line of thinking is among white dudes and other fellas. I also wonder if white women in general acknowledge this line of thinking and are reluctant to date/fuck brothers because of it. I know it's an issue in porn.
My first thought is he spends too much time thinking of someone else's dick.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
So I saw this thread on another board(thread closed). The OP said that he had been chasing after this girl for sometime and he finally hit it off, had sex with her, became official etc. He said he was talking to her earlier today and they started talking about past relationships. Her ex bf is black, and the OP is having this internal conflict/moral dilemma. Apparently, the fact that she used to date a black guy is an absolute deal breaker, and he's disgusted with her. He said one day he'd like to be married, with children and the mother of his kids can't have slept with black men at some point. He wanted to point out that he wasn't racist(he apparently vouched for a black dude to get a jobs or something).

I picture the thought of BBC probably wakes this guy up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.

I'm curious as to how pervasive this line of thinking is among white dudes and other fellas. I also wonder if white women in general acknowledge this line of thinking and are reluctant to date/fuck brothers because of it. I know it's an issue in porn.

the idea that she slept with a black man is disgusting? the fuck? im shocked that that actually suprised me.

My first thought is he spends too much time thinking of someone else's dick.

this crossed my mind as well


Well Morgan Freeman never talked about Jet/BET/etc... He just talked about getting rid of Black History month and not using ethnic labels. Here's the interview if you want to see it:


And here's the transcript:

Regardless even if I believed it was possible for people as a whole to not discriminate on other people because of their looks/stereotypes, I don't agree BET/etc need to go away for that sort of society to exist (I'd like BET to go away for other reasons, but that's another subject). It would be one thing if BET/etc were preventing black people from appearing in other forms of media/entertainment that didn't cater to a certain ethnic group. But as they stand they are a non factor.

I understand what he's saying, because at the end of the day you don't want there to be a black history month, you'd us to be able to reach the point of being taught as general history and you dont have to relegate a month to it. I remember that interview now and what I got from it wasn't that he wanted black history month gone today, but that what we should be striving for is for black people to not just be seen as "that black dude", but as just another person. His solution for it sucks though, and just ignoring it solves nothing.


I understand what he's saying, because at the end of the day you don't want there to be a black history month, you'd us to be able to reach the point of being taught as general history and you dont have to relegate a month to it. I remember that interview now and what I got from it wasn't that he wanted black history month gone today, but that what we should be striving for is for black people to not just be seen as "that black dude", but as just another person. His solution for it sucks though, and just ignoring it solves nothing.

I think most of us would prefer black history taught like regular US history. But as long as you have groups like the Tea Party trying to change history books, we still need Black History month and we can't get rid of it until problems like this are solved.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Okay, I'll ask yal... since my boys have dropped the ball on all sides.

This girl I started talking to lately, she's 2 months pregnant... aaaaaaaaaaand she's cool as fuck among all the other requirements and prerequisites.

I don't... know why I'm doing this lol.


Okay, I'll ask yal... since my boys have dropped the ball on all sides.

This girl I started talking to lately, she's 2 months pregnant... aaaaaaaaaaand she's cool as fuck among all the other requirements and prerequisites.

I don't... know why I'm doing this lol.

Make sure you take your simp detector, this sounds like it could turn fast.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Make sure you take your simp detector, this sounds like it could turn fast.

Naw, she keeps paying every time I ask her to go out or to bring me back something for lunch. All I wanted to do was hit and have someone to keep me warm this winter, but she's actually cool as shit - I just... I've never dealt with a pregnant woman. I have no idea what to expect or watch out for.


Naw, she keeps paying every time I ask her to go out or to bring me back something for lunch. All I wanted to do was hit and have someone to keep me warm this winter, but she's actually cool as shit - I just... I've never dealt with a pregnant woman. I have no idea what to expect or watch out for.

Free Milk?
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