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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|


blackgaf students get their final grades yet?

somehow, someway i got 3 Bs, a B+ and a B-.
i have no idea how because i was dreading checking my grades since i dragged ass for a large part of the semester.

my GPA wouldnt be so bad except for Fall 11 semester i pulled a 2.06.
of course that's the first semester that i moved into my house and i neverwent to class.

I get my grades tomorrow. I think I failed Writing 3 but I think i got a A and 2 B's in my other Classes.
i still havent seen a Wii U in person yet.
i walked around Best Buy when i got my Beats the other day looking for a demo station.
i don't want one. i just want to see what's up with it. i thought the Wii was stupid as fuck until i got to try it.

i saw 4 in Sam's Club on Black Friday when we dropping my cousin off to get her 96 cent Galaxy S3

A.E Suggs

blackgaf students get their final grades yet?

somehow, someway i got 3 Bs, a B+ and a B-.
i have no idea how because i was dreading checking my grades since i dragged ass for a large part of the semester.

my GPA wouldnt be so bad except for Fall 11 semester i pulled a 2.06.
of course that's the first semester that i moved into my house and i neverwent to class.

I'll have to find my old report card and then i'll let ya know. I've finished college awhile back, I feel old but I can't be older than everyone here. Anybody over 25?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I'll have to find my old report card and then i'll let ya know. I've finished college awhile back, I feel old but I can't be older than everyone here. Anybody over 25?

27. dont know much about the college experience though since i had to put a lot of that on hold until recently
Work w/ me here D-V lol. No i get what youre saying. For me its largely a motivation thing, not ability. Im like a roller coaster. And it shows when i look at my gpa by semester. After my fall 11 semester i've been a whole lot better about taking school more seriously.
Nah I feel you, I was messing with you. I was thinking about your post from the perspective of a meeting I was at a few years back. When I was on the National Exec. Board for NSBE, I got flown out to Seattle to meet with other leaders of the major minority enigneering, business and professional societies. It was held on Microsoft's campus and on Microsoft's dime. Even met a number of their executives over dinner at some swanky restaurant. Anyway, the basic subject matter surrounded how we could get more minorities and women into the "pipeline", K-12. For the uninitiated, it just means how we can get more K-12 kids on track to becoming scientists and engineers.

One of the more memorable moments for me during that time was a study the President of SWE (Society of Women Engineers) talked about her organization had commissioned. I typically hate studies because they rarely have an effective "control" group (like Chemistry, where no other differences exist except that one thing you're testing), so the conclusions of many studies can be challenged as being caused by other reasons. Well not this study. This one was simple. It asked respondents a single, simple question:

"What was the minimum acceptable grade you could bring home to your parents?"

Goddamn. It can't be misunderstood or misinterpreted. It's not the kind of question that causes people to lie and say what they wish were true. People just put the truth on the table.

Answers? For Black and Latino families, the average answer was a "C". For white families, a "B". For Asian families, an "A".

Our people chronically underachieves, and in part because the expectations for our children are lower than they are for people of other ethnicities. If we (including teachers and parents) don't expect excellence from ourselves and each other, nobody else will either...and when they finally kill off Affirmative Action and similar programs, most black folk are going to be perpetually stuck going to Colleges with less impressive academic reputations. I remember back when I first got to college, I read that exactly 1 black person got admitted into UC - Berkley's engineering program. ONE. Why? Partially because they killed off Affirmative Action, and had decided that even those black inner city kids that were getting A's weren't going to be able to cut it at Berkeley because the quality of education they received wasn't sufficient. So the kids weren't even going to get a chance to prove that they belong.

Blah blah blah. Anyway, if you or anyone can fight harder, do so. If you can get a tutor or surround yourself with over-achievers that study well, do so and learn their techniques. There's no swag in having to go to your second or third choice for your college experience because your first and second options said you're not impressive enough.


the sad thing is i cant think of anything that can be done large scale to change these perceptions within our community. i truly believe its too ingrained w/in the culture. i don't mean to sound like i'm giving up on us, but i don't see a lot to be optimistic about.


I went to the mall to get a polo from the Nautica store, and this elderly Filipino lady was straight ice grilling me, eyes were like a hawk . I suppose it was mostly in part to the polos I was looking at being right at the exit. Even then I couldn't help but laugh to my self, thinking of Don't be a menace. "Hurry up and buy".


Junior Member
Ugh. My parents were actually both pretty high-achievers in high school so they were all on me about academics. I personally think our generation of black folks are in a bit of a unique position though. Not to generalize, but our parents were the first generation of black people in the US to get anywhere near the same opportunities as whites, so from what I've seen they tend to have high expectations for us.

That might be just my situation though. My parents were the first people in both of their family histories to graduate from college. Many of my aunts and uncles had to pass high school/college equivalency many years later (despite being older than my parents). My mom was high school valedictorian and my dad 10th in his class -- though this was rural Arkansas during the 70's we're talking about. I can definitely tell you that my brother and I didn't get at their level.

The result is clear though: while most of my family is still just trying to get by in Arkansas my parents collectively sit in the top 2 percent of American incomes. They've had to hold up a lot of the rest of the family financially in various ways over the years.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
B's were acceptable in my house. A C was considered damn near failing and while it would keep you out of summer school you would still be in trouble for a few weeks.
My mother was strict when it came to grades. It didn't help that my neighbours were Asian and their mother would always be bragging to my mother about her kids grades. I remember I got a 69 in math one year and I was pleading with my teacher to bump it up to 70, but he refused and my mother enrolled me in summer school.
Bs were acceptable, maybeeeee one C would be ok. Two are more, or a D!? That's your ass

God have mercy on your mothafuckin' SOUL you came home with a F. You pray to whatever diety you gotta to make sure you don't come home with that grade.


I somehow conned my parents into not giving a fuck about my education. Up until HS, they were balls to the wall about achievement. I wish I could remember what I told them to back off because it must've been amazing. Ever since then it's been "You're right. It's your education. Not ours. So handle it yourself." Not to say they didn't completely care but they stopped bothering me about it.

I remember one year in HS I failed 3rd quarter of Algebra 2 (1, 2 & 4 I got As lol) because I didn't do anything. You know what my parents did? They laughed at me and then told me I had to go the spring break grade recovery thing. No yelling, no punishment or anything. In some way it felt worse than them being angry because it truly was completely my own fault.
My parents have always been big on academics. I never really knew what an acceptable grade because the lowest grade I got through graduation was a B.
For some reason in 9th grade, I just didn't give a damn about school. Had a C average for pretty much the whole year until i ended up failing two classes and had to go to Summer school. Moms was pissed. She didn't beat my ass or anything but she definitely put me in check.

A.E Suggs

about to be 35 in 11.5 months

Well that made me feel better :). I know Htown and Dy have also got to be older than me.

I finished college on my wrestling scholarship, I took a semester off and they made me pay that part back. I wish I had known that before I did that but during that time I had to take off due to an emergency.


dafuq, lenny kravitz..
That scarf is made of lulz. That's just trying too hard, man.

Also, in my family it was As or nothing until my kid sister was born (when I was 17, lol). My parents, older and wiser, thought that the ultra-high expectations they had of me and my brother maybe worked against us, so they relaxed things a little for her. In this day and age, Bs are probably a little more acceptable for them now.


Anything below a B was a death sentence in my parents home from elementary-high school. And by "death sentence" I mean no going outside to play, no phone, no TV, no games, no internet, nothing until the next report card (and tutoring would be the next step if you didn't pull your grades up). But for every A on my report card my parents paid out 20 bucks (10 dollars for Bs), so I had two incentives for not getting Cs or below on my report cards.

Bet that giant is pissed dude stole his scarf.

Either that or he's taking fashion cues from Piccolo.
if you don't mind me asking, what was your major dream-visions ? you went to UC Berkeley ?

Computer Science and History.

And no, went to the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. Primarily for the top 5 Engineering program. Also did the fraternity thing and some other organizations. Best of times, to be sure.
This guy is still going on about his guns on FB. LOL

Asked me for my sources like I was bullshitting my way through our conversation like him.

He tried to bring up Switzerland as a shinning beacon of gun freedom.

The Swiss have a stupid low homicide rate, so I get why he tried to compare the two. The cultures between America and Switzerland are night and day due to their required service in the armed forces. But I didn't get into that cause I thought he would see it as me making excuses.

Anyway they have a less than 1 in 100k homicide rate which is really great (US had 4.2 in the same year). The bad news is out of their .7 homicides per 100k citizens almost all of them (.5) are carried out with guns.

In addition to that, despite having an awesomely low murder rate of .7 per 100k they have a 3.5 death by firearm rate per 100k citizens lol. (US has 9.2 per 100k)
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