He quit the Avengers. Apparently gonna be starting Heroes for Hire back up. Still married to Jessica Jones. He's doing good for himself.So how's Luke Cage doing nowadays?
I don't either. So that makes two members.I feel like Im the only member of black gaf that doesn't read comics :/
He quit the Avengers. Apparently gonna be starting Heroes for Hire back up. Still married to Jessica Jones. He's doing good for himself.
Code: Jefferson, we have an Affirmative Action thread. Repeat Code: Jefferson.
I feel like Im the only member of black gaf that doesn't read comics :/
How many community centers have he saved?
Black Panther obviously couldn't hook up with a white super girl. Marvel thought their readership couldn't relate to interracial relationships.
Studios have been scared of interracial relationships in media.
I'm pretty sure that if Michelle Obama was white, cities would burn.
Did they fuck? Because she showing a lot of flesh and my man got his shirt off.
Edit: Yup. I see she has his jersey on, lol.
haha, really?This set comic boards on fire.
Incorrect.I feel like Im the only member of black gaf that doesn't read comics :/
*ahem*I feel like Im the only member of black gaf that doesn't read comics :/
The Justice Society exists in their own universe in the book "Earth 2." Of course, they haven't officially formed as the JSA yet. Right now it's GL, Flash, Hawkgirl, and Atom.hold on what's the status of the justice society after the reboot? i thought it was gone, so how do they know each other now?
I mean Hudlin did do more than his share of fan service but
Man without fear was horrible man... Just the concept of a BP being a king that would leave his Wakanda and his wife. In the midst of the worse disaster possible (that he personally pressed the red button on). To run a diner in the hood and stop street crime as a favor to a daredevil who needed a "break" after going evil.... is abhorrent to me as a BP fan. Forget that finding himself excuse, that was just an excuse to make him go to an urban setting. I mean he fought Friggin Hate-monger in Harlem that was about 4-6 issues of that run right there ... and then that American Panther bullshit...
Black Panther was a arrogant ubermensh from his creation. The very first thing he did was beat up the Fantastic 4 cause he thought it would be a challenge. I mean Priest concept behind a urban BP made sense by changing the man behind the mask. But hell the whole man without fear storyline felt like BP was giving only half assed attempts, to the point the fans complained about it all the time. They complained so much that the writer at the time had BP give a internal monologue saying he was bullshitting in NY to try to explain how out of character he was acting in the series.
Now watch Marvel completely ignore the fact that old BP... original BP would of hunted down and attempted to kill Doom and Namor as first priority. Don't get me wrong Marvel has been knocking it out the park imho with these "revolution now" books but BP has been shitty (save BP Secret Invasion) since Hudlin left
Man I don't know these comic people. That's Power Girl and who else?
Mister Terrific
third smartest man on the planet, though I can't say they've ever specifically pointed out who's ahead of him.
im sorry, what is the issue with panther being in an urban sprawl thats so upsetting? hes trained in many places all over the world, hes left wakanda for the avengers, and he didnt just leave wakanda high and dry to fend for itself after the vibranium fallout either, so it wasnt like he just said, fuck it im out and just fled.
as for his early appearances, thats great, but hes evolved so much more than that over the years. hwe go from having the a man who prepares a 30+ man team of his greatest scientists for months to attempt to trap mephisto in a house to remove his heart, vs the switch that disassembles guns that he suddenly has on him. i know preparing for the impossible, but really? and which fans complained about man without fear? i read every issue, and i didnt hear a word, nor did i hear anything negative in my usual haunts. i mean, the panther vs kraven stuff was awesome until storm got involved.
however, i will agree with you when it comes to namor and doom. there must be some bullshit at work if he doesnt kill them and make their land his own.
There are long ass CBR thread, arguably long enough to justify being an OT here that went in on man without fear, and Like I said Panther in the city was cool but that wasn't realistic for T'challa and his reasoning for going there was slim. Doomwar just ended. There was no reason for him to go to NY to regain himself. and yeah Hudlin jumped the shark a little but that too me is better than BP hotwiring some old reed richards technology and then patting himself on the shoulder for improvising. There was a reason why the final arch vs the Kingpin took a much more normal approach of over preparedness than the rest of the series. on CBR they were going in on the writer for having the king of Wakanda bootleg tech that would be inferior to wakanda tech.
why would he use wakandan tech in that scenario when he was trying not to use wakandan technology? he was pretty barebones on everthing in man without fear. hotwiring something of reed richards is nothing to scoff at, even if you have people that can do better. leaving wakanda makes sense as a finding himself period, doom called him on his bullshit, and in essence, he wasnt much better than doom in the things he had done. getting down to basics could help, and matt gave him a way to excercise that. as for why he went. mainly because matt asked him to.
that to me is the whole problem Doom calls him out then he goes to ny to fight smaller fish. Him hotwiring Reeds stuff instead of inventing new non vibranium stuff... I just seems like a long excuse to as you say deconstruct BP cause a couple of writers wanted to do it.
No, it looks like shit. May as well be canceled already.Meagan Good has her new drama on NBC in the spring. It looks pretty interesting.
so when im home i watch a fuckton of tv to catch up on the shit i missed at school
one of the things that surprised me is how well so many of the major actresses from black movies are doing right now.
Taraji Henson is a star in Person of Interest.
Meagan Good has her new drama on NBC in the spring. It looks pretty interesting.
Tamala Jones on Castle.
I hope Regina Hall bounces back from L&O:LA getting cancelled. She's a really underrated actress.
Zoe Saldana (claim dependent upon the day & location lol) is practically A-list now.
sn: Kerry Washington doesn't really count (?) but between Scandal and Django she's balling too.
im drawing a blank but there's gotta be more.
I've never watched anything just because Meagan Good or any other hot girl was in it, not gonna start now.
I touched on this in a piece I wrote about Race and Hollywood. Pretty much all of the marquee black actors and actresses got their starts in Black films. People complain about Tyler Perry and other forms of Black movies, but his existence is necessary to guarantee the nurturing of future actors and perpetuation of current star's careers. People like Denzel Washington and Samuel L. Jackson made it big on the back of Spike Lee joints, and more recently, Zoe Saldana and Columbus Short got their starts in films like Drumline and Stomp the Yard. If these institutions didn't exist for black actors, then there'd probably be little no American black actors of note due to Hollywood's insistence on only casting well known black actors. They're willing to reek the benefits of said actors once they're established, but they're not willing to take the chance to build them up like they do for white actors.
This set comic boards on fire.
I feel like Im the only member of black gaf that doesn't read comics :/
This set comic boards on fire.
White woman page? Is this a hidden page in the phonebook?!?!?noone posted the white woman page?
so when im home i watch a fuckton of tv to catch up on the shit i missed at school
one of the things that surprised me is how well so many of the major actresses from black movies are doing right now.
Taraji Henson is a star in Person of Interest.
Meagan Good has her new drama on NBC in the spring. It looks pretty interesting.
Tamala Jones on Castle.
I hope Regina Hall bounces back from L&O:LA getting cancelled. She's a really underrated actress.
Zoe Saldana (claim dependent upon the day & location lol) is practically A-list now.
sn: Kerry Washington doesn't really count (?) but between Scandal and Django she's balling too.
im drawing a blank but there's gotta be more.
I feel like Im the only member of black gaf that doesn't read comics :/
Wait that's her in Django? Damn now I have to see it. Ever since Last King of Scotland man...
I don't read superhero comics just because of all the canon involved. There's so much of it spanning across so many series over such an insanely long period of time. The fact that DC needs to constantly reboot is proof of this. The length of shonen fight epics has put me off too.
Whenever I do read comics I pretty much just stick with one-shot graphic novels or isolated series, and even then only in the form of trade books.
After finishing up DMZ, right now I'm on Northlanders (about as white as you can get I guess), Vinland Saga, and thinking about investigating Vagabond since Blade of the Immortal is nearing its conclusion.
Wait that's her in Django? Damn now I have to see it. Ever since Last King of Scotland man...
I've never watched anything just because Meagan Good or any other hot girl was in it, not gonna start now.
Man. Your just like me, lol. No joke. As I said above. If I at least see an attractive girl on the show. You better believe I'm glued.see half the time that's what'll make me interested in the show in the first place.
i would have neeeeeeeeeever checked that Apartment 23 comedy if krysten ritter wasnt the star.
Ironfist/ Misty KnightSo gf has a crazy idea we should go as a interracial couple next halloween the only on i could think of is powerman/luke cage and jessica jones