Get on this boat, onemic. Noel is the best FF hero since Zidane.
Get on this boat, onemic. Noel is the best FF hero since Zidane.
Get on this boat, onemic. Noel is the best FF hero since Zidane.
Get on this boat, onemic. Noel is the best FF hero since Zidane.
aisha tyler is on friends lmao. is this real life?
i always knew about it but seeing it is fucking hilarious.
I don't know who the fuck Noel is, but nothing of ff13 is touching ff9. NUFFIN.
Speaking of Aisha, anybody watch Archer? Aisha voices Lana.
I love this show.
I've been thinking of hoping on the Vita train pretty soon. Never finish Persona 4 and would love to get back into it.
I've been thinking of hoping on the Vita train pretty soon. Never finish Persona 4 and would love to get back into it.
ended up making a thread for it.
we'll see how it goes. I didn't bait any responses, so it may not be as entertaining as it could have been.![]()
god damn!!! i need to do that someday... maybe not here in GA, since it might end in gunfire, but damn!Two years ago my wife and I went as Christina Ricci and Sam Jackson in "Black Snake Moan". Had her on a chain in public on a way to a buddy's party and everything. Some of the looks we got on the way to his apartment were beyond salty, I legitimately thought I might have to fight somebody before we arrived.
oh wow, i don't think i could even attempt that in GAHahaha. At least you weren't OJ and she wasn't zombie Nicole Brown. Then everybody would be mad.
I don't know who the fuck Noel is, but nothing of ff13 is touching ff9. NUFFIN.
Speaking of Aisha, anybody watch Archer? Aisha voices Lana.
I love this show.
ended up making a thread for it.
we'll see how it goes. I didn't bait any responses, so it may not be as entertaining as it could have been.![]()
This set comic boards on fire.
I've been thinking of hoping on the Vita train pretty soon. Never finish Persona 4 and would love to get back into it.
god help me, final fantasy 13-2 is my game of the year. noel's theme shits.
god help me, final fantasy 13-2 is my game of the year. noel's theme shits.
Two years ago my wife and I went as Christina Ricci and Sam Jackson in "Black Snake Moan". Had her on a chain in public on a way to a buddy's party and everything. Some of the looks we got on the way to his apartment were beyond salty, I legitimately thought I might have to fight somebody before we arrived.
Get on this boat, onemic. Noel is the best FF hero since Zidane.
Yeah, no. Balthier takes a gigantic dump on both of them. So do Basch, and Auron if we're going to get really picky.
That being said FFXIII-2 is an EXTREMELY underrated game. People are writing it off en masse because of XIII's failings, when it's really the best traditional jrpg we've gotten this gen. Everyone clamoring for Chrono trigger II really needs to play this game. It made my best RPGs ever list at #10 or so.
Yeah, no. Balthier takes a gigantic dump on both of them. So do Basch, and Auron if we're going to get really picky.
That being said FFXIII-2 is an EXTREMELY underrated game. People are writing it off en masse because of XIII's failings, when it's really the best traditional jrpg we've gotten this gen. Everyone clamoring for Chrono trigger II really needs to play this game. It made my best RPGs ever list at #10 or so.
Dude this better not be some hyperbole, cuz I'm not going to be happy if I have to play ff13(in order to play XIII-2)to play a game of this caliber.
I'm actually considering playing it. I will co-sign Balthier being a G tho.
You don't need to play the first really.Dude this better not be some hyperbole, cuz I'm not going to be happy if I have to play ff13(in order to play XIII-2)to play a game of this caliber.
I'm actually considering playing it. I will co-sign Balthier being a G tho.
Just saw you can get both for. $10 each on the gaming side.
You don't need to play the first really.
Today is my 25th birthday and I'm already depressed. So much for good luck and happy thoughts on 12/12/12.
Today is my 25th birthday and I'm already depressed. So much for good luck and happy thoughts on 12/12/12.
Dude this better not be some hyperbole, cuz I'm not going to be happy if I have to play ff13(in order to play XIII-2)to play a game of this caliber.
I'm actually considering playing it. I will co-sign Balthier being a G tho.
It's not hyperbole. FFXIII-2 is an extremely well done time traveling RPG that handles multiple timelines and alternate outcomes really well. Playing through 13 isn't necessary, you can get the gist of the storyline via wikipedia or youtube, and you're good to go. The story really doesn't connect with FFXIII TOO much, but you'll want to understand who certain people are. Hope plays a big role here for instance, but strangely enough Lightning is barely in it.
Things I liked about it:
*FFXIII took about 20 hours to get going. this one drops you immediately into the action without a lot of tutorials and handholding.
*Noel and Serah are your two mains, and you have the ability to customize their fighting style (based on the "roles" seen in FFXIII) to your liking. There's weapon customization here also, and it's not hilariously broken like it was in the previous game. Weapons are easily obtainable and easily upgraded. Someone else mentioned Noel is the best hero since Zidane- I don't really agree, but Noel and Serah are pretty likable and don't grate on me to the extent that FFXIII's cast did (sans Sazh, who was awesome.)
*Your third party member is a monster character i.e. pokemon, and these all have different fighting styles. They can be switched out mid-combat as well with a couple of other ones, so your potential party is pretty large. Monsters can also be fused and cannibalized into other monsters to mix and match abilities. I didn't think I'd like the monster characters as much as i did. There's also the option to have returning characters from FFXIII in the third slot, if you're feeling nostalgic.
*It's extremely nonlinear. Its packed full of sidequests that require timehopping between timelines and locales to solve, and there are a TON of puzzles of a fairly wide variety. One that I'm particularly fond of has you manipulating the weather on a certain stage, changing the layout and enemies in the process. There's also a couple of quiz games (one is well hidden) that I thought were pretty fun.
*There's a monster arena that's full of hard ass optional bosses- some are party members from FFXIII that join you when you beat them, some are callbacks to bosses from previous FF games. Gilgamesh, Ultros, and Omega Weapon can be fought here, and will join you as a third party member if you can beat them.
*much like chrono trigger, postgame allows you to go back and beat bosses you couldn't beat the first time around, leading to "paradox endings" that change the outcome of the game. unlike chrono trigger, there's no need to play through the entire game again to see these, you can simply select an era, "rewind" time to undo your actions that took place, and play through it again as if no one has met you yet. Pretty clever.
Things I didn't like:
*The storyline is typical jrpg silliness, nothing special here. The standard tropes are in full force.
*It's not as hard as the previous game. you can probably cruise through it without too much difficulty, optional bosses aside. Of course, picking a weaker third party member ups the difficulty.
*DLC! there's a lot of it, most of which are costumes and whatnot, but the arena bosses are sadly part of this too. I'm not a fan, but again none of it is necessary to get the most out of the game. it's all bonus.
It can be had for 20 bucks new or less these days, there's literally no reason not to pick it up if you're a fan. Just about every single complaint with FFXIII was addressed here and done well.
Today is my 25th birthday and I'm already depressed. So much for good luck and happy thoughts on 12/12/12.
Have any of you guys played Nier?
Im way from home struggling and missing my ppl. Said part is i maybe going home next week failing at what i came here to accomplish. Horrible feeling but i know i cant give and will have to comeback in a few months to try again.Happy birthday man. But what's wrong?
Why is Five guys so fought over?
Olive Garden chicken alfredo is GOAT, and Five Guys averageness disguised with a drink cup full of fries.
I have yet to try Five Guys but I hope that will change soon
Same here despite posting about it ages ago. Eventually I will.I have yet to try Five Guys but I hope that will change soon
I feel sorry for your mother.
5 guys is average when it comes to burgers, but above average in the fastfood world.
I fully accept my ignorance about what constitutes quality Italian
I fully accept my ignorance about what constitutes quality Italian is completely responsible for why I like Olive Garden. Kinda like how people who don't know about good fried chicken just eat at KFC. If I had experience with something better I would probably drop it but it's cheap and satisfies my inexperienced taste buds so it stays on rotation.